mile marker

Started by Anvil, January-20-25 19:01

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My 2003 Silverado (Maggie M'Gill) reached 300,000 miles this weekend! She's been good to me, other than a new tranny at 200,000 and that she eats Dextrol for breakfast.  ::)
I reckon I'll keep her until until one of us takes that hiway in the sky.  ;D
PS- This is my third Chevy pickup that has reached over 250,000 miles.
PSS - but then my missionary good friend in Mexico has over 480.000 miles on his Ford 1990 Passenger van!
Sorry! I know this is off topic but thought it worth sharing with my new found friends here.

you may not need it but you should have it


PICTURES especially on these topics .  ;)  :)  ;)  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Here's a pic of a 1500 just like mine (same green color) when I bought it.
Followed by a pic similar to my Missonary friend's van.
You wouldn't want to see how my old truck looks now.  ::)
you may not need it but you should have it

top dog

Very interesting for sure.

Nice to see that some vehicles last and last.

                        Top Dog