Any thoughts from any of you on the Zip .22 from USFA they just announced?

Started by louiethelump, November-09-12 07:11

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Well collector,
You posted those pictures of The Kid's leather and that stopped me from getting a Zip at this time.
I decided to spend my play money on some leather.
If I can't get a Zip later, I didn't kneed one anyway.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

cedarview kid

I don't know whether to feel bad for to cheer you on! ;)

I bought a Zip about 9 days ago from a dealer in Arizona and I have yet to see it. I'm not terribly impressed with this guy so far. I'm hoping it arrives by the end of the week. We have a gun show here in Utah over the weekend and I want to go see if I can find a good deal on the new factory Ruger 10/22 hi-cap magazines. I saw them last month at a gun show, but didn't ask about the price. Now I think I'm going to need a couple.


cedarview kid

That's cool. A magazine with a built-in clip. That'll sure confuse the liberal gun grabbers!

When I get my Zip, I'll have 3 different firearms that will use 10/22 mags. I wonder how this magazine with work in all 3. I might have to get a couple.


Glad to hear about this new magazine. Apparently there are some issues with using the Ruger Hi-Cap magazine on the Zip and, according to their website, they were going to offer a modified version of the magazine but now have suspended production pending the outcome of the possible legislation nonsense.
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

cedarview kid

Yah, I saw that, griz. I saw the video where the inventor of the Zip says they're holding off on the conversion kit until they can be sure the hi-cap mags aren't going to get banned. First of all, waiting is stupid, and secondly, well, WAITING IS STUPID! They should sell them as soon as possible BEFORE they get banned! What are they, crazy?

cedarview kid

My new Zip .22 arrived at my dealer. Gotta go pick it up now! ;)

cedarview kid

I picked up my new Zip 22. My local dealer was NOT impressed. LOL. He couldn't figure out how to hold it. He didn't like that it has no grip. And he was a HUGE USFA revolver fan.

So anyway, I saw in the GunBroker ad that it came with two magazines, but I was suspicious that it would NOT, because this gun does not come with any magazine. But it did. 2 Ruger 10-rounders. So my price of $300 seems even better now! It's still the cheapest Zip 22 that I have seen sold on GunBroker and I get 2 rotary magazines to boot!

I hope to shoot it tomorrow, but I'm also going to a gun show, so we'll see how that goes.

cedarview kid

Anybody else have a USFA ZIp .22 yet? I'm still trying to decide if I like it.

I bought a Pro-Mag 32-round magazine for it at the gun show on the Friday. With that magazine installed, the gun almost seems to have a grip. I was planning to shoot it over the weekend, but the gun show and Super Bowl activities got in the way. Maybe this week.

On the plus side, the gun is SO WEIRD that I don't think Feinstein's bill touches it. I mean, it doesn't even have a grip. The descriptions I read just wouldn't match it, although I'm sure it's ugly enough for her to think it's an assault weapon. She'll probably add it to the list of named weapons soon.


I got an e-mail from the dealer that tries to find me stuff now and then.
My Zip came in.
Oh, that's right, I forgot to e-mail him to put a stop on the Zip.
I am now the proud owner of a Zip with no magazine.
But I did get a free box of Blazer 22LR. He had to go to the back room to get those. There is none on the shelves. He gives away a box of ammo with each gun sold.

New Zip, box of ammo, no magazine,   $217 and change out the door.
Now to get a magazine.......

God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

cedarview kid

At least you got a great deal! My Zip was $300, but it did come with two ten-round Ruger BX-1's magazines. Still haven't decided if i like the gun or not. I shoot outdoors and I haven't found a good day to shoot it yet that wasn't busy with other activities. I thought maybe today, but we have an inch or two of snow on the ground this morning. What the heck?


I'll buy it off of you, Uncle Lee, if you decide that you no longer want it.


I would but it is too much of a hassle to ship.

Really I always say that when I really don't know how to do it.

The FFL that I use is an auction house. They have a FFL so they can have gun auctions.
I don't know if they would mess with shipping one for me or not.

There is a pretty nice gun shop just across the river, in Kentucky, about 15 miles away. That is where I got the Zip. He sells a Hoosier a handgun then brings it to the auction house where the buyer picks it up and gets the background check.
I don't know if they would mess with shipping one for me or not.

