Viridian Laser Grip

Started by Jessica Jarvis, April-12-21 12:04

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Jessica Jarvis

It's finally here! As some of you may have already seen on our social media platforms, we finally have a finished product!! As of right now, MSRP is landing at $189. While we realize this is a pretty high price point, this grip is not cheaply made. It has been in the works for well over a year, it is designed to hold at 0 and it will also fit any and all magnum frames.   


For a decent laser that is not a bad price; and this one comes with a great grip. Hence a decent price. Job well done NAA.  :)
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Thanks for the heads-up Jessica This is great news.


  Yes , thank you Jessica for the heads up , looks intriguing . :) Wish they made one that plugs into a recharger though , NO BATTERIES dang it ..
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


When will the laser b available for purchase?


Looks great

Any chance of a version that has a pocket knife-like belt clip running from the upper right edge of the logo to the side of the cylinder?


Looking forward to reviews from actual owners...
Luke 23:34

Jessica Jarvis

Quote from: Rekobear1 on April-12-21 17:04
When will the laser b available for purchase?

We're doing some testing of our own this week, once we give the go ahead (hopefully by next week) it should be about 3-4 weeks.

Jessica Jarvis

Quote from: burncycle on April-14-21 21:04
Looks great

Any chance of a version that has a pocket knife-like belt clip running from the upper right edge of the logo to the side of the cylinder?

I don't see us incorporating that, but I can definitely see someone coming up with one themselves!


Jessica I have a question on what voltage batteries do these work off of ? I have that idea to try a switch it over to recharge off my computer port . Shouldn't be too tough to convert over , really quite easy I think . Single battery replacement has always been a pain in the rear in these lazer grips but again if it was just one battery (3 volt I believe) that would make it much easier .. Porting it to a computer would be the cats meow so to say . The mind is a terrible thing to waste so never let it gather any moss . :)
  One more question while I have your attention , do you folks work on those top mounted lazers from years back , I sent one of mine back a year or two ago to the now defunct outfit and they sent me a grip lazer to replace it . So again whats your procedure with these ? Thank you .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

Jessica Jarvis

Quote from: OV-1D on April-23-21 07:04
Jessica I have a question on what voltage batteries do these work off of ? I have that idea to try a switch it over to recharge off my computer port . Shouldn't be too tough to convert over , really quite easy I think . Single battery replacement has always been a pain in the rear in these lazer grips but again if it was just one battery (3 volt I believe) that would make it much easier .. Porting it to a computer would be the cats meow so to say . The mind is a terrible thing to waste so never let it gather any moss . :)
  One more question while I have your attention , do you folks work on those top mounted lazers from years back , I sent one of mine back a year or two ago to the now defunct outfit and they sent me a grip lazer to replace it . So again whats your procedure with these ? Thank you .

OV - Here's a copy of the card that comes with the grip. Hope this answers you questions. :)


  Thank you Jessica that will do just fine , have a great day . ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Where to purchase?

Jessica Jarvis

Quote from: Paul.e.noel2 on May-05-21 12:05
Where to purchase?

We are hoping to have them the beginning of July.