First time I shot my mini

Started by west5757, November-21-12 08:11

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I was thinking about the first time I shot my mini when I got it home. I thought it was a funny story and I'd like to hear similar stories if there are any.

I bought a .22mag with the 1 1/8" barrel. I couldn't wait to get home with it because I had looked at them for years. I left work early to beat my wife home to shoot. I had some CCI 22mags and some bird shot. I put a target on an old pallet I had propped up against a tree and loaded my mini with the CCI's. I shot my first shot using the sights at about 10 feet and saw dirt fly up. The gun also tried to stand up in my hand. On the next shot I did something stupid. I put my left hand on the cylinder to try to steady the gun and it worked a little so I tried it again. This time though I scooted my hand up to the front of the cylinder. This was a mistake. I burnt my pointer finger and my thumb. At this point I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to shoot this tiny little thing. I took out the CCI's and loaded the bird shot. Holding it with one hand and aiming at the target I pulled the trigger. This was my second large mistake. Being as close as I was the bird shot came back and peppered me. At first I thought, "how did that happen"? Why did I get hit by the shot? Then it hit me...literally...I was entirely too close to the target.

After about 5 more CCI's I realized that using the front sight was not the way to shoot this thing. It's much more accurate to sight down the barrel. That's when I fell in love with that little gun. Then I got a set of Cvangs and never looked back.


Ok you all and your cvang grips. I have been waiting for just one of you all to not like them and then but them up for sale on the cheap.  So fare nogo. You all just keep them. Who is this chong guy anyway. You would think by now NAA would be making a  deal with with him or something.   


I just wish Chong would make the grips in .22LR flavoring so I could buy some.  I may have to buy a PUG just so I can get a set of his grips!


I'm pretty sure he makes them for the .22lr. They are listed on his site.


No LR grips available at this time. He is redesigning them.


When I took my CCW course the instructor brought a LOT of guns to show.  I was attracted to the NAA .22LR with the folding holster.  Never got it out of my mind and one day I had my LGS order one up for me.

First time I shot it at the range it performed as I'd expected so no big deal.  The unexpected surprise was how loud it was.  I really liked that.  Even if its a "pea shooter" it makes a LOT of noise and that's gotta be good 'cause if I miss it'll at least get the attention of the bad guy...maybe even scare him a bit....make him think its a bigger gun....not that anyone would willingly get in the way of a .22 headed down range....


Thanks riverkilt for bring that up about the grip holster . Does anybody know why they changed the design from the old model grip to the new more slinder , less protective cover from the more coverage wrap around type ? Haven't shot either yet so I wouldn't know if in the hand feel is better one way or the other .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .