Ammo cut off?

Started by tocsn40, January-02-18 23:01

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 Yeaaa Arizona the number 1 State in America for Gun Owners :D


Quote from: Bigbird48 on January-04-18 16:01
Yeaaa Arizona the number 1 State in America for Gun Owners :D

I don't know about that; Alaska stands pretty tall for Gun Owners too!


Yeah, BB, Arizona absolutely rocks for gun owners!  It may be where I end up when I retire.  In the meantime, I'm perfectly happy here in PA with Canoeal.  It's a "Shall Issue" open carry state--or more precisely, Commonwealth.  When I buy a gun--which is at least once a month, or so--the whole process takes about 20 minutes.  And this includes the background check (PICS).  Ya' gotta love PA!   8)
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


#1. Arizona

Arizona hard to improve upon Arizona's gun laws but they seem to make an effort every year.  In 2017, Governor Ducey signed legislation into law preventing local governments from enacting background check requirements for gun ownership. Arizona maxes-out in every category thanks to its permitless (and permitted) carry, very strong self-defense laws, hands-off NFA and Black Gun policies and an overall hassle-free landscape for gun owners.  The Phoenix area likely has the most active competitive shooting cultures in the nation and there are countless places to shoot in the deserts if you're the kind that likes to take long shots.  The hunting opportunities are some of the best in the country, though tags can be a challenge to draw, so if you're a sportsman as well as a gun owner you're in luck.  The gap between Arizona and other states in the top-10 has certainly narrowed in the past few years but we have no justification for taking the winning slot away from our reigning champion.

Read more:
Quote from: Muskox on January-04-18 17:01
Quote from: Bigbird48 on January-04-18 16:01
Yeaaa Arizona the number 1 State in America for Gun Owners :D

I don't know about that; Alaska stands pretty tall for Gun Owners too!


Guns and Ammo rates them one and two for 2017  AZ then AK. Congrats!
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Wow, BB!  I knew Arizona was awesome--which is why I may retire there--but I'm blown away by PA being ranked 33rd!  My guess is that the urban center (Philly, Pittsburgh) preemption laws are dragging us down.  Outside of the major cities, we might as well be living in one of the top ten states.  Crazy.
So, making guns illegal will take them off the street?
Perfect!  We should probably make heroine and meth illegal, too!


It is Philly for sure, but there is also an issue with local districts trying constantly to make their own laws. Supposedly there is a bill in the state Chambers to stop this, but it's been sitting a while...Need to send some emails...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


The bottom of the listis no surprise either, except for the exact order. At the bottom is NY, followed by MASS, then NJ, HI and CA. That California is 46 is somewhat of a surprise, but the new Ammo laws didn't take affect until 2018...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Don't forget, there is only one state that has always had Constitutional carry: Vermont! They have never required a license to conceal or open carry.
Vermont was Constitutional Carry when Constitutional Carry wasn't cool.
Black Widow convertible
Magnum 1-5/8"
Super Companion 1-5/8"
LR 1-1/8"


Quote from: MR_22 on January-04-18 15:01
Frankly, I think Walmart does what it does for one reason: money. They try to please the most number of people and make the most amount of money. If they ban guns, they can't sell them, losing money, and they make gun owners mad. If they "give in" to gun owners, they make the left mad and the left LOVES to boycott and protest.

Walmart is not our friend, but I don't think they are our enemy either.

Walmart is a strange one and  agree that a lot of what they do is market driven in the same way they stock items to suit local markets, such as souvenirs or books that are of particular interest to that location. However they confuse me somewhat in Utah, because although they all seem to sell ammunition, the newer ones that open don't seem to sell guns. I agree that Walmart is not our friend, and while they may not be our enemy currently, I'm sure they'd throw us gun owners under the bus immediately, if selling guns or ammo, impacted negatively on their overall sales or there was a political climate where they could get away with it.

It may have changed, because I've never been to one of their stores since, but on my one visit to Dicks Sporting goods 3 or 4 years ago I noticed they were trying to play both sides against the middle, by not selling handguns or handgun ammunition.

