Shipping Procedure

Started by Skip Ellis, June-11-18 11:06

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Skip Ellis

I see a lot of talk about shipping the NAA's back and forth from Utah for upgrades, repairs, etc. Just wondering what the actual rule is
about doing this - must a FFL be involved or, since there's no change of ownership involved, can you send and receive freely on your own?  If I was selling or buying, yes, I would need to go through an FFL (except local FTF deals - even then, I do paperwork and require a CCW). What do you all do?  (I should probably know this 'cause I used to have an FFL but it was many years ago and I haven't read the rules in a long time)

As an aside - I sold my Guardian .32NAA so I'm looking for a Pug with both cylinders if anyone is interested in selling.


You can send it back without an FFL for service to the company that made it via FedEx or UPS.  Ask them for the procedure and do what they tell you to do and pay what they ask.  NAA can return direct to you, not through and FFL, because you own it and have already done any background check, if was only serviced.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


For shipping a personal firearm, to a manufacturer or gunsmith who has an FFL, for repair or modification  you can use UPS (not usually a UPS "store" from my  understanding) or FedEx.  I prefer FedEx myself.  They can only ship the firearm back to you at the address it comes from.  You usually have to be home in order to sign for the returned firearm.  This is the aspect that makes many people use a local FFL holder since it's not always convenient to be home, and shipping notifications for deliveries are not always sent out.

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain


Not through a "Store" only through a HUB can a hand gun be shipped, unless that has changed.  Check with the shipper before doing something you will regret.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


if it is naa call them I have shipped 4 times they will let you know if you half to pay for it they give you shipping no. @tell you what to do


I've dropped mine off at the local postnet for pickup by fedex 3 times and had it shipped back to 3 different address's no problem ;D ;D