Naa Companion - smokeless OK?

Started by juggle5, October-16-15 06:10

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I inherited a 22lr Companion from my Uncle and it
didn't come with a manual.  In my research on the
web, I have seen articles stating that the original
NAA manual for this gun stated it was safe to use
smokeless powder in these.  I have seen posts that
are adement that only black powder is safe.
Can someone help me with facts on this


I don't think that was the NAA manual.
It was the Freedom Arms manual......

Welcome to the asylum........
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Welcome to the forum.

Way back in the old days the first ones came with data for a smokeless load. But not now. Some do it but not worth the risk.
For the best pop get true 4f black. At 2.5 gr per charge a pound will last longer than you. 3f will work or pyrodex. pyrodex P is 3f. 
Someplace on the NAA sight you should find instructions. Did it still have the powder measure?  I will dig out the book and post stuff if you need. Have you shot C&B before ? You can order the measure from NAA.

If you like your fingers don't risk it.  Rosie Palmer would be lonely with out all five of her sisters.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


You in So Cal? taking mine to the range 8am. Got 4f. PM me. Will check about 6am.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


Thanks guys...

I only got the gun and about 50 bullets..  I just bought some Triple 7 FFFG and some remington #11 caps,
will that combo work safely?  I understand you need to fill it up so the bullet seats against the powder, shouldn't
be any air space.  I am in Norcal, but appreciate the offer.