Black Widow grip comparison

Started by sandiem, November-12-19 18:11

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I always like to see photos of different grips compared to each other so I figured I'd share in case I am not the only one.  :)

stock vs revision vs thingmeister

I realize that my choice of color is not everybody's cup of tea. ;)

smokeless joe

Not a fan of the color or design of that particular set of thingmiester grips. I have a set on one of my Black Widows


What if everyone liked only style and color of grips?
Dull world....

You have color there, good for the eyes early in the morning.

Thanks for sharing.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Awesome pics and comparisons. Thanks!

Cary Gunn

Howdy gents,

If I ever get up to the 15 posts required to get off "probation" here, I'll post a pic or two of the Black Widow grips I chopped out of a dead elm tree from my backyard.  Forum rules say I can't post pics while the probation officer is watching.

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn -- 


Beside th NAA installed BW grips here are my other two choices. Both are smaller than the BW grip, but still provide me with a two finger grip.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Quote from: smokeless joe on November-13-19 04:11
Not a fan of the color or design of that particular set of thingmiester grips. I have a set on one of my Black Widows
The wood on yours is beautiful!   He has so many options, it took me days of agonizing to come up with the one I wanted.  I went with this shape because it looks like it might be big enough for me to get a good grip on my little lady to finally hit that stupid little X in the middle of that stupid paper at the range.  :P
The color was easy; I am contractually obligated to perpetuate the myth that women always go for pink.   ;)

Can't wait to get to the range and try it out!


Quote from: Canoeal on November-13-19 09:11
Beside th NAA installed BW grips here are my other two choices. Both are smaller than the BW grip, but still provide me with a two finger grip.
Why didn't I think of taking my photos like that?!  That's a great way to show the size comparison!

I wanted bigger because I hope that will improve my shooting.  (I'm not very good atm)


Quote from: uncle_lee on November-13-19 04:11

You have color there, good for the eyes early in the morning.

Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up!  :)


Quote from: sandiem on November-13-19 13:11
Quote from: Canoeal on November-13-19 09:11
Beside th NAA installed BW grips here are my other two choices. Both are smaller than the BW grip, but still provide me with a two finger grip.
Why didn't I think of taking my photos like that?!  That's a great way to show the size comparison!

I wanted bigger because I hope that will improve my shooting.  (I'm not very good atm)

I wanted two fingers to hold , but as small as I could for pocket carry...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Quote from: sandiem on November-13-19 13:11
Quote from: uncle_lee on November-13-19 04:11

You have color there, good for the eyes early in the morning.

Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up!  :)

To be woke up with pictures is a pleasure.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

Cary Gunn


In my miserably computer-illiterate style, I'm trying to post a pic of my Black Widow wearing a pair of elm grips I whittled for her out of a small slab chunked off a dead tree in my back yard.  The photo, which I filed to my "Desktop" a couple years ago, shows the little revolver lying atop a 25-yard target I shot with her.

Here's hoping the dad-blamed photo actually transfers here from the "Desktop," but I'm so "cyber-inept" that wish may not be obeyed.  Giving her the ol' college try, though.

Here goes...

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --


Cary Gunn; those are very nice. I like them.  ;D
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

Cary Gunn

Thanks Rogue,

Here's another pix of the opposite side of the grip.  You'll note the shape of the right grip is slightly different from the left grip.  I like the right grip shape better, but, due to the small slab of elm I was working with, I didn't have quite enough wood to fully complete the same shape on the left grip.

I basically copied the shape of the original Black Widow rubber grip, but tried to move more material in front of the gun's front-strap, leaving less material on the back-strap.  In other words, I tried to shift the grip slightly forward on the revolver.

Here's hoping the pix actually attaches to the post.

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --


  You guys are making some great looking grips , awesome . Thanks for the pictures , all of them , I'm starting to get inspired again . :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Question for OV, and the others that have made their own grips.

I notice that sambar stag is a favorite grip material, and on Ebay, people have elk stag grips for sale, and I have seen giraffe bone grips.   Is is possible, or a waste of time to make grips from a whitetails antlers?   I don't have any sambar or elk antler, but I do have whitetail antler.


I don't see why you could not use white tail antler to make grips. It is definetly hard enough. I suspect the challenge would be having slabs large enough, and, the outside is relatively uninteresting compared to Sambar Stag, elk, etc. The biggest factor is, do you like them? What I (and others) think is of actual very little value. Sometimes, we choose a material that brings back memories each time we see, or touch it.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"

Cary Gunn

Howdy Greyelky,

I've never made grips from antler, but I have looked into the proposition.  It's my understanding the Sambar deer of Asia have harder, much less porous antlers than our North American animals.

