.22 LR as a practical defensive round

Started by busterspop, June-17-12 21:06

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I havn't seen this discussion on here so forgive me if I missed it. I found it interesting, especially since I've been carrying .22's on a regular basis for years. If the following link doesn't work, just go to thetruthaboutguns.com and look under "Ask Foghorn".



Thanks Mr. Pop,

   That's a good read.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


......hit men have been using the .22LR for their "job" for a long, long time!


Good info also on the related post at the bottom of the article.


The one point I have never seen made on the discussion of effective calibers for SD is it seems to me that people think there going to get into an old west type shoot-out from accross the street and hiding behind cars, buildings and bus stop benches for cover and such.  All I have to say is that if you ever get into a SD situation with your gun it had better be up close and personal because any other type situation will be considered excapable and that is the FIRST rule in SD training "don't shoot if you can escape.  Otherwise you will be the one going to prison.  It is for this reason that I think any caliber should be acceptable for SD.


A)  By virture of being a defensive carry handgun all handguns are underpowered for the intended purpose (I assume none of you are carrying a 460 S+W or similiar).  It is highly unlikely that any current defensive handgun round (including 357, 10MM, and .45) carries enough energy to reliable stop a determined attacker quickly and reliably.  


   B)  Take your pencil and hold it in front of you.  Are you going to allow me to stab you through the chest five times with it and still want to fight if you were not a determined attacker?  Tell me again why a 22 is not good enough?


   In short.  The "great" defensive handguns are VASTLY overrated.  The .22LR is vastly underrated.  They are FAR more similiar than different.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama




   IF that avatar is Buster, he is one handsome devil.  Knowing Bostons, he probably knows it.  LOL


   Thanks for posting the article and pat Buster for me.  I lost another Basset Hound this week and am missing her.  Make sure he knows you love him.
"Deeds; Not Words"





   Sorry to hear that!





   Sorry for your loss. It really hurts to lose our pals.


Thanks.  We are ok.  This one did not go over a long weekend like Louie did.  It has been a couple of months coming with a steady decline.  We had time to adjust.  It came to the point near the end that she could not walk or even raise her head.  She knew.


   We miss her but are not devastated like before.


   She was the sweetest dog that loved everyone and everyone loved her.
"Deeds; Not Words"


I am very sorry to hear about your dog also.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I am so sorry to hear about your loss, our little four legged friends do more for us than we could ever do for them. When they are gone they leave a hole in our lives that never gets filled. I lost a Jack Russel Terrier 12 years ago and I am just now getting over it; he was a very good boy.  

   Yes, that is Buster in my avatar. He has no idea how cute he is. From the time he gets up in the morning he is totally focused on me, following me around the house and yard in case I do something interesting: like go for a walk or throw a ball. Usually I just do yard work or sit in the shade, so he lays in the sun with one eye on me so I can't escape. Bostons were originally developed as "a Mans Companion Dog" as they expressed it soon after the Revolutionary War. Surprisingly it wasn't the upper class that started them. They were bred by blue collar folks from fighting dog stock starting with some that were extremely good with families and especially children.  

   Sorry, I tend to get a little wordy when I talk about my little buddy. You can consider Buster thoroughly patted and he definitely knows he is loved.


Louie, sorry to hear of your loss. Jim


Very good read from that link. I had a former Detroit cop once tell me he would rather be hit by a .357 than a .22 back in the day when 9mm weren't king of the BG. His reason was you never knew where that .22 round was going to go once it entered the body as to oppose to the .357 round tended to go in a straight line.




   Sorry to hear of your loss. We have three dogs (and a cat) all very close to us. We're a "pack" o' love.