Dream with Mini - Mini of My Dreams

Started by tomhawes2002, December-29-12 23:12

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I know this may seem kind of odd, but I felt compelled to share. Let me start off by saying I like guns as much as the next guy (OK I may love my Mini, but im guessing everyone else on this forum loves theirs as well!), but would probably not be considered a gun nut by most people. I remember my dreams  somewhere between never and less than never. In other words I NEVER remember my dreams! Also I normally religiously either have my Mini hanging from my neck on a neck holster, or on my bedside table right beside me as I lay down to sleep for the evening.  I ALWAYS have it within very easy reach.

Moving on to my dream; Last night  I went to bed around 1 AM, after spending some quality personal time with my wife. While sleeping, I dreamed that I walked into the restroom of the master bedroom at my home, and upon turning the light on, saw someone dressed in all black from head to toe shimmering down a rope hanging from the skylight in the middle of the ceiling. Upon seeing me he/she started reaching into his shirt/robe appearing to be reaching for some kind of weapon either a knife or a gun. I immediately thought to myself  what the heck (not really but edited for audience), then Oh CRAP (Once again not really, but you understand)!!! I then reached into my T-shirt from below, grabbed on to the grip of my Mini yanked down on it releasing it from the holster and cocking it as I brought it to a firing position. At this instance I jolted awake in bed, in a sweat and sat up. I immediately also realized that unlike my usual routine, I had hung my Mini from the key rack by the front door when my wife and I had gotten amorous, and failed to retrieve it afterwords. It was still hanging by the front door where I had left it! This was around 4 AM. I Immediately got up from bed, retrieved it and put it on my bed side table where it belonged. I then fell back to sleep, and slept soundly, the rest of the night, as usual not remembering any other dreams I may have had (experts claim we ALL dream every night so I will have to take them at their word) with my Mini safely at my bedside. Could it be my Mini and I have become as one and it was calling out to me and reminding me it cant be of any help it its not with me? Follows the adage the BEST gun is the one you have on you! This is a true story, Odd as It may sound.


you would defintely be viewed by gun control zealots, you know the people you want to compromise with, as a gun nut.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


If only Dr Freud were a member of this forum ...


Think what Freud would say about the mini is this situation?  I think I am never coming back to this area again.


I think Ziggy would have cranked up another bowl of poppy juice sat back and said AHHH YESSS ....VERY INTERESTING . But thats about it.
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

PJ Garrison

QuoteThink what Freud would say about the mini is this situation?  I think I am never coming back to this area again.

The whole "you're conpensating for small penis-size thing" is just a liberal tactic to smear anybody that's pro-gun.  It's not Freudian.

What Freud actually said is "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity".  In other words, the anti-gunners are the crazy ones. 


mm not really, there are very few people that don't think Freud was off his nut loonytoons.

the mechanism for keeping you asleep is quite simple but doesn't often take into account what might provoke you conscious mind to assume control and become alert. if you notice almost everything you remember about dreams is some sort of conflict. cant find your pants, cant find your keys, cant find your gun, have to stop someone, have to get something back from some thieves, have to deliver a message, have to complete some daily routine. dreams are nothing more than an illusion to supplement the chemicals that force you to sleep. as you brain chemistry nears your morning reset position it becomes necessary to trick your mind to keep you asleep. once in a while these tricks prove to be a little over zealous and forcibly wake you up instead.

these are my own conclusions. note, wish for a dream when you go to sleep, see if you don't get it.
"a black cat isn't a black cat unless it knows the tail of a thousand cats." - black_cat


The id has become restless at the very least.

And Boom......There it was!!!!