Photos of the elk grips I've seen seem to confirm that "porousness."   The outside layer of the antler seems very hard, shiny and slick, but the layers underneath seem to have an increasingly porous appearance, looking somewhat like pumice rock.  Also, the interior layers lose their "ivory-like" white/yellow color and turn an increasingly ugly gray color.

Of course, "ugly" is in the eye of the beholder.  I've known a few silly women to find me less than strikingly handsome.  Go figure...

And, my experience with making stuff from antler is all_"second-hand" knowledge.  I'd like to hear from some forum members with actual "hands-on" experience, particularly someone with experience working with moose antler.

By the way, "Canoeal," I like both styles of your home-made grips, particularly the smaller of the two styles.  It seems as though it would really increase the "grip-ability" of the little revolver without unduly decreasing "pocketability." 

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --   


  Cary all I can add is just make sure the antlers are dried out really ,really well to make sure they don't shrink , twist or even smell and get sticky from the sugars in the bone . Cured antler takes awhile to wait to use , myself I've never had to do it so on that mark I don't know much of how . If buying antler make sure you don't have more marrow interior than the outside antler itself because if you make them wide enough the interior is sure to show especially on boot grips . Making your own is very satisfying and lasting for generations to come , GO FOR IT . Need pictures of along the way please . .:):).
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Thank you for the grip comparison, it is very helpful.

Now if i just could find a good picture of the Revision CV G10 grips on a regular and black models of the Black widow. 


Quote from: MDStroup on November-23-19 13:11
Thank you for the grip comparison, it is very helpful.

Now if i just could find a good picture of the Revision CV G10 grips on a regular and black models of the Black widow.
Rick Jorgenson

Cary Gunn

Hey Rick,

I noticed that the rear sight of the Black Widow on top of the stack in your photograph appears to be slightly different from the rear sights on the two Widows below it.

Could it be that the sights on the upper revolver are the "mythical" fully-adjustable sights that I've heard NAA offers as an option for the Black Widow?  I've heard of such sights, but have had a hard time tracking down specific information on them.

Are they actually "fully-adjustable," meaning up and down, right and left?  If so, how well do they function?

I know the NAA Mini-Master has fully-adjustable sights, but they appear very "bulky" and stick up very high above the revolver's top-strap.  I've heard, but have been unable to confirm,
that NAA offers a set of somewhat smaller, yet still fully-adjustable sights, and those are what I'm seeking for my Black Widow.

So, again, are those the hard-to-find smaller, yet fully-adjustable sights sitting on the Black Widow at the top of your photo stack?

Please say, "yes," and tell me more.

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --


No, that is an 'Old style' adjustable sight.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke



I opted for birdshead grips for better CCW (shirt breast pocket).

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent

Cary Gunn

Quote from: Canoeal on November-24-19 17:11
No, that is an 'Old style' adjustable sight.

So, Canoeal,

You state that's an "old style" adjustable rear sight.  Am I to infer from your comment that the old style fully-adjustable sight is no longer available from NAA?

Also, was it the "old style" fully-adjustable sight that gave you the trouble in maintaining "zero" on your Black Widow?

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --


No the "old style' was just that an older vendor. The current sight was in the pictures (Millet or Marples made them ) That is what is available now, and didn't work for me. The adjustable from all but close up appearances, looks like  a taller version of the current fixed sight.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Quote from: Cary Gunn on November-24-19 10:11
Hey Rick,

I noticed that the rear sight of the Black Widow on top of the stack in your photograph appears to be slightly different from the rear sights on the two Widows below it.

Could it be that the sights on the upper revolver are the "mythical" fully-adjustable sights that I've heard NAA offers as an option for the Black Widow?  I've heard of such sights, but have had a hard time tracking down specific information on them.

Are they actually "fully-adjustable," meaning up and down, right and left?  If so, how well do they function?
-- Cary Gunn --
I noticed that the rear sight of the Black Widow on top of the stack in your photograph appears to be slightly different from the rear sights on the two Widows below it.

In my Photo.... The Sights on the top BW are the Fully Adjustable sights for the Black Widow and the Mini Master
Available from NAA under Accessories> Black Widow> Uncatagorized

Be aware! (as of 11-25-19) The Photos are incorrect of the sights...  The Photo of #4990 is of FIXED SIGHTS (they are drift able only) but in text they state they are the adjustable when ordering.
The Photo of #4989 IS OF ADJUSTABLE SIGHTS but the text states they are the "fixed" sights
So.... The Photos are backwards of the stated text.

how well do they function?

