My new Swan

Started by RogueTS1, August-04-18 16:08

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One of the two tax stamps finally came in. This one was for the 5.56mm Swan. Titanium can; 7.5" in the Swan configuration and 6" in the Cygnet (K) configuration. Took less than 3 months. Hopefully the second stamp is not too far behind; this one was sent in one week before the other stamp.

Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

smokeless joe

Nice. I wonder if they would approve one for the mini wallet holster? Not sure what steps or hoops I'd have to take/jump thru to get that done  ???


Paperwork steps are what you go through Joe.  The website for the BATFE has all you need nd walks you through what has to be done, at least it did.  Been a while since last I checked though....

A suppressor is the one thing I might want to g4et eventually.  Maybe one day after zI am back on my feet and have done more research as to what I would like in one.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Just got paperwork sent in.  Got online trust setup with for myself and a co-trustee.  We had to each get trust notarized with two witnesses.  Then for each suppressor we had to each get two fingerprint cards on a specific federal form, three passport photos, pay for suppressor in stock at class III gun dealer, pay $200 for tax stamp, get federal paperwork filled out and signed (gun dealer did most of that), provide a copy of trust paperwork, mail to feds, have suppressor held at dealer until tax stamp comes back in an estimated 7 1/2 months.

Only the two trustees or someone with them can use the suppressor.  Only the two trustees can have access to the suppressor.  If suppressor stored in a safe and wife has access to safe, then she should be a co-trustee on trust or she is in violation of a felony.  Doesn't seem to matter if wife has no interest in guns or suppressor.

I understand that I can add my wife to the trust as a co-trustee without her getting fingerprints.  Then she has full access to and use of suppressor.  If I add my wife, my original co-trustee adds his wife, and we add one grandchild as co-trustees, then the trust will have a total of five co-trustees and three of the five would not need fingerprints up to that point.  But if we then purchase more suppressors, all five co-trustees would each need to get 2 fingerprint cards and three passport photos for each puppressor purchased.  Say we (trust) buy 3 more suppressors, we would need a total of 30 fingerprint cards and 45 passport photos. I found prices for each fingerprint card anywhere from $6 - $20 each.  Passport photos were about $12.50 per pair.

And we just want to protect our hearing when deer hunting: myself, one co-trustee, and 3 or 4 grand kids.  A copy of trust and tax stamp must be with each suppressor at all times, in the swamp while hunting or where ever it is.

I hope onone tries to tell me that my constitutional right to keep and bears arms is not already severly infringed.  IMO.  And I hope I have all of the legal stuff straight.

top dog

I have paperwork in the mill right now for my second can,a Ruger ISB for my 10/22TD. IT was submitted in the beginning of March. So maybe pretty soon?

Dumb question,what is the purpose of the wrap on the suppressor. I have seen several in use at our range but don't know what the purpose is.

I thought that maybe as some sort of shield??

                                                                           Top Dog


BJ; if one uses Silencer Shop's new kiosk system, one only need fingerprint each person, on the kiosk machine, once and it is stored forever and never needs to be done again. They have an app for one's smart phone to take a passport photo which they store. The app let's you know when it is time for a new photo when making another purchase. They also store your trust paperwork.

You want to buy something; you go to their website, sign in and click the appropriate things and they take care of the rest. This last stamp took a few days less than 3 months.

Top Dog; the wrap keeps the can cool/not so hot to the touch so one can check tightness of can while shooting or remove it without melting one's hand or when transitioning to one's sidearm and slinging one's long gun to the side it does not burn one's pants, coat or leg.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Some photos off the gun and unwrapped:

Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


and the same in the Cygnet configuration:

Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.