Heizer Double Tap

Started by chopprs, April-06-12 04:04

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There is a whole movement of those constantly offended.  By everyone else, but holidays, by the mention of God, by holiday greetings, by ribbing and teasing unless done VERY carefully, by guys asking women to go on a date, but men opening the door for women, by women asking men on a date, by men who pay for meals on dates, by the flying of the US flag in the U.S.A., and on and on and on....


   It appears to me to be an overall feminization of our culture and demise of the male.  I am often grateful that I only have another 15 or so years on this earth. (I am sure that is FAR too long for many of you and you are offended that I am going to hang out that long..)  I shudder to think what this prison planet will be like in 50 years with nothing but girly men in existence.


   I post this with FULL CONFIDENCE that the very writing and posting of these little marks on a screen called words will also offend many of you.


   Oh well............


   YOU being offended is YOUR problem, isn't it?  After all YOU CHOSE to be offended.  NO ONE can make you.  You do it to yourself.
"Deeds; Not Words"


...neither will I Joe, since it also seems that he is not only not one of the guys but he never has anything else to talk about......




   did someone talk about this forum on  http://www.whinyfemimen.com">www.whinyfemimen.com

   they have been coming in waves the last few weeks.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Okay, I was not going to step into the gutter again, but as for me I prefer  

   a boring gentleman over an interesting but obnoxious person. Chopprs and Louie  

   need to create their own little board where they can be as nasty as they wish without  

   bothering normal folks. With a little effort Heyjoe and Lee can join them. Maybe  

   Coinchop had the right idea when he quit.  


   Oh, welcome to the forum, Shadowofleaves. Hope you like it here.


believe me it shows.  

   so now it is me you are after Dinadan. i should leave because i dont live up to your standards? you certainly throw a lot of stones for living in a glass house. it seems to me you have been involved in a lot of conflict in the past two weeks. none of it involved me.

    i had no problem with Coinchop, i actually liked him, so i dont know why you are coming after me now, unless you enjoy it.  


   Louie hit the nail right on the head with this "It appears to me to be an overall feminization of our culture and demise of the male."


   some of you must be a really miserable lot at home with the long faces all of the time, sitting on the edge of your chairs waiting to be offended on the internet.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I have a better idea, why don't you leave!


   You can go right over to http://www.experienceproject.com/groups/Am-A-Cry-Baby/1447">http://www.experienceproject.com/groups/Am-A-Cry-Baby/1447. You will fit right in over there because where there is no problem you ALWAYS create one by being the biggest whineass on the forum!


   Happy now?


You may consider me boring; but my point is that it seems that some believe all men sit around and poke fun at each other and that those that do not are not normal or are panzies.  


   My point is that this is not the case. Some may but many others do not. Maybe it has to do with what area you are raised in. I can see maybe certain areas of New York or Chicago this kind of socializing may be the norm at the local pub or back yard BBQ or certain work places. I can also think of a lot of areas and work places where it would not.  


   As to you and your friends being Gentlemen; I made no claims either way. I cannot say for I do not know you well enough. You may draw references but that is not I.  


   As to Louie's remark considering people being offended too easily I agree but only to a point. I do not think the references made even come close to those catagories I raised. The remarks being discussed are usually reserved at best to those you know very well; not someone just met or barely known.  


   As for being a whiney feminine I do not believe I fit the bill just because I do not enjoy trading insults with my friends and calling that having fun. I am confident I could hold my own with anyone here.


   Oh PS: I am more than a little full of myself; as any self respecting Gentlman should be.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


......one thing is for sure, you are a fragile one aren't you!


Never been called that before; but the words do not make the man. His actions do and as I said before I can more than hold my own Sir.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.




   Have we not been formally introduced?


   Dan, Whitehorse.

   Whitehorse, Dan.



   BTW, I did not "call" you anything. I merely made an observation!


Wait just a minute.....

   I am back, it is morning. (that is about the only time I get to be on the computer)


   At no time in the past, nor in the present, nor in the future have I ever or will I ever refer to myself as a "gentleman".

   I don't carry a hankie up my sleve, nor do I "swish" when I walk.

   I do not try to be anything/anybody other than who/what I am.


   If you are not pleased with me, I really don't care.


   If someone comes on sounding like a braggart to me, I will say so.


   So you have been this and now you are that.  

   Am I impressed? Nope, and I will probably say so.



    Now excuse me while I make some little red dots.

   I think they are so neat.


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


"At no time in the past, nor in the present, nor in the future have I ever or will I ever refer to myself as a "gentleman".

   I don't carry a hankie up my sleve, nor do I "swish" when I walk.

   I do not try to be anything/anybody other than who/what I am."


   Sounds to me like you are describing a homosexual rather than a gentleman. My definition of a gentleman is obviously different than yours. A gentleman, in my opinion, is a man who is bound by his word, one who lends a hand to those who need help and expects nothing in return,and one who is capable of holding his tongue until it is appropriate to unleash it. Of course, I am from the deep South (Louisiana) where we are raised with a different set of values , so your mileage may vary.  


   "If you are not pleased with me, I really don't care."


   We appear to see eye to eye on this point.


   "If someone comes on sounding like a braggart to me, I will say so."


   I stand by my previous rebuttal.


   "So you have been this and now you are that.

   Am I impressed? Nope, and I will probably say so."


   Also covered in previous rebuttal.


   Now, can we please talk about guns instead of flamethrowers?


you tell the old goat!!!!



"Deeds; Not Words"


Ok Chops; but who is Dan and certainly you are not inferring I am Whitehorse are you?


   I also was only making observations and or alternative explainations based upon the topic of conversation.


   Anyway onto bigger and better things as Shadow stated guns and other weapons............
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Dan, when I was in grammar school like fifty years ago the kids that got upset when they were picked on were the ones that got picked on the most. With that said, I am sure you will be angry when you see your picture that I am quite sure you posted with an imagination that it would somehow intimidate someone, somewhere. I found it humorous then and now it actually makes me chuckle out loud because I remember how much fun it was poking fun at the wimps that would cry when I called them names.......if you need a tissue please let me know as I have an unending supply! The way I see it is you have two choices, either you stop crying and whining like a school girl making yourself an obvious target for fun and you laugh it off with the rest of us, or you cry yourself to sleep every night! LOL




"a man who is bound by his word, one who lends a hand to those who need help and expects nothing in return"


   I just call that normal.


   The rest has a swish.



God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Your Quite the artist Chopprs,

   that made me almost choke on my coffee..
Satyameva Jayate


It is the long years of engineering school and the qualifications to now design our AIRCRAFT that we get into and FLY, that created the precision workmanship and precise execution you see in that "updated" photo.


   Just kind of makes you fell all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn't it?
"Deeds; Not Words"


Is this the appropriate forum to say, I think the " a all mens golf course has its place even in todays politically correct society"?  If not I will hold my tongue...(gentlemen)


I would say so especially when Golf has been stated to stand for: Gentlmen Only Ladies Forbidden...... as to the correct forum I cannot say.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Chopprs and Louie - why is it manly when you bully or bait someone, but  

   whining like a schoolgirl when the other person comes back at you? From the news  

   articles I read, schoolgirls seem to be some of the worst cyber bullies, which makes  

   you two more like schoolgirls than your victims.


   In any case, I am done with this. I really enjoyed this forum until  

   you two came back. Chopprs and Louie, you have polluted this forum like a pair  

   of skunks spraying a good deer stand. It can still be used, but it sure is not  

   what is used to be.


   When the two of you ran Ricart off, I should have taken a hint that this

   forum was not longer for the likes of me. I guess you can tell that I am still a  

   little peeved about Ricart. However, being a student of Socrates, I do  

   not wish you ill. I leave Chopprs and Louie with the best wishes one man can  

   have for another - I hope you become better men.


Dan, YOU are the agitator here. I said nothing to you or about you and neither did Louie yet you just HAD to involve us in a negative post. You are ever so touchy and apparently very fragile. I know no other grown men that get so upset so easily. If you feel that you will make me feel some sort of remorse by leaving you are wrong. I see it as very childish and it will only make me laugh at you more!

   "I am taking my toys and going home" is what children do when they can not get their way....




"Deeds; Not Words"


You have hurt my feelings.

   I will hurt you in return.

   I will take this big ol hammer and smash my thumb.

   THAT will show YOU!!!!!!!!!
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


That is stupid AND gay, both at the same time.

   They just started selling them and are already resorting to THAT!!!!  



I second that projection...




Hey, my name is Harley, yes that's my actual first name..... and I ride a Triumph,.......  78 tiger to be exact.   How many coopie points does that get me?


......I used to have a T-shirt.

   On the front it said "LUCAS ELECTRICS"

    On the back it said "Onward through The Dark"