Utah definitely has great gun laws and a high proportion of the population are gun owners which should protect 2nd Amendment rights for the foreseeable future as it would be political suicide to run on an anti gun agenda.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


I was under the impression that several years ago Wal-Mart pulled firearms out of all their stores, I was told because of politics and the ATF said they had to have a separate license for each store. 

After people voiced their displeasure by taking their dollars elsewhere, and the ATF deciding that a corporate license was OK, they put firearms back into some stores, mainly in the more rural and suburban areas, not in metro stores. 

The Wal-Mart management has become very aware of the fact that in many rural areas, the Wal-Mart store has driven all the small local stores out of business, and the public knows that if Wal-Mart doesn't carry what you want, you are going to have to drive 20 - 60 miles one way to get what you want, and after driving that far, you might as buy everything else that you need on that same trip.   Read a few years ago where Wal-Mart was closing stores in Kansas, and towns didn't know what they were going to do.  Wal-Mart had killed what I call farm market towns, that had supplied an area of 10-20 miles around them.  The small local stores had been driven out of business, and the surrounding rural customers now only had one store to shop in, but if you drove 20 - 40 miles in another direction, you had a choice of where to shop, and Wal-Mart was pulling out.  These small towns no longer had enough customers to make the store profitable, and with the closing of the store, the town was dying also.


I got my first carry permit in Washington State, back in 1990. Before it started the swing to California north. Then spent 25 years living in New Uork, with a "Hunting, fishing, hiking, target shooting" carry permit. Funny, it seems like I was almost always on the way to or from one of those activities...   :)  I moved to Pennsylvanis full time two years ago, and it's like the clouds parted and the birds started singing. As Canoeal said- shall issue, open carry if you're inclined, black rifles aren't evil, and there are state owned outdoor ranges everywhere.


And with a swing back to the thread topic . . .

There is now a ban on some Russian Ammo - I have read that it is only Tula, and possibly just the 5.45 x 39, but I can't tell by the various reports.  If in doubt, by from your bulk supplier now.  SGAmmo has lots of Golden Tiger 7.62 x 39 at a reduced price.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Quote from: Ruger on January-05-18 12:01
And with a swing back to the thread topic . . .

There is now a ban on some Russian Ammo - I have read that it is only Tula, and possibly just the 5.45 x 39, but I can't tell by the various reports.  If in doubt, by from your bulk supplier now.  SGAmmo has lots of Golden Tiger 7.62 x 39 at a reduced price.

A ban imposed by whom? Is this part of sanctions or other reasons? I haven't heard about any bans or sanctions on Russian ammo, but that would be interesting.


A ban by whom?  Yeah, that is just it.  I wanted to throw it out there to see if one of our fine NAA Forum internet sleuths could find anything on the internet about such a thing.  Google, which is about all I do, has a few things but nothing hard.  Maybe it is just one of those rumors that just wont die.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Hmm, I wonder if the rumor emerged because sanctions were imposed on Russia. I haven't heard that sanctions applied to anything but specific Russian weapons, not ammo. If you get more info, I'd like to hear about it.

Personally, I prefer Silver Bear ammo, also made in Russia. There is also Wolf ammo, which I think is made in Russia, and Red Army ammo, which is made in Ukraine and possibly other eastern European countries, but not Russia. I have some Red Army in 7.62x25.


Yeah, I was aware of the rifle ban, as so many parts for the AKs are becoming scare.  Good reason to go American made plus it avoids all the 922(r) regulations concerning foreign made parts.

As far as Ammo goes, I really like the Golden Tiger Ammo in 7.62 x 39 for both my AK-47 and Yugo SKS.  They are sealed at the primer and around the bullet with a small amount of sealer for long term storage.  They are non-corrosive and I have never had an issue with it.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


There were some rumblings a while back because they used steel cores in the bullets which then made it like "armor piercing" in the eyes of some, but I haven't heard anything recently, yet at least. If I was a manufacturer I might start such a rumor to increase sales :) "Hey Sergei vee haff a zurplus of zee 7.62 x 39 in the varehouse do you have any ideas of how we can shift it"

It's most likely someone might be putting 2 and 2 together to make 5, with the talk of sanctions against Russia, these days with the internet it doesn't take long for such information to travel to nearly everyone and then start to become fact. The fact it's not out there yet makes me feel it's less likely than ever to be fact. I've also not read anything in any of the emails I get from various gun magazines and vendors, which usually carry such articles on anything of that sort.

I too like the silver bear ammo.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Golden Tiger, huh? Hmm, I haven't tried that. I think I have seen it somewhere, though. Also Russian, apparently.

I just looked it up and here's a case of 1000 rounds of Golden Tiger 7.62x39 for $199 at SG. That sounds like a really good deal! I should get some. You can't have too much AK ammo!


Quote from: MR_22 on January-05-18 12:01
Golden Tiger, huh? Hmm, I haven't tried that. I think I have seen it somewhere, though. Also Russian, apparently.

I just looked it up and here's a case of 1000 rounds of Golden Tiger 7.62x39 for $199 at SG. That sounds like a really good deal! I should get some. You can't have too much AK ammo!

I guess the "news" hasn't reached the vendors either, yet, or we wouldn't be seeing prices like these.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Quote from: redhawk4 on January-05-18 12:01
I guess the "news" hasn't reached the vendors either, yet, or we wouldn't be seeing prices like these.

A most-excellent point!


I'm leaning toward the comment made by Mr_22 - probably just a rumor.  Or maybe what RedHawk said - a ploy by a manufacturer to increase sales.  One never knows, but for sure Mr_22 is right . . . "you can't have too much AK Ammo"
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Quote from: Ruger on January-05-18 13:01
but for sure Mr_22 is right . . . "you can't have too much AK Ammo"

My wife might beg to differ on that topic :)

I'm sure if there was anything in legislation even pending about this at the very least you'd be seeing the NAA or some other group bringing it to our attention. I usually get an email so I can complain to my representatives if anything detrimental is brewing. It's so nice to see a choice of ammo on the shelves again and even the discount word being used, I really hope we do not get anymore panic buying, for a while at least.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Quote from: Ruger on January-05-18 13:01
I'm leaning toward the comment made by Mr_22 - probably just a rumor.  Or maybe what RedHawk said - a ploy by a manufacturer to increase sales.  One never knows, but for sure Mr_22 is right . . . "you can't have too much AK Ammo"

Shhh... don't tell the mainstream media. They would absolutely FREAK OUT if they knew how much ammo I have stashed away. They would call it an arsenal and cover it 24/7, asking, "Why does anybody have that much ammo, unless they are mentally unstable or a terrorist!". Yeah, a bunch of freaks.

Anyway, I'm really tempted to get that Wild Tiger ammo deal. I don't have enough Silver Bear ammo (or is it Brown Bear? I forget--I know my 7.62x54R is Silver Bear).


There is Brown Bear and Silver Bear Ammo, the Silver Bear has the zinc plated silver cases and the copper plated bullets, it's promoted as being a little higher in quality than the run of the mill stuff, but that's likely mostly marketing beyond the appearance. They do quote a higher muzzle velocity, 64 fps more than the Brown Bear. The Brown Bear Ammo just has the lacquered case, I think I bought Silver Bear Ammo over some of the others for the plated case and alleged long storage life and the fact they have a hollow point bullet, for what that may be worth in low price ammo. The extra $25 or so on a case of 500 seemed a reasonable gamble over the Brown Bear at the time I ordered.

Yes the media really like to get into how much ammo someone had when something goes awry, it's a bit like the qualification for a "Super Gun Owner" the bar is set really rather low. Again it's back to the lack of understanding the left have about gun ownership. When that's only seen as negative, having one gun is bad enough, having 10 is just terrible and then of course the more ammunition you have for said guns meaning you can actually fire them makes it even worse. Meanwhile my reasoning behind the ammo I have on hand is really simple. Firstly given the fact that the reason I own some guns include self defense and that of my family and home it would be ludicrous to not have ammunition on hand. Secondly when I want to go to the range I like to do just that and then pick up ammo later to replenish what I used. The least sinister of all reasons has to be that if I can make a bulk purchase at a discount that saves me money, why wouldn't I do so assuming I have the money to afford it. Unfortunately the left want to paint every aspect of gun ownership right down to the day someone starts thinking about getting one in the most negative way possible.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


So, I just got an email from Rocky Mountain Gun Shows (one of our local gun shows here) for the gun show tomorrow. They have listed 1000 rounds of 7.62x39 at $199.95. Hmm. Wonder what brand that is? I could save a bunch on shipping, but have to pay sales tax.


