Black Widow vs Black Bear

Started by boots, August-22-12 15:08

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I am fortunate to live in area with an abundance of wild life. I grow organic produce and have bee hives.  There are a number of black bears around and a concern is them finding my hives.  I walk some every evening and the other evening I came around a bend in the path were there are a bunch of blackberries.  I saw a bear about 50' ahead and wanted to scare him off [I could have legeally killed him/her but just wanted to move him on.  


   I dedided to fire one round from the BW and it was very loud.  The bear ran off and my bees are safe.  A neighbor took this and I think it is the same bear.


   BW 1 Bear 0


Typical of most blackies, a little noise and they're gone. Hope your packing something larger, just in case. I just ordered a .460 Rowland kit last week, just in case.


Boots - I hope he stays scared off. In my experience with trying to scare wild  

   animals out of my backyard fruit trees, they just will not take a hint that they  

   are not wanted. I really do not want to hurt any wild animal (unless I plan to  

   eat it) but sometimes nothing else works for me. I do not have bears, just  

   raccoons, opossums, squirrels and assorted birds.


The black bears came down every so often when I lived in Crescent City, CA... we we're about 200 yards from the boundary of Redwood National Park, where I was a Ranger.  


   They seemed to scare easily, so it wasn't much of a problem.  


   Now, if the Grizz were still in CA... would have been a whole 'nother thing.


Jupiter, I always carry something larger but mostly because of other stuff.  We use have feral dog and cats but now a problem is Coyote and Cougar [reported but not verified]and rapid coons.  Mostly I worry for my bird dogs.  


   Unless the bears find the hives they should not be a problem and they do scare easily.


Deer hunter in tree stand, ready to share stand with bear.">


Jupiter, did you get that .460 Rowland kit installed on your NAA Mini yet? I'd love to see a pic of that! Boots, where I grew up in Oklahoma we also had trouble with rapid coons. The slower racoons weren't as big an issue as the rapid ones :)