Started by zeilstra, November-01-10 13:11

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My like new Seecamp 380 has had only about 50 rounds through.  Rated best concealed carry by Am. Rifleman.


   Seecamp plus 4 mags (one with very expensive SS finger extension), pocket holster, original box, warrantee, manual, extra springs etc.


   $1170 + $30 shipping & insurance to your FFL.  Postal M.O. only


   Email me for Pix   [email protected]



cedarview kid

Nothing against Seecamp or you, but I'd rather have two Guardian .380s for that much. Or maybe a .380 and a .32NAA. (This IS the NAA board, after all. LOL.)


   In fact, that's about $250 more than I paid for my two break-tops. Yikes. There's probably someone out there for which this would be a great deal and I hope you find them.


I would be interested at a lower price for just the gun alone.......


package deal only,...........Sorry



cedarview kid

Oh, you DO have four mags. I guess that does justify a higher price. I didn't notice that, Still high, though, although I know it's the going price. Just not something I really want.


That's ok. Thanks for listing it here anyway. I always like to see one up. They are not seen that often for sale.


   If it was a .32 I think I would have it!


...If it was a .32ACP, it could be used as a paperweight..Ballisticly, I don't think there's a whole lot of difference...



...Sorry Chopper, I couldn't help Myself..Purely personal preferance..380 is as small as I want to go..(Some of those B/G's out there are BIG-B/G's)



   This place is great. You can learn something new every day......


that goes right up there with the other testosterone fueled bs you read on gun forums that you are better off carrying a rock because if you have to shoot a bad guy with a 32 acp it will just piss him off. where do you people get this crap from?
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I think any bad guy who gets shot is going to be pissed off - it's whether he's capable, or still wanting to do anything about it.


   I think the caliber at which he's neither capable, or still wanting to do anything about it, is rather smaller than generally touted.


   Having said that, I like the power of 380 and can still carry it in an easily carried and manageable package, so why not?.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

Well, my apologies for sounding negative on this thread. I just think that's too much money for something that you can get a comparable product for much less. I didn't mean to sound rude in my comment, tho, in case you thought I did. (If you DIDN'T think that, then NEVERMIND! LOL.)



chopprs would piss me off if I got shot with a BB!

   I think a single round of anything .380/9mm/.38 is the bare minimum OR a couple rounds of something smaller well placed. I am a firm believer in the stopping power of a .22 Magnum round. The first one may not stop him but the loud bang and the blood may give him something to think about while you squeeze off another round!

cedarview kid

The loud BANG and the HUGE FLASH, if at night, can't be ignored!


I was shooting a few of my guns at night a while back and found that muzzle flash is not quite how I understood it. Neither 357 mag in a 2 1/2" barrel or 44 Mag in a 4" barrel produced a blinding flash for me as the shooter, as I'd often heard. I could immediately see to aim for a follow up. It was however an impressive ball of flame for observers to the side. No one was prepared to watch from the business end , but I bet that would be spectacular and cause an immediate flight reaction in most.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card

cedarview kid

I've been out shooting at dusk with a .22 Magnum and the muzzle flash is rather impressive. Along with the bang. ;)


....took the words right outta my mouth. My NAA guns all make a flash/Bang that is unsurpassed by any except the bigguns!


...Whilst the .22M, W/accompaning flash/bang may be a B/G deterent in an OMG type situation, I think that Redhawk4 & Choppers have the the right idea on this..As Mike Holmes of HGTV says;"If You Do It, Do It right the FIRST time"...


Interesting; the theory that people today are SOOOOO much sturdier than a century ago..........


   Must be the hard work they all do....


   After all Teddy Roosevelt was the first to purchase and issue firearms to a major police department, in this case the NY City PD, and they bought 32 S&W guns and issued them to the officers..................  Was the accepted police firearm at the time.............


   of course, New York was much warmer than and folks ran around in tee shirt and shorts all year round............


   And they were almost pygmy size too.........


   And Teddy was such a mamby pamby sort of guy, so he probably bought sissy guns on purpose, because he probably wanted to "just piss them off" by having his officers defend themselves and the people of NYC with a 32 revolver......


   They didn't know what WE know today, that bad guys are bullet proof and have to be shot with guns with 400 FPE to be "really" shot......



   (warning for those from other countries that cannot detect it, and any others with no sense of humor: above message includes sarcasm that is intended to make a point!)




...Listen pal, sitting on a couch watching NCIS,CSI,Criminal Minds, not to mention Rugby & HGTV, will turn You into one tough dude..I know this for a fact, as over the years, I have developed tremendously powerful butt muscles, capable of holding Me in a very agressive sitting stance for hours on end..

   T.R. is one of My heros,topped only by T.Jefferson..(I also like Ollie North's ideas)

   However, In all sincerity, I feel that given the choice, I would go with the .380..More discouraging & stopping pwr.with not much more size or weight..

   NYPD progressed thru .32 to .38 fairly quickly..The adoption 9MM took longer than it should have, due in great part to politics..finally, the up-grade to .40 was in response to the need to stop the B/G's NOW, to reduce the possibility of in-comeing rounds..These "Guys in Blue" are daily faced with B/Gs, with superior fire-power..(hopefully, you & I will never be placed in that situation)...


400 fpe; does that bring back memories of days gone by on this board.


   clipper there are quite a few here who have been around the block a few times in that regard.  


   nypd is still 9mm+p
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


...My mistake. When I bailed out of NY in '04,(43 yrs.@ JFK was enough)I was under the impression that the staunch supporter of the 2nd. Ammendment, Mayor friggen' Bloomberg, had OKed. the move to .40...


Finally got my B-T today, what a gem!!

   Action was stiff, but good function.  I found only .0045" rear of cylinder-to-frame, while my

   mini-mags have .008" clearance.

      Galco holster 8719L, PRO 180 series, works fine. Its design has a split below the cylinder,  

   so the extra bulk of the B-T is not an issue.

   Personally, I find the holster to be not real comfortable, but that's probably due to stiffness

   of new leather.

     S/N 15x; any body try other holster options?


cedarview kid

Nice. I'll have to check that holster out. Thanks for the pointer.