Dog Shot by CCW holder

Started by redhawk4, March-04-12 13:03

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I'm thinking of carrying another cheap old gun around with me, so if I have to shoot a dog I can plant it by it's body


   Top Dog, I'll try and check those articles out.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

top dog


   The articles basically address the BAD reasons for not notifying LE in the aftermath of a shooting. Masaad Ayoob chose to use dog shooting as examples.

   No,don't go out and buy a cheap gun to leave by the dog's body,as LE does not have a "henry system" to catalog the dog prints!!!!



   Hopefully in one of the issues they will print my story of using an NAA mini to stop a dog attack. And,no,the dog was not shot.


                              Top Dog


In Ohio here the law is pretty clear. I can shoot a dog that is even remotely making me think its going to bite me....but not if its attacking my dog or a cat.">


   I carry mainly for dogs, however. We've walked out our front door three times in as many years recently and before I even get 20 feet from the door the wife and I end up being confronted by a nasty dog (wont mention the breed, but its been the same with all three dogs) that was definitely giving me the right to put it down based on its behavior and the law here.  

   Ive managed to handle the situation each time without having to put the animal down, but my patience is starting to get a little thin.


   I absolutely hate irresponsible dog owners who let their aggressive mutts run free and hope they all burn in forever...


.....they wanna put a dog kennel with attack German Sheperd training in next to me. What happens if one of them gets loose and runs onto my property?

   BANG-BANG is what happens!!!


My neighbors (1/4 mile away) who at one point had 40+ Pit Bulls and I had an understanding.  There was the property line and here was my deer rifle.  I don't mind socialized Pits but noone has time to socialize that many and the motives for keeping that many are suspect


   The neighbors have since moved.


   Once I called animal control because when I was not home there was an aggressive dog standing on my porch.  I was asked if I owned a gun.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


are they schutzhund trained dogs  chopprs? my wife is into those. they attack on command. they will run , jump and grab the arm with the gun.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


"Once I called animal control because when I was not home there was an aggressive dog standing on my porch. I was asked if I owned a gun."


   The wife and I had a jerk living next door when we lived upstate NY a few years ago who had a Rott pup. Very nice dog until it hit that stage they do when they start getting more aggressive/defensive.

   This one would be running loose chasing down old ladies and children. I call animal control at least a dozen times but all they did was come out and threaten to take the dog.  

   The dog literally came out and assaulted the DOG CONTROL person and they STILL didnt actually take any action.  


   Finally I told them next time I get confronted by the dog in MY yard Im shooting the mutt. Both animal control and the local police agreed that I could do it if it was on my property, not its own.


   So they both called the owner and tell him that they have instructed me to shoot the dog next time its in my yard trying to bite us. was on a leash after that and never ran free again that I ever saw.


   Was that so hard?