What I think is the best NAA mini, and why.

Started by riadat, March-05-17 09:03

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Navyvet do you know anyone that would want to stand 20 feet in front of my BW and get shot from it ??? or 30 or 40 feet for that matter I think not.


Quote from: Bigbird48 on March-25-17 21:03
Navyvet do you know anyone that would want to stand 20 feet in front of my BW and get shot from it ??? or 30 or 40 feet for that matter I think not.

Of course not... There's a *chance* that you might hit them *somewhere*.  heck, most people wouldn't stand 1000 ft away and let someone shoot at them with an NAA mini-revolver, even though the odds of hitting them (or it having enough velocity to do any damage if it *did* hit them) would be pretty low.

(I say "1000 ft" just as an example of a large number to toss out for argument's sake.  I have no idea what the maximum range of a .22LR or .22 mag would be fired from a short NAA barrel.)

lefty dude

I can only see this thread going dooooown hill from here !

How about we all play nice, OK ?


I doubt if the eyeball can be hit at 20 feet if the bad guy is moving.
I shoot 4-6 inch water balloons hanging head level from a limb 20-25 feet in a tree.
The balloon is swinging in a slow wide arc. Stand facing away from it 10-15 feet, then turn, draw and fire.
Start the draw and fire slow and work up in speed.
That balloon is a lot bigger than an eyeball but it still gets missed more than it gets hit...

There is a good chance that if you can't hit that balloon, a moving bad guy is going to get you.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  Heck when I was much younger I could ..................................................... I forgot what I was going to say ... nevermind .  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I'm going off on a bit of a tangent here, but I think it is worthy at this point in the thread.

The discussion of 22 Short, 22LR and 22 WMR lethality involves so many changing dynamics, it is almost impossible to come to a conclusion.  Even the discussion of the FPE required to be lethal is hard to pin down.  Far too many dynamics involved with each shot.  Add to this that these topics are clouded by Internet facts mixed in with Internet BS.  I have my own opinions, one being that 50 to 60 FPE is right on the edge of causing large-bone damage.  Not trying to start another argument here.  In truth, I really don't know for certain.

OK, my point:  I found this excellent thread about FPE from four years ago, started by cfsharry.  I thought this was a really good read.  It focuses more on 22LR vs. 22WMR.  Nothing on the 22 Short.




Don't you know that you can't put anything on the internet that is not true???
That is the rules.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


A lot of great information and opinions in this thread......thanks!

Doc Holliday

I love them all I guess..4 inch barrels kind of negate the whole concealibilty idea though..YMMV! Aside from the Pug..I always change out the grips for Wood Boot Grips. I think the Birdshead grips are beautiful but just don't give me quite enough to hold onto. Guess my favorite are my Pug and my BW. If Ranger II ever arrives....I'll try to get one! Missed out on the first breaktop, and been pissed about it ever since! LOL! But for now.. my Pug, BE, Original Mini and Sidewinder will have to do. Can't really have too many NA A revolvers though..at least that's what I tell my wife!
All would be well and all would be well and all manner of things would be well.


At 20 feet? I practice most of my shooting with the BW at 7,10 & 15 yds. IO figure if I get good at those, the up close stuff will seem easier when it needs to be...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


   Ok I'm changing my mind. The BW goes to back up role when 2 are carried. The Wasp has taken over for always carry.  I am as accurate or slightly more so with the bead on the Wasp than the fixed thick sights of the BW.  The Wasp draws and  has better index. Is a third lighter, sits in the pocket better in holster. And with hornady 45 ftx  it is about the same. :D