NAA 22 short or NAA 22 lr????

Started by djobala, March-31-11 17:03

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Hi folks I am looking at buying a 22 short or 22 long and can not decide on which. I like the fact that the short is smaller but ammo for the lr is in abundance and theres more to chose from .  Any advice? I already have the 22 mag pug and want one even smaller. Thanks in advance.


Djobala.. Might as well buy the short and get it

   over with. Maybe what I should have said was,

   buy them both and get it over with. The short

   is neat, and then you know you have the smallest one. The short is a gotta have.../


i had a magnum and then got the short. still havent gotten a long rifle yet since i have the magnum convertible. The short is really a cool little gun.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


The shorts are the smallest possible 5 shot

   revolver on the market, and worth getting for

   those times when you want to be armed and  

   prepared but don't want to call allot of

   attention to yourself or carry a larger or

   heavier firearm.  It fits in your pocket

   with your pocket knife.


   But if it's versatility your after, the Black

   Widow Conversion will allow you to shoot all

   3 types of .22 ammo.  Shorts, LR, and Magnums.


   That is why I chose it.

   And I have not been disappointed.





And Boom......There it was!!!!


Thanks for the responses and MDE I wanted something smaller then my pug that's smaller then the BW. I could send in for conversion as well. But want to add the next little brother or sister to the hopefully growing family. I appreciate all opinions and am concerned about finding inexpensive 22 short ammo and 22 lr is everywhere I its between these two. Dj

cedarview kid

I've said it before and I'll say it again--when in doubt, buy them both. It saves you time deciding and you'll probably eventually get your second choice anyway. ;)


Dj, You can't go wrong with either one, more different types of ammo available for the LR, but the cool factor is with the shortie, at 3/8 inch shorter. I have to get one of those. As it happened, my first one was the LR with the short barrel. Later I got the mag conversion and it still seems "clunky" compared to the little LR. You will see that the small frame gun, LR or short, is much narrower at the muzzle and lighter than the Pug and can hide in smaller places.


There is a chance a short would not go through winter coat or leather jacket, but 22 Lr CCI Stinger  would


The .22 short model is simply a shortened .22LR model so the pressures involved with the .22LR are no problem for the shorts cylinder. I have fired many .22LR rounds through short models and had absolutely no issues at all. This is done by simply trimming the bullet nose until it is short enough to fit in the short's cylinder. This also gives you a lighter bullet and extremely high velocities are reached making the tiny gun an amazing SD option. Using Yellow Jackets is an easy way to do this because trimming to the truncated cones base is an easy way to get the round to proper length without special tools but I have had FTF issues with them recently.


   In no way do I implement any responsibility by me or NAA for anyone doing this properly or improperly. Although found to be an easy and totally safe operation when done properly said procedure is outside of the intended use for this gun.


Once again thanks to all for advice and opinions its truly appreciated ;>) I think I'm leaning towards 22 short. DJ


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I would opt for the .22LR


   As mentioned ammo is easier to find and cheaper as well. I can easily hide my 1 1/8th .22lr mini revolver without size being an issue.


Believe it or not, but my wife was the instigator of the "buy `em both" plan. When I was choosing between two handguns once, she looked me square in the eye and said, "Buy `em both. You`re gonna by one today and you know you`re going to buy the other one later, and the price might go up."


   Hard to argue with logic, especially when it comes to guns!

cedarview kid

Wow, Dan, you got a keeper there. ;)


Hey Dan that's sounds good but I just bought a naa pug and a 9mm walther pps since January. Got the gun bug and want another. Something small and the 22 short and 22 lr are the contenders. Maybe one day I will have both. Going for ccw/cpl class next week and when time comes want to alternate from pug, pps and ???. I go to range with the two I have and will with the next I get as well for fun and practice. Thanks again guys!!!!


Get both, because if you get only one, you won't be able to stop until you have all three, anyway.


Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent

top dog

OK,might as well get one of each of the entire NAA line up. You are going to wind up doing that anyway!!!!



   Nice collection there!!!


                        Top Dog


Thank you, TD


   Since that pic, I made/mounted stone grip panels made from Jade.




   I tried to match the color & grain, side-to-side, as much as I could from the stones I had - but when working with natural products, what you see is what you get.



Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Wow nice collection Peitro. Decisions Decisions still don't know what Im going to do. Short is smallest which I like but ammo less available here in MI. LR rounds are everywhere so for range/shooting that might be the way to go. And yes if I could spend another 400 at this time I would get both but can't so its one or the other at this time. So besides the ammo difference the only other is about 3/8 of inch between the two. Was leaning towards short but lr is still a big contender. This sucks!!!!!! LOL DJ

top dog

Certainly those are BEAUTIFUL!!!  Superb job!!!


   After seeing those photos,I went to the range and fired many rounds through my NAA 22 lr mini,just to stay in trim!!


                            Top Dog


Thank you, all.


   For those interested in making their own grip panels, I tried to post a separate "how to" thread, but musta messed up, since it's somehow attached to the top of THIS thread. (doh)


   Anywaay, here's the link to the photo tutorial:">


Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Very interesting idea.......


   Have to start looking around for "Stuff" to make them out of.






Can anyone offer tips on how to get a firm hold on the Short? It's so small that I have trouble gripping it and controlling it--I miss the target completely at only 3 yards. And with a two-handed grip, I have trouble keeping my supporting hand clear of the cylinder gap.


Try what some call the cup and saucer hold, basically you support your shooting hand by holding the shooting hand underneath with your off hand, I use my right hand under my left, shooting, hand, my left hand is held on the knife edge with the swell of my right hand supporting my little finger, the part that follows my right thumb. It's much easier to do than describe, but I've got about 12 of these little revolvers, and that's what works for me.





if you use the grip that Doc Stadig describes and modify it by placing your off hand's thumb against the back strap it will help you to keep control of the gun while you pull the trigger.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I've had best shooting results, with ALL my Mini's, by following a long-ago Gun Digest artice on shooting them.


   In a few words, it works.


   The grip/gripframe is held tightly in the closed fist of the dominant shooting hand.


   The lower three fingers of the shooter's OTHER hand is then wrapped around the front of the fist, making for a two-hand hold - with the off-hand's forefinger & thumb free to manipulate the hammer & trigger.


   It's a sort of modified Weaver stance.


Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Thank you for the tips. I'll practice more and see if I can improve my two-handed grip on the Short.


   A holster grip might also help, especially with one-handed shooting. I just don't like the way those look.


"Accurate" .22 short shooting technique


   With my NAA .22 short, I use the first three fingers of my off hand to press the pistol into the web of my shooting hand and don't "hold" the pistol with my shooting hand, just to cock the hammer and to pull the trigger.


   Also, I've noticed a dramatic accuracy increase using .22 short CB cap ammo as opposed to high velocity shorts.  Point of impact is wildly different, as well.


   Start at 3 feet, work back.  When I first began shooting my short, I couldn't hit past three feet either.  I can mostly hit soda cans at 7 paces.


   Considering this thing is more for jamming up a nostril, I guess this is "good enough" accuracy.


22 short is available at midway and grafs pretty much all the time as well as at WalMart...........  I was in my local Wally World two nights ago, and they had about a half a dozen different brands of 22 shorts


   The 22 short has a maximum "neat" value


"Deeds; Not Words"


I would go with the 22 short its just neat little gun and hide it any where


This is a link, made a few years ago, to a photo tutorial thread over on rimfirecentral, on making grip panels for your NAA Mini.  


   The subject grips are Jade, but pretty much the same methods would apply to wood, substituting a disc sander for the grinding wheel.  ">  


Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Very interesting. Are you still using the epoxy method? Is/was it satisfactory?


   Have you considered making grips of normal materials, for a nominal fee, of course?
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"