They suck! Like Al said... They come loose.  I only have them on one of my guns so I can Mold a Holster correctly to fit the dumb things if someone has them on their Black Widow or Mini Master. (Of the 10 or 15 Holsters I have made  ;)  I have only had 4 people order with Adjustable Sights in 4 years)

With that short of distance between sights, all the adjustability in the world will not help make consistent groups day after day.

For Shooting the Black Widow....
Spend the time practicing and sending lead down range. The muscle memory and practice will beat all the lasers, glow in the dark sights, Red Dot RMR's, scopes, Grip Holster, Paste Wax, Ex-Lax, Sham-wow's, turbo chargers, low profile tires, widgets, wrist slings, crock pots, espresso machines or anything else you can bolt on your Black Widow (JMHO)

I'm no expert... and definitely not a good shot so... my advice is questionable.... at best  :) (but tough to argue)

Buy them! Try them! They may work great for you!  If they do or don't... Give a Range Report!  It will help others!  ;)
Quote from: Canoeal on November-25-19 07:11
No the "old style' was just that an older vendor. The current sight was in the pictures (Millet or Marples made them ) That is what is available now, and didn't work for me. The adjustable from all but close up appearances, looks like  a taller version of the current fixed sight.
They are both made by "Marbles"  The "Fixed" Sights are 5mm tall  The "Adjustable" are 8mm tall

They both fit the Black Widow and the Mini Master
Rick Jorgenson


Ok, Ok so I was not correct. Rick's is a picture of the current adjustable sight. I went down in the basement and found the 2 rear sights I have; the pictures are as follows. 1 a picture of the whole sight sitting on my desk. 2 A picture of the bottom view showing the dovetail and the dovetail screw. 3 A picture of the sight, disassembled, and an assembled one in the background. 4 the top half of the sight and the tiny screw meant to screw into an aluminum sight and hold it from shifting...Stick with fixed sights on your minis.

BTW: As now set up with fixed sights and my own grips, I do love my BW. I would recommend the fixed sight version to anyone. Don't be afraid to make it right for you. (Including a nice leather holster, and grips to suit you). I live in PA and have never been to Rick's shop or met him personally, but he does make nice stuff (including 1 for me).
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke

Cary Gunn

Thanks Rick and Al.

I think I now understand what's going on with the sights. 

I may give the Marble fully-adjustable version a try.  Maybe, if I could substitute some longer screws, I could get the danged thing to tighten down and stay put.

On the other hand, my Black Widow currently shoots precisely to point-of-aim at 12 yards with its' Long Rifle cylinder.  So, maybe, I'll call it "good" and leave things alone.

With the .22 Magnum cylinder, my groups print about 3 inches high at 12 yards, but I shoot the .22 Magnum cartridge only rarely.  Certainly, the easiest solution is to simply "use less front sight" when shooting the magnum cylinder.

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --


If you look closely at my pictures, you can see I even tried to use thread locker on them. I tried to keep to keep them, honest. It was one of the failures my research, before I bought, didn't turn up. It turned up problems with the Venom laser and I bought anyway, my bad...My only two mistakes when buying. The Black Widow grips are good, I just wanted to mess with wooden ones, because I can.
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke


Quote from: Cary Gunn on November-25-19 10:11
Thanks Rick and Al.

I think I now understand what's going on with the sights. 

I may give the Marble fully-adjustable version a try.  Maybe, if I could substitute some longer screws, I could get the danged thing to tighten down and stay put.

On the other hand, my Black Widow currently shoots precisely to point-of-aim at 12 yards with its' Long Rifle cylinder.  So, maybe, I'll call it "good" and leave things alone.

With the .22 Magnum cylinder, my groups print about 3 inches high at 12 yards, but I shoot the .22 Magnum cartridge only rarely.  Certainly, the easiest solution is to simply "use less front sight" when shooting the magnum cylinder.

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --

That is why I do not agree that two cylinders of two calibers work. A .327 federal shoots to point of aim; throw in 32 H&R mags, it won't. Neither will a 38 special shoot the same point of aim as a .357 out of the same gun. Use a gun dedicated to the ammo you are using. If you carry 22 mag, set the gun up to shoot POA with the ammo of choice. I recommend, for you guys who want to practice with 22lr, get a gun and set it up to shoot poa for 22 lr. Keep a separate gun, even if the same model, set up to shoot 22 mag.
My BW shot 2.5" high at 10 yds when I put the fixed sights on. I raised the front sight dot, and made it bigger (so I can see it); it shoots POA with 22 mag. I bet if I put a 22lr cylinder on it now it would shoot 22 lr low. Yes, an old picture from the change.
Now, I just gave you all the ammo you need to go buy a second gun... 8)
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke