10 years from now

Started by OLD and GRUMPY, April-10-21 13:04

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Death before Decaf !!!!!


And sometime in the past.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


Death before Decaf !!!!!


Old & Grumpy you hit the nail on the head I believe with that T.V. commerical . One way to enrich the common folk when there living in the streets by then . The middle class will replace the poor and the poor will be living in ocean condos dictated by the ever loving democratic patry . I read today the doctors are wondering where the common flu went from 2000 some odd cases to no more than 200 by this time last year .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on April-24-21 15:04
Old & Grumpy you hit the nail on the head I believe with that T.V. commerical . One way to enrich the common folk when there living in the streets by then . The middle class will replace the poor and the poor will be living in ocean condos dictated by the ever loving democratic patry . I read today the doctors are wondering where the common flu went from 2000 some odd cases to no more than 200 by this time last year .

Bambie, who "rocked the vote" & voted for Biden last Fall [along with all her dead relatives] "I've been hanging out with the boating crowd this summer & they all seem to be die-hard Trumpers. Why is that?"

[Anyone with brains] "Because as yet, there are no govt. programs giving away free boats. You have to earn them..."