NAA Contact page

Started by jestus, July-23-12 22:07

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Awhile back I came across a contact page for NAA. It had pictures of the staff with their titles and email info.


   I have looked all over the NAA site and cannot find that page. I think the link came from someone on this site.


   Anyone have a link?



Thanks Chopprs!


Jeez Jessica is quite the cutie







   Just sayin..


......none of us have noticed......


. . .  Guess now that you mention it . . .


I know, me either.

   Shhhhh, dont tell Uncle Lee thatvsubject was brought up, he might get two kinds of soiled in his old guy diapers. lol


Sue is quite picturesque as well but Steven seems a bit blank ......


"Jessica is quite the cutie"  


   I casually mentioned that once and got some flak over it, so now I don't notice such things
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Red, it is called, "Ceeohjee Syndrome" (COG)

   ...or, "Creepy-Old-Guy".


   I am quite familiar and can school you in the proper way to handle this awful affliction in public places where beautiful young women abound!


   First you must have dark sunglasses and ALWAYS wear them.

   Second you must learn to not move your neck, move your eyes instead.

   Third and most important NEVER EVER allow your lips to move...EVER!!!!!

   If you can do these three things the bruises will never appear, trust me!


Redhawk4, how many times have we told you: "Never surf gun sites when the wife is home!"


You guys are just plain creepy!


Yep, Gunr, they are getting old and creaky. Their sights are off,  their triggers are creepy and their hammers drop unexpectedly.


That's OK.

   I had my day the stage of life.

   Now I just wear sunglasses.

   Look around without moving my head.

   AND eat popcorn so there is an excuse for my lips moving.


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I need a  drool bucket!


"Sue is quite picturesque as well but Steven seems a bit blank ......"


   I prefer the other side of the camera..