NAA as mailbox

Started by plinker631, June-10-12 23:06

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Had to share this one...

So many guns; So little money!


I have seen tha many times and always wonder several things. among them, does S&W know and will they send an order to stop using their name and what is it made from? It appears to be quite accurate for such a large rendition.


Anything that big has got to be a magnum!

cedarview kid

If'n I was the mailman, I'm not sure I could put my hand down that barrel--especially one THAT big. And FORGET about driving my mail truck anywhere near the muzzle!


   That's just freaky! (Freaky cool, sure, but still freaky!)


   (So, that's gotta be in, like, Wyoming, or Idaho, or maybe Texas. LOL.)


   Oh, and nice outgoing flag.


Is it just me or is that advertisement of a house full of guns.......

   Not something I would want the entire neighborhood to know about. Never know when that local junkie is doing a little recon on you and waiting for you to leave so he might have opportunity to break in and help himself to your belongings and "donate" them to the local pawn shop for a small fee...

   Just sayin...