Quote from: redhawk4 on January-05-18 14:01
There is Brown Bear and Silver Bear Ammo, the Silver Bear has the zinc plated silver cases and the copper plated bullets, it's promoted as being a little higher in quality than the run of the mill stuff, but that's likely mostly marketing beyond the appearance.

Right. I can't remember which one my Ak ammo is, but I know the Mosin Nagant ammo is Silver Bear. I think I have some Silver Bear 8mm Mauser, too. Heck, it's sad that I can't remember which ammo I have. Guess I have too much (that's a lie, ha!)

I do prefer the Silver Bear, but like you say, it's usually a little bit more.


About $150 for 500 at Sportsmans guide in 7.62x39, not the cheapest but still "affordable" and I tend to believe it is a little nicer ammo than some of the cheapest options. Just the appearance makes it worth the extra.

When you can't remember things it's not just old age, its the bounty that old age can bring to us in terms of the finances to have such excess, that we have to go and look at what we have once in a while. When I was young I had one motorcycle and knew the plug gap, points gap, which timing marks to use for ignition timing and the tire pressures, all off the top of my head. Now with 12 motorcycles I have to refer to the service manuals, because even if I do remember, I still have to make certain I'm not thinking of a different model. In that same period I only had one gun, an air rifle, checking on ammo was as easy as opening the tin of 500 pellets to see how full it was. So while my mental abilities may not be quite what they were, the fact that more is required in the upkeep of numerous motorcycles, guns and ammo etc. than there was in the "good old days" does make quite the difference. I decided to get more organized for 2018, sometimes organised chaos can be stressfull, I actually ordered one of those label makers, thinking having a new toy would inspire me to do so by making a discrete label with tire pressure information and when oil was changed etc. which can be put on the machine for easy reference. I'm also determined to get the 2 boxes of ammo I admit to owning ;) better situated and organized to ensure I don't go to the range with the wrong box of 25 cartridges ;) :)

The best answer to annoy any anti gunner who asks you why you have so much ammo has to be to tell them you need that much to fill all your high capacity magazines :)

"It's really not that much when you think that it takes 4 of these boxes just to fill one of my 100 round drum magazines"

And "buying  in such bulk helps prevent global warming by me having to drive to the store less, as well as saving me moneyso I can donate more to the NRA :)
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


and I was havin so much fun in the drift ;D :P

Quote from: Ruger on January-05-18 12:01
And with a swing back to the thread topic . . .

There is now a ban on some Russian Ammo - I have read that it is only Tula, and possibly just the 5.45 x 39, but I can't tell by the various reports.  If in doubt, by from your bulk supplier now.  SGAmmo has lots of Golden Tiger 7.62 x 39 at a reduced price.


Once more the inevitable drift enters the thread, on the plus side thread drift is a sign that people have taken an interest and are thinking for themselves :)
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Nuttin' wrong with some awesome drift!


BTW, to get back on topic, Ammunition Depot right now has free shipping on orders over $200.


Quote from: redhawk4 on January-05-18 15:01
Once more the inevitable drift enters the thread, on the plus side thread drift is a sign that people have taken an interest and are thinking for themselves :)

Not that it's always a good idea that some people are thinking for themselves :) but given it's a Friday and a Ranger Friday too, we'll hope the Drift Police are looking in the other direction.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Quote from: MR_22 on January-05-18 15:01
BTW, to get back on topic, Ammunition Depot right now has free shipping on orders over $200.

What was the topic again? :)
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


I guess I'm lucky I have literally dozens of place to buy ammo near me.And a couple are discount ammo stores that's all they sell  ;D