Holster Grip Question ?

Started by airplinker, November-09-10 14:11

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For you guys w/ the holster grip. Does the exposed hammer hit your hand or get in the way of putting your hand in your pocket ? Ever cocked hammer by accident ? Thanks AP


NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


Much better for pocket carry a holster made for safe use.  The exposed hammer and  lack of secure cylinder on the holster grip is a recipe for disaster in the pocket.  A mere touch of the hammer can release the cyl. - 'cocked' hammer is not the issue.  



I have a Pug,  1 5/8, 1 1/8, and BW all on mag frames. At one time or another, have pocket carried all of them, with the folding grip holster, with zero problems!  However, when I pocket carry, the gun and holster, is the only thing in my pocket. I would NEVER have keys, change, money clip, etc. In the same pocket. Just my two cents worth.


I carry in a pocket holster ,but was just looking at the grip option for more control. Thanks guys


Always remember when using the folding grip holster that it is a good idea to put a piece of electrical tape over the end of the barrel to keep pocket lint from clogging the barrel....


I've had the holster grip on my .22lr for a long time, but don't carry it loose in the pocket. Instead, it rides in a leather pouch (which used to contain a notary seal) and that keeps it always in the same position within the pocket.  No lint, fixed placement, and the hammer is effectively covered to prevent accidental movement.  The belt clip also provides a reliable reference of the NAA's position for "unholstering."


   Whoever designed the holster grip should get a raise....

"...you never need a gun until you need it badly" - from WEB Griffin's The Honor of Spies, and Victory and Honor.


Does the holster grip just flip out like a knife if you sling it ?


AP - get some fat MiniMaster rubber grips. Sure everybody likes little wood grips, and there fine for trinket display, but you can't hold on to them - and those holster grips ?   Their so ugly, excuse me, asthetically incorrect, that if you were to show them to the BG, he'd probably get nauseated and you'd have time to run away and save some bullets, but seriously,  the first thing you have to do when using holster grips is unfold them, seems like one step too many. Lots of guys on here don't like rubber grips on these little guns, but when your hand's all over it while aiming, you can't see the grip. Is the gun carried to shoot or to look at ?  If it's a 22LR try the oversize rosewood grips.   m


As far as "slinging" the holster grip, yes!  However, it does require considerable practice to do it consistently and safely.    


   As far as the aesthetics of the holster grip, it's concealed in my pocket, so "ugliness" is not an issue. It just has to do what I need it to do.

"...you never need a gun until you need it badly" - from WEB Griffin's The Honor of Spies, and Victory and Honor.