Fast Firing A NAA Mini LR

Started by Gun1, August-07-18 00:08

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Hi all,
I recently purchased a NAA in LR because living in California I can't buy the short version which is the one that I truly wanted. I went out to the range a few days ago to test it out and to my surprise even firing mini mags the gun almost didn't move in my hand, and I was expecting it to almost jump out of my hand. What I did notice, however, was that shooting two handed I was still only able to shoot all 5 rounds in about 4 seconds, that's almost one second per round and I didn't hit the target at all at 10 yards. I was going for rapid fire, to simulate a self defense situation where being a .22 you would want to hit your attacker fast with more than just one round.
I therefore got curious to know how fast you guys can fast fire this mini lr revolver. I'm thinking perhaps with the proper amount of training I can shoot it as fast as a semi auto?


Mr Gun1 - my NAAs are intended for use much closer than 10 yards - more like 4-5 yards... i practice at an indoor range, so i can only do point-shooting and holding the revolver at the waist with a level forearm, starting at 3 yards, then move the target out a foot or so at a time...

i you have a 4-inch barrel you should be able to hit a target at 10 yards, however

and i'll never be able to shoot my Sidewinder or mini as fast as my P32 (double-action), Tomcat (DA/SA), P238 (SA), PT-22 (double-action) or even Charter Undercover (DA/SA)

i have seen some 'tube videos of a guy rapid firing  his mini - his hands were nearly blackened by the firing residue (not a good idea, IMHO), but he was out in the woods and simulating rapid advance/retreat firing techniques

just my $0.02... others more experienced with their minis may want to chime in


There is an old saying that goes something like this "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast". Here is a quote from an article in Recoil Junkie that explains what this means.
QuoteThis lost truth is the key to learning any skill. Whether or not this saying holds true depends on two things. First, that you are employing the correct and most efficient technique for whatever it is that you are doing. Second, that you do not sacrifice performance for speed.
. If you learn to shoot your mini with proper technique speed will come with practice. You have chosen a small single action revolver for self defense. Spray and pray isn't what these little guns are made for.


Well, I know I can't shoot mine as fast as I can shoot a pistol.  It can be fired quickly but not that fast.

As the others have said, this is a short range firearm, not a gun for long distance nor is it super fast though with practice you can get pretty fast with one and stay pretty accurate.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Actually you can buy a short in the DPRK. Anyone who legally owns one can sell it in a person to person sale. I found mine on consignment & you might find one at a gun show. Dealers can't sell them from their inventory but they can sell on consignment.
I also got my Black Widow & Freedom Arms mini that way. P.S. IF you want one BAD ENOUGH make me an offer I can't refuse.

I see from your other post you know about PTP sales.


My two cents (and worth $.02 less than that),
My 1 5/8" LR Mini has oversize grips on it and that allows me a better hand hold
than what I got with the (long-gone) original tiny grips, and I think that allows me
to shoot faster and with greater accuracy.    I practice at 7 yds, against dinner-plate size
paper plates. I bring the gun rapidly up to eye level as I cock the hammer, get a fast
flash sight picture down the flat top surface of the gun with the sight blade superimposed
on the target, and trigger my shots. I've only got the 5 rounds on board, so I go no faster than
what it takes to get hits.  Works for me.
Practice practice and more practice.  Find out what works for you.
Be well, Boise Steve


If you want to really shoot fast with your mini you can do like the old cowboys do with their single actions and 'fan' fire.

Well, you cant exactly do it like they do, but if you take your mini and hold down the trigger, with your off hand you can cock the hammer and release it (more of a slip) and the gun will fire when the hammer falls. You can repeat this until the gun goes dry.

Do it with your off hand thumb and definitely not with the palm 'cowboy' style or you run a good chance of shooting your hand... once you get the hang of it (do some dry fire practice, first) you can easily get all 5 rounds out of a mini in probably less than 2 seconds.

Now I'm not necessarily touting the combat effectiveness of the technique. It's more of a trick than anything else, neat and fun once you get the hang of it.


Quote from: Gun1 on August-07-18 00:08

I therefore got curious to know how fast you guys can fast fire this mini lr revolver.

I'm thinking perhaps with the proper amount of training I can shoot it as fast as a semi auto ?

The way I shoot my Mini ( a BW, actually) fastest is to grasp the revolver tightly in a closed fist that also holds the trigger back, then fan the hammer hard/fast until the gun's empty.

A glove, naturally, makes it easier on the hand, if you happen to be wearing them when the emergency occurs.

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


Fast, powerful, accurate, naa mini are really none of these.

Reliable and concealable, that is what they are.

lefty dude

Cock the hammer with your off hand thumb, with a two hand hold. Much faster than the trigger hand thumb.
Cowboy Action Shooters use a technique called slip hammering. Hold the trigger back, while pulling the hammer back and releasing the hammer again and again.
May not be able to slip hammer a NAA, I have never tried this with a Mini.


When I tried the mini with the 5x5 drill a few times (5" circle, 5 yards, 5 rounds, in 5 seconds) that led to me writing it off as a defensive gun. Picture yourself being tackled and trying to fire single-action while wrestling around!

OTOH, it is something to pull in a situation where the mere presence of a gun is adequate deterrence.

Just my opinion, everyone does it different and what works for you works for you. :)



Quote from: lefty dude on August-23-18 11:08
May not be able to slip hammer a NAA, I have never tried this with a Mini.

You can.  It works.  But I wouldn't recommend it as you could drop the hammer out of time with the cylinder.

I won't carry a laser device... unless it has stun, kill, and disintegrate settings.


If I want faster fire, I have a DA/SA Charter Arms Target Pathfinder. Six shots out of that, is faster than I can think...I will not be fanning any gun...Especially my BW...You do have to hit the target...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


I think it was James Butler Hickok who said something like, "Shoot slow as fast as you can". One deliberate shot is better than five wild ones.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


With only 5 tiny bullets and no chance of a combat reload, I wouldn't want to shoot any faster than I can hit a vital target every time.

This ain't cowboy action shooting and I ain't Wild Bill Hickok.


With only 5 rounds, fast-firing all 5 rounds leaves one with only a five-ounce steel rock to throw should the threat be greater than first perceived  Even worse, if the shots are fired so rapidly that accuracy is doubtful and end up hitting an unintended recipient, then the shooter will suffer society's rage - in court and possibly in jail.

IMHO the "fire only when sure of hitting the intended target" is still the best doctrine.  Rapid and inaccurate fire, especially in a stressful situation, greatly increases the potential for collateral damage/harm and decreases one's self-defense goal.

Don't get me wrong.  Being able to rapidly and accurately engage targets with a mini is a good goal.   I still practice unholstering, cocking and sighting a cylinder-less mini to keep up response proficiency, always bringing the mini to the same firing position I use at the range.  At the range I practice  double-tap, with the goal of having both shots within a tight shot group.  That still would leave me with three rounds (and a five-ounce steel rock) for the unexpected.

" never need a gun until you need it badly" - from WEB Griffin's The Honor of Spies, and Victory and Honor.


  Fanning these mini's , especially with the birdhead grips , will most likely end in shooting yourself in the head with it rocking back .Why in heavens name do people shoot in manners a gun should not be shot .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Cause they don't know any better?


Hey, it is your mini.
If you are not putting any body or any thing in danger, go for it.

Through out life, some of the things that I have liked best, people have thought not up to par.

Partying, getting drunk, puking, and falling down ( ;D ).

God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )
