Video - 100-yard Black Widow shooting

Started by Cary Gunn, November-23-19 15:11

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Cary Gunn


I just ran across the accompanying video, and thought the incredible shooting displayed on it would be of interest.

To watch, click here:

While I can't vouch for the authenticity of the video, it sure looks to me like the shooter is actually doing what he appears to be doing  -- pulling off some really fine shooting with an NAA Black Widow.

If you carefully watch the guy's form, you'll see virtually no movement of the tiny revolver in his hand at time of "trigger-break," an absolutely essential skill to drawing accuracy out of tiny handguns.  It's not a particularly easy skill to develop, but this guy seems to have succeeded.

My only criticism of his form is the placement of his left thumb as he grips the Black Widow.  The placement causes no harm in shooting the BW, but might result in amputation of half a thumb were he shooting a semi-auto pistol.

In my mind, the guy's incredibly accurate shooting more than makes up for what some might consider an "overly enthusiastic" camera presence.

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --


Nice video. If he would tone down his energy level just a little, it would be easier to watch. Yes, he does have good control over his trigger release, which contributes to his hitting the target at 100 yards.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"

Cary Gunn

I agree, Grayelky,

He'd be easier to watch if he wasn't quite so "hyper," and the video would be more enjoyable without the beginning commercial, but the man sure can shoot.

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --


Gotta say that guy has some real breathing control , that's awfully tough to do at 100 yds but he didn't correct his pulling to the right . I bet if he changed his grips to the old style oversized with the squarer edges he would do even better (more control sitting locked in hand when pulling the trigger) .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

Cary Gunn

Hey OV-1D,

As consistent as the shooter is, it's my guess his BW is shooting about 3 1/2 inches to the right at 100 yards.  That's the equivalent of about 3/4-inch at 25 yards, and very few of us can shoot well enough for that small discrepancy to matter or even be detected. 

I doubt he has any trigger-control problem at all.  If he did, his groups would be larger and placed with less regularity on the same place  on the target. 

The incredible thing is, he's shooting 6- to 8-inch groups at 100 yards.  And, most of that dispersion is vertical, possibly due to minutely more or less front sight showing in his sight picture from shot-to-shot.

But geez...whatever the guy's doing wrong, it sure ain't much.  If only I could shoot that poorly.

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --


Quote from: Cary Gunn on November-23-19 18:11
Hey OV-1D,

As consistent as the shooter is, it's my guess his BW is shooting about 3 1/2 inches to the right at 100 yards.  That's the equivalent of about 3/4-inch at 25 yards, and very few of us can shoot well enough for that small discrepancy to matter or even be detected. 

I doubt he has any trigger-control problem at all.  If he did, his groups would be larger and placed with less regularity on the same place  on the target. 

The incredible thing is, he's shooting 6- to 8-inch groups at 100 yards.  And, most of that dispersion is vertical, possibly due to minutely more or less front sight showing in his sight picture from shot-to-shot.

But geez...whatever the guy's doing wrong, it sure ain't much.  If only I could shoot poorly.

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --

Ageed, I would dance shooting that bad...
"All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke

Wumbey Goomba

Smoke and Mirrors, this is editing software. It did not
happen as portrayed.

Cary Gunn


You might be right. But it looks real to me.

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --


Watch his elbows. He's moving quit a bit as he fires. My vote is fake, especially as he is new to the gun.


  That could be Harry especially with todays technology , believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see with all the phony stuff going on , seems everyone wants their moment of fame on the screen no matter what . Use to be talk was cheap but now even pictures are too.
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


AND !!!
I taught him how to shoot.... 8)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  I bet you did good old "Eagle Eye Lee" read about you in the tabloids with the Kardascian girls practicing what I really don't want to know . ;););););).   
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

Cary Gunn

If it is fake, he sure did a cute job making it, even going so far as to make sure that many of his shots barely nicked the target -- all along the extreme right edge of the silhouette.

I've read members of this forum speak of repeatedly placing all five from their Black Widow on a pie plate at 50 yards, and that's fairly close to the level of shooting displayed on the video.

Heck, gents, my Black Widow -- guided by 70-year-old eyes -- will regularly keep all five on pie plate at 25 yards, and I've posted photos of the targets.

It's not difficult for this old man to believe there are folks around who can shoot twice as straight as he does.

So, maybe the video is fake, and maybe it ain't.

Happy trails,

-- Cary Gunn --