The trip to the gun store this morning was amazing!

Started by appliancejunk, August-29-12 09:08

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This morning I took a little road trip (45 mins. one way) to check out some NAA Mini's I had seen on display in a gun shop last weekend.


   I never handled one then. Just looked them over, noticed the manufacture name and kind of chuckled to myself.  


   After doing some research online for a CCW I come across these mini revolvers again.

   Funny as I had just seen them first hand in the gun store last weekend and now I'm reading about them online.


   I had been leaning toward purchasing a Ruger LC9 or LCP for my everyday CCW until I started reading about these NAA Minis.  


   The more I read and research the more I wanted one.


   The one that stuck out in my mind at the gun store was the one with the holster grips.

   I did not take that good of a look at it but from memory thought it had to be the NAA-22LR-HG or the NAA-22LLR-HG.


   Decided either one would do for my first Mini, but what I felt would really be comforting in a daily CCW in a Mini would be a 22MAG.


   None of the 22 Mags I was looking at on the site come with the holster grip already installed, but I see it could be purchased as a accessory.">


   With that being the case I liked the looks of the NAA-22LLR-HG best anyway.


   Liked the looks of the cylinder pin under the barrel, like the looks of the pin being shorter then the barrel. Also liked the looks of the sites better as I think they would be nicer for pocket carry.  


   So I had my mind set on the NAA-22LLR-HG at the list price of $239.00.

   Thought that must have been the one I seen or the one with the shorter barrel.


   Had my mind set on getting either one as I really did not know what one it was that I had seen the weekend before. Just wish it came in a 22MAG instead.  


   Oh well... off to the gun store.


   I get there and head over to the mini's. I see what looks like both the NAA-22LR-HG and the NAA-22LLR-HG in the display case, awesome!  


   I ask to see the NAA-22LLR-HG. It's the one with the longer barrel. It's awesome! The grip folds out nice and smooth. The cylinder rotates like it's very well made. The whole gun has a awesome feel to it, but the price is $299.99!!!!


   I ask the guy if that is what he has to have for it? They only list them for $239.00 on their website. He goes on to tell me that with shipping added to that list price that $299.99 is what he has to have.  


   I ask if he has one in a 22MAG. I say that I really want the 22LLR because it already comes with the folding holster grip, but would like to see a 22MAG if he has one.


   As I'm still holding the gun in my hand he tells me that is a 22MAG.


   A good day just became a awesome day! It's exactly what I wanted. The barrel length, the frame, the holster grip and the caliber, 22MAG!  


   The model number on the box reads, NAA-22M-HG and when I look closer at the side of the gun it says .22 MAGNUM


   It even come with a hard case. Thought for sure from what I was seeing online it would be a soft case.


   After talking over the price I walked way paying $300 cash for it.  


   I'm sure you have all seen a photo of one before, but here is a photo of mine anyway.">


   Sorry about the long post, lol...


Congrats on your new aquisition. You won't regret this purchase. NAA's customer support, when needed, is second to none. These little guns hold their value pretty well, too.  

   I have many CCW capable guns but my little Black Widow with the folding grip like yours ends up in my pocket most of the time. A lot of discussion has been devoted to mouse gun vs. max firepower for CCW, but the one you HAVE when you need it is the one you want.

   Minis's are fun to shoot, hope to get your range report soon.

   Wise choice and welcome to our addiction!


Hope to get out in the morning to shoot it.  


   Just going to carry it around unloaded today until I get more familiar with it.


   Kind of funny, when I asked the dealer if he had ever shot one he patted his jacket pocket with his hand and said I have one right here, lol...  He never showed it to me but you could tell something was in his pocket once he patted it with his hand.


Appliancejunk - that was a fruitful trip to the gun shop. I think the gun  

   looks better when the barrel is longer than the pin, like yours.


Scbuxton, I agree "the one you HAVE when you need it is the one you want".


   I have a Ruger SR9C I bought because it would be easier to CC then my SR9, but when I'm in shorts and a t-shirt all summer it's never with me, so it's doing me no good.


   Dinadan, yes the the trip worked out good for me. But as it seems with any new gun there are always extras I find myself wanting for it once it's in my hands.


   Can't wait to fire some rounds through it in the morning.


Appliancejunk,  You have been bitten by the same NAA bug as that the rest of us have.  I started like you with one and now I have 12 and two more EB's coming.  Hope that bug doesn't bite any harder.  Glad I don't live near Grayelky; I'd be in the poor house.