We have a for real gun shop here in town but that guy don't like to even look something up in a catalog.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


They shouldn't have to look up a transfer. If the gun store insists that you sell it to them, then sell it to me, then they are just trying to rip both of us off. Selling a pistol across state lines has given me headaches before, but this is what I've learned.

My understanding from previous online buys: Seller goes to his LGS (who has FFL) and hands it over. Seller's LGS gets a fax from Buyer's LGS. Seller's LGS sends it to Buyer's LGS. Buyer's LGS completes the FFL transaction. The money already changed hands long ago, buyer paid the seller. Both LGS should know this and it's just a paper work job. Buyer's LGS should know that there is no money to collect, other than what they decide to charge for handling the FFL transfer.

There are other ways to accomplish this, but what I just said is the simplest and most straightforward that I'm aware of. Forumites, please step forward and speak if you've a better way.


I talked to the dealer and he laid it all out for me.
I am doing some serious thinking.

Do I need to get rid of anything?

Do I want to get rid of anything?

Should I get rid of anything?

While I can, I should.

I have owned and owned with pride.
If I was to die while owning, all would just go away to where it would not be loved.

I have some very serious thinking to do........
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


No pressure, UL. I just want a Zip22 and can't find one. I can't even get much ammo to run the thing, but I still want one.

If I can get a Zip22, then I'd skip getting a Ruger Charger and just get another 10/22. I am 10/22-less at the moment and I'm getting nostalgic for one in full stainless with a laminated stock. Maybe I'll put glass on this one?


Sure looks spiffy. Wished I had one too. The technology is moving too rapidly.  Did anybody ever play around with the little slim Taurus 9mm? Which looks like a cell phone? I saw an ad for it and it seemed like a good idea..but then aint heard another peep about it. Was it ahead of its time or something?

cedarview kid

Don't recall that Taurus, Bee-Dub. Refresh our memories, eh?


Quote from: TwoGunJayne on March-26-13 06:03
No pressure, UL. I just want a Zip22 and can't find one. I can't even get much ammo to run the thing, but I still want one.

If I can get a Zip22, then I'd skip getting a Ruger Charger and just get another 10/22. I am 10/22-less at the moment and I'm getting nostalgic for one in full stainless with a laminated stock. Maybe I'll put glass on this one?

Send me an e-mail.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Ok think this must be what I was looking at. Seems to be in .380 as opposed to 9 mm.

Quote from: naa_collector on March-26-13 17:03
Don't recall that Taurus, Bee-Dub. Refresh our memories, eh?

cedarview kid

I have a Sneaky Pete holster for both my DB380 and my DB9. I like them. They are external visible "in plain sight" carry options, like the old DeSantis pistol pack that used (?) to come with the Guardians. I have used the Sneak Pete's a little bit, but have ended up going "more" concealed, but they work great for summertime when you may not have as much clothing under which you can conceal. Throw it on your belt and you're good to go. With so many digital devices nowadays, I don't think anybody would give it a second thought, especially now that phones are getting larger and tablets are getting smaller.


Zip .22 is still a work in progress. I'm planning on getting one; I'm looking forward to it.

They have two sets of springs at the moment, one for high and one for standard velocity. Next month, they release the third set for low velocity and a replacement spring to let it work properly with the 25 round Ruger BX-25 magazines. They have worked really hard to iron out all of the problems. There are several youtubes out there showing the thing jamming with high capacity magazines. The fix comes out soon. Suppressor barrel kits are available in a few days.

They're currently on version "1.0.1" and send upgrade parts to folks who register on their site.

They claim that is has a virtually unlimited service life if their "100% life" kit is swapped in every so often. The maker claims the mainsprings last for about 2500 hyper velocity and 5000+ all other rounds. I expect that the low velocity kit will last a good, long while. There are other wear parts, some going as far as 10,000 mag changes and such.

All in all, reading about this pistol reminds me very heavily of the Calico .22lr for some reason, they have a similar deal with parts.

I can't wait to try the Zip.


Thanks a bunch for the report. I was beginning to think I was going nuts there for a Took me two days to find a pic of that I like