Would you send this back to NAA?

Started by kpla51, January-08-19 19:01

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I revived my new pug and I was quick and In a hurry to get home. Upon getting home I of course wanted to fondle it a little and noticed a decent size gouge in the frame and the sights once again pushed far right. I see so many talking about the machining quality of their guns and I expected a lot more in quality control. The picture doesn't do the gouge justice.



i probably wouldnt but if it bothers you call them up and i would bet they will fix it for free.


Quote from: riadat on January-09-19 03:01
i probably wouldnt but if it bothers you call them up and i would bet they will fix it for free.

I agree.

Now you don't have to worry about getting it scared up. ;D
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Honky Tonk Man

Personally, I wouldn't send it back.  That area inside the frame that houses the cylinder is usually a little "rough".  It must be hard to polish in a small enclosed area.  Can't use a belt there, so I cut them a little slack.  It doesn't show much when the cylinder is in place.  If your's does, and it bothers you; they will make it right. 
Silence is Golden - Duct Tape is Silver


I will note that it does show when the cylinder is in place since it is a gouge and not a scratch. I know this isn't typical of their firearms so Im not bashing them by any means. In reality its not a big deal but if they will fix it why not 8) maybe mine was made on a Friday ;D

top dog

I agree with Uncle Lee. This scratch/gouge now gives it some "character".

But if it does concern you,give NAA a call. I am sure that they will make it right for you.

                                                                                     Top Dog


Kpla, I wouldn't be worried about that myself.  If it bothers you though, give the nice folks at NAA a call and see what they will do for you. :)
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Kpla - I agree with what others have said. If the Pug functions normally I would not send it back. On the other hand, it is your gun and you paid good money for it. If you are not happy with it call NAA and see what they suggest. Once you get a bunch of pocket lint and powder residue all over it, you will not even notice that scratch!


Not having a mini, I'm having trouble picturing where the scratch is, but Honky Tonk said it's inside the cylinder window. All of my revolvers are far from perfect there. Also, I'm used to repairing newly acquired nicks and scratches on stainless with maroon, sometimes green, Scotch Brite pads.

It all comes down to what makes you happy, it's your gun, bought with your money. I'd send them an email with the photos attached, and ask them about refinishing the area better.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


I disagree with some here, and If it bothers you, I would send it back. My customers would and I would make it right. That is what customer service is about. I am sure they will take care of it, because they are good at customer service...JMHO.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke



I would hold off making a decision until I had a conversation about your concerns with Jessica, or other appropriate person @ NAA.

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


  Now you have a one of a kind , personalized so to say .:)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


My Mini Master has the same markings. That doesn't bother me personally, so I didn't raise any concerns. To each their own.


Late response here but I have been out of town. Comparing it to my other PUG this one is not up to snuff in my opinion. The hammer spring is ungodly heavy compared to my other PUG. My first pug is buttery smooth and consistent where this one seems super tight and hard to cock. I am going to call NAA first thing Monday morning and see what they do.

PS: I am by no means bashing NAA or their manufacturing process, sometimes this stuff happens. My original PUG has been in my pocket since the day I bought it  ;D

Honky Tonk Man

You're really the only one that can make that decision.  I'm sure they'll make it right for you.  With NAA, it's a given. 
Silence is Golden - Duct Tape is Silver


Let us know what you decide and how it works out for you. You paid good money for the gun and a chief selling point is how well they're made  - the "Swiss watch" metaphor is often used. If it's a gouge as you described it's unacceptable IMO. However, if it can be easily buffed out with a scotch pad it may be acceptable. I just ordered the 22 LR and I'll be sure and check that area when I get it. I'm guessing NAA will make it right with you if needed.
If you're not swimming against the current you're being carried along with it.


I sent pictures to NAA and they said it was unacceptable and want me to send it back. So far the customer service is superb.


That's great! Glad you held them to the high standard they represent and glad they agreed the gun wasn't to that standard and they readily agreed to make it right. Kudos to you and to NAA.
If you're not swimming against the current you're being carried along with it.