I have been trying to catch up.

Started by patriotjoe, April-26-12 18:04

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My primary email is [email protected]. My secondary is [email protected]. I am a one man operation. I hope you understand why I'm slow to respond.

cedarview kid

Well, it's good to have work, eh?


Joe, how many holes do you have in your hands now and how many different colors are they died? LOL

   Keep up the good work man.....


I have B 12 carb cleaner on hand all the time. It's the only thing thay will cut the dye off my hands. I cut my right index finger in a bad way while just getting glue off of my razor sharp sissors. It's not all play by any means. Thanks Chopprs. My mother is recovering well. She just had a fall and broke her ankle. Please send your prayers. She has been thru a lot.


Godd Lord man... do you know how poisonous carburetor cleaner is?

   That is why you always see mechanics wearing those blue gloves. Carburetor cleaner and glue are prolly not good stuff to get in a cut my friend. Get yourself some Latex gloves......they are much cheaper that the carb cleaner anyway!


   I had actually forgotten about your mother. I hope she mends quickly.....