Shotgun Rainbow

Started by cedarview kid, April-10-12 13:04

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cedarview kid


Kirsti and Brandon are some of the best of the best Utubers. His disassembly of the MK3 is one of the best!!



.....I like the rainbow but I like her better. Nuthing like a sassy Southern Belle!

cedarview kid

Yeah, no kidding! 8 shots from a 12-gauge shooting from the hip. I wonder how many marriage proposals she got after posting this video?


you might have a little trouble throwing her down the stairs.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I am calling PETA.

   Poor fishes....


   Really neat, now I am going to have to do it.



God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


....they all go down the sairs with ease if ya train em right


   I have trained MANY!!!




I keep wondering whether that was lead shot or steel...LOL.


Cool Vid!  They do great stuff.  My wife bought a cheap Rough Rider after seeing his vid on it...she loves it.