Anyone here own (or fired) a Caracal?

Started by mndoug, May-14-12 15:05

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mndoug">Caracal is a firearms company based in the United Arab Emirates.  They make a nice-looking 9mm.


Here's a photo.  They're priced at around $350-$400.




And only 20% of each one goes directly to the Islamist Radicals killing Americans.  (The rest of it is discreetly directed to them in a much less obvious fashion)


"Deeds; Not Words"


Don't like the integral rear sight. Don't like where it's made. Shot one at local idpa match, shot well enough, nothing special, grip and angle reminds of M&P and a XD mixed with a ruger sr9. I was shooting two classes, I outscored the gentleman with the caracal using 3rd gen g17. He had 2 failures, each one FTRB. He lost a round with tap, rack, bang each time. He claimed he had around 700 trouble free rounds prior to any competition and had shot one match already with one FTRB, he wasn't really convinced or sold on the caracal to date. He was gonna keep it and shoot it for long term testing, he said he will not carry it. Seems like the failures were induced under heavy rates of fire vs. What he'd shot at the range. Oh, he picked his up at">


.......I have never fired one ebut I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!


It maybe kinda sorta almost reminds me of the Steyr M/M-A1.

cedarview kid

Well, look at it this way: every one of these you buy takes one out of the hands of terrorists!


   (I'm JK. I don't believe that.)


I wonder what's behind the name - sure is a strange one.  Sounds like some nourishment drink for you older folks.   Now with luscious Caramel flavor!