Forum survey

Started by jjccamis, July-30-12 20:07

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Why do you carry a concealed weapon, NAA, other, or both?
Not here for a long time, here for a good time!


Why?? my reasons are my own, why each gun?? well that could start a lengthy conversation.  The mini was wanted as an always there pistol with enough power to get me to a larger gun, or just out of a tight spot.  My .380 was wanted as a slimmer substitute for my .38 which is a lighter smaller option for my 9mm and .41 Mag.  and I still want a .45 Colt/.410 Derringer and a .32 H&R Magnum Derringer, and a brace of .22 short mini's


Shouldn't surveys be in "Politics and Religion"?

   Lots of surveys out there right now.


   Why do I carry a concealed weapon?


   It would make the liberals uncomfortable if I open carried.

   Make enough of them uncomfortable and we will loose our right to open carry.  

   There are a lot of stupid people going around Wal-Mart with their gun on their hip sticking out like Dolly Parton's boobs making sure EVERYONE sees that they are carrying a gun.  


   See me, see me, I got a gun. Na, na, na, na, na,na


   ANY right given by the government can be taken by the government.

   Make enough liberals uneasy and it WILL be taken.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


......because I can!


Arthritis has taken my feet away so I can't run, and my hands so I can't fist fight.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


Better to always have it and never need it once than to never have it and only need it once.


   It has always been a Gentleman's prerogative, if not obligation, to go armed and I intend to keep up the tradition.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


gentleman's prerogative... I gotta remember that one


I am paranoid--- + a meth lab 1 mile up the road--- + a gentleman's preogative [I like that].  I also have a shotgun on the tractor.


Interesting, legitimate, and valid reasons so far. I bought an NAA Mag. about six weeks ago with the idea of concealed carry in mind.  My reasoning is simple...You just never know what situations life may unexpectedly present. I would rather have a decision to draw my weapon, or not, as opposed to the alternative of no weapon at all in a life threatening situation.  Yes, I know that justification has already been presented.
Not here for a long time, here for a good time!



Along the same line as "Red14". I never was much of a fighter. And now I'm too old to run worth a . (besides, a cop is too heavy)
"I have no respect for a man who can spell a word only one way".....Mark Twain


Average 911 response by a law enforcement officer, 6 minutes on a good day vs. mere seconds to draw and defend my family and my self. Not to mention...Cuz-I-Can!!!


"Why do you carry"

   The answer should be obvious, is there any other answer other than to defend yourself and your family or to protect valuable items placed in your care.


The question was not "Why do you carry?".

   It was "Why do you carry a concealed weapon?"


   I took it to mean "Why do you hide it?".

   My bad...........
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


to be able to tell the illegally armed thieves, murderers, rapists, terrorists, gang bangers, meth heads......: " NOT TODAY A-HOLE !!!! "


Why carry?


   Why not?



Harsh language is ineffective and I'm a poor thumb wrestler.


Cuz me likes guns
NRA Life Member

John 3:3




   For me personally, the jerk off that broke into my car while I and my family was awake. If they are that ballsy, why not the house next, or my wife. Started with home protection(glock17), then preparedness at all times(NAA mini mag) then concealed carry at all times(springfield 1911, Kahr CM9). Then it went to "what if?", that brought on the shotguns and AR's and bolt guns.  So now 4 years later I'm gun nut and always thinking about what's next.


" never need a gun until you need it badly" - from WEB Griffin's The Honor of Spies & Victory and Honor.


   Makes sense to me!


How could that shooting in N.Y. yesterday at the

   Empire State Building happen? Don't they have gun laws there?





   I've been a gun nut since the Carter administration, after a while you just kinda turn into that mean crazy old man down the street that nobody messes with.


   I've seen the rise and fall (in popularity) of the militia movement, the nuclear fall out preps, the Y2K preps and fears,...blah blah blah


   Be prepared to feed your self and your family, be prepared to defend your self and family, and let it be known that you are capable of defending yourself and others, not by bragging or being foolish, but by being alert at all times.  Criminals want soft targets, be a hard target, and you will be fine.


Because I don't think carrying 2 Samuri Swords
or a Bow with a scabard full of Arrows on my
back would be socially acceptable.

                 ...or would it?


And Boom......There it was!!!!


I feel more comfortable eating at a diner or restaurant with my back to the entrance or cash register . Also driving where it gives one the equal edge in case of whatever .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

cedarview kid

Ditto what Chopprs said: because I can.

I want to protect myself on the off-chance I need it, although I never expect to need it. But as I learned while becoming an Eagle Scout, it's best to Be Prepared.


I'm with roguets1 on this and a few others . My 45 Kimber ultra warms my side (concealled ofcourse). How you might ask with a bellypack looking bag on my belt , it's concealled but anyone with half a brain gotta know and I'm good with that . Besides I hate anything but greenbacks in my pockets even change, just me I guess  . 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Used to box through college, Marines, LEO....but I got olde...I lke that "crazy olde man down the street that nobody messes with" image.  Thanks Keith.

Probaby carry for the same reason as the Clint Eastwood character in Grand Torino or the Charles Bronson character in all the Death Wish flicks.  I don't wanna be an easy target.

What happened for real was I always like to try new things and a couple years ago I took a CCW course just for fun.  Had to root my old service revolver out of the back of the closet and wipe the green crud off some olde ammo.  When it came to the shooting part of the course I found out I could still shoot straight and it was a high to know I hadn't lost my aim.  Once the license arrived I figured I might as well use it and went gun shopping.  Three revolvers and four pistols later I've learned more basic gunsmithing than I ever intended and own more holsters than I ever dreamed.

Once I started carrying I felt much safer, more relaxed, better, confident, prepared.  I like that feeling.   Now I'm like the little old lady in the traffic ticket joke with three guns in the car and not afraid of anything.  I have two car guns - a NAA .22LR in the drop down sunglass holder and a PF9 in a pommel bag over the console, and whatever I'm carrying that day.

Its nice to be an olde geezer and not be afraid of "punks."


Thanks riverkilt that last sentence sums it up , besides someone has to protect the wife and our 160 lb bullmastiff girl and our soon to be 240 lb old english mastiff boy ,  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.   
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


To protect my wife and daughter.  I rarely carry when I am without my girls and that may go against some codes that each CCW/CCL holder has but my family is my responsibility and I am fine with just that. 

My carry choice is a DB9 IWB. 
- satchel

"Semper Paratus"


There are times when my primary, whatever it may be that day, simply can't be concealed comfortably enough for my taste.  I don't ever have to leave the little guys behind.  It's more like a discipline or ritual rather than something that has a high potential to be practical.  I really don't feel it's wise to open carry on a regular basis.  The less people know, the better IMHO.  Besides, then I avoid hearing every jack wagon's worthless opinions about it, I don't irritate people it would make uncomfortable, and avoid dealing out verbal beatdowns to opponents of firearm ownership.     


One last note throwing those bullets just isn't very affective no matter how many you have in your pockets . Miss alot also . The old pitching arm isn't what it use to be .  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: naa_collector on December-20-12 23:12

I want to protect myself on the off-chance I need it, although I never expect to need it. But as I learned while becoming an Eagle Scout, it's best to Be Prepared.
This for me too. Do your best, be prepared and do a good turn daily. Three rules to be a good person.

Also, because as an American, I have the right to own a gun and as a human, I have the right to protect myself.


Why do I carry a concealed mini, cause my 44 mag pulls my pants down.
Nuff said.
was that to much information?


Depends if you have the legs for it or not   
My wife has been knowen to lurch arou.d the forum she may injoy the shot of you with your pantz down  lol