Look what followed me home

Started by HarleyXJGuy, April-16-16 10:04

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top dog

I would have recognized you anywhere!! The gas mask gave you away.

The photo? Was it taken in the Sandbox???

                                                                            Top Dog
                                                                                             'Nam '64,'65,'66


Robert, there is nothing about that photograph that says approachable to most rational folk... Personaly, the rational part of my brain is often beaten into submission by my curiosity, so I would likely offer you a coke, that stuff just screams hot and sweaty... All that gear, you'd think they'd put in an air conditioner...

If you're ever out and about in northern Arizona, keep your eyes peeled, I'll buy you a beer. Thanks for your service. Without guys like you, doing the job you do, I wouldn't lead the life I have today, enjoy the freedoms I have left, and possess the opportunity to die with much more junk than I was born with. As much distaste as I have for our government, and the way it conducts itself, I can't picture living elsewhere, and I applaud your ongoing dedication to America and defense of our good name abroad.

top dog


I will add to that times two!!!


Thank you times many!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Top Dog


Quote from: top dog on April-27-16 05:04
I would have recognized you anywhere!! The gas mask gave you away.

The photo? Was it taken in the Sandbox???

                                                                            Top Dog
                                                                                             'Nam '64,'65,'66

No that picture was taken at Fort Hood in Texas doing some field training. Only time I ever wore a protective mask in a combat zone was Desert Storm.

Here is one from Iraq from around 2010 for ya.


Aye , thank you Harley for your service!

Thank you all veterans.

My hat is off to you all.


Robert, you have been issued the formal, "I am a BADASS" card, please come to the front and accept your official "Whup Ass Can", and remember, you may open it at your discretion, with our full encouragement.

If you ever wondered, Arizona has something in common with a certain part of Kentucky, really hard water, makes for better whiskey. If you find yourself on mountain, I'll retract my beer offer in place of something stronger...


If you run across Daryl, tell him to buy you a beer and put it on my tab. He is a Sgt, so he can afford it. If you find yourself changing planes in Atlanta with an hour or two to kill, let me know and I'll come down and buy that beer (heck, might even spring for a burger, too!) personally. Oh, Daryl? He is my best friend's son, and a hell of a guy. Last I heard, he was wondering around in Egypt, or at least that part of the world.

Oh, don't forget to duck, when appropriate. I'd hate to miss an opportunity to show my appreciation for what you do for our Country.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I keep reading through this thread.
Envy eats at me. I wish that I was young enough to be going with you.
Do what you must with pride, keep low, may God go with you, and come home in one piece.

May our Country get leaders that will let our fighting forces do the job as it needs to be done.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


 Count me in with Unc Harley . The mind is with you but our flesh is considerable weaker , good luck and GOD's speed . ;) ;) 8)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

top dog

A triple HOORAH!!!! for you.

Obviously you are always going in harm's way.

I wish you God Speed in all your travels and a safe return.

I am sure that I speak for all in this forum,you are always welcome here and into my home.

                                                                                      Top Dog


Be Safe Harley keep a mini on both ankles ;D


Quote from: HarleyXJGuy on April-26-16 18:04
Don't think I ever actually introduced myself here.

My name is Robert and I have been a Soldier in the US Army for 21 years.

Here is a picture of me so that if we meet in the streets or at a gun show you can recognize me and say hi.

I saw you the other day and said hi. You was too busy to say hi lol


Quote from: tocsn40 on April-29-16 20:04
Quote from: HarleyXJGuy on April-26-16 18:04
Don't think I ever actually introduced myself here.

My name is Robert and I have been a Soldier in the US Army for 21 years.

Here is a picture of me so that if we meet in the streets or at a gun show you can recognize me and say hi.

I saw you the other day and said hi. You was too busy to say hi lol

What can I say fighting terrorism and saving damsels is a full time job.


Quote from: OV-1D on April-29-16 04:04
Count me in with Unc Harley . The mind is with you but our flesh is considerable weaker , good luck and GOD's speed . ;) ;) 8)

Heck I am old too fellas don't be fooled.


So I just opened a package from John at Concealment Holster Solutions so this will just be my first impressions.

Overall the holster is very well made and finished.

Fits the pistol like a glove. Not to tight, not to loose. Like Red Riding Hood said, just right.

Quality leather and hardware.

Just big enough to ride in the pocket like it is suppose to but not so big as to defeat the purpose of carrying a tiny mink revolver in the first place.

Did I mention it is only 37 dollars?

Anyhow I will get some pictures up today and based on my limited time with it strongly recommend one to anyone who needs a quality pocket holster at an incredibly low price.

top dog

I am interested to see what that rig looks like!!!
                                     Top Dog


Quote from: top dog on May-07-16 06:05
I am interested to see what that rig looks like!!!
                                     Top Dog

Ask and you shall recieve.

Let me know if you would like different angels or better pictures with my wife's good camera.

lefty dude

Very nice, I like it !


Quote from: lefty dude on May-07-16 16:05
Very nice, I like it !

Me also.

After wearing it for a day my opinion of it has only improved.

There is a slight contour to the wing that sticks out. Wraps around your leg and helps it not to print but more importantly makes it super comfortable.

At least in smallish Dickie shorts pockets the wing and holster size keeps it from shifting. Never worried it could fall out even while laying in bed and playing with my five year old.


I am happy for you that you got it.
Now I pray that you never need it.

Nice looking little rig.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

Kentucky Kevin

Quote from: HarleyXJGuy on May-08-16 03:05
At least in smallish Dickie size keeps it from shifting. Never worried it could fall out even while laying in bed and playing with my
Sorry to hear that. We won't tell
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."



There are many options for carrying this lil pocket rocket!  Kydex can be fashioned into a necklaces or with a loop to work with molle pretty easily. Leather is what everyone has.

I have made a bunch of them for different purposes.

I have carried one like yours in a holster similar, (Offered by NAA, back in the day) since 1989! Its in my pocket right now, its gotten quite polished in that time. Mine has a CVang grip, but I also much like the NAA "pebbly" rubber slip on grip..

Great guns, I know will serve you as well as you serve us! KUDOS brother, come home safe!

I would be honored to make you a kydex if you wanna email or PM me with what would work for you. I can leave extra material, if you have a way to drill for chicago screws or loops for a custom use.

[email protected]


Kentucky Kevin

Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


CW I would love to take you up on your offer but not sure what kind of krydex holster I would want. Not enough time with the Mini to know yet. Thanks for the generous offer though.

So I ask humbly you masters of all things mini.

Cvang or Cvang sized Thingmeister grip. Fit and finish, which reigns supreme?


Quote from: HarleyXJGuy on May-20-16 15:05
CW I would love to take you up on your offer but not sure what kind of krydex holster I would want. Not enough time with the Mini to know yet. Thanks for the generous offer though.

So I ask humbly you masters of all things mini.

Cvang or Cvang sized Thingmeister grip. Fit and finish, which reigns supreme?

Right now I think Thingmeister's wood grips are the better of the two.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

lefty dude

Wood, for twice the money ? If it is a work piece, who cares. Mine is a work piece.


Quote from: lefty dude on May-20-16 20:05
Wood, for twice the money ? If it is a work piece, who cares. Mine is a work piece.

I was asking more about quality not so much what they are made of.

Don't matter though Uncle Lee has made his decision so it is a moot point. Uncle Lee says so is good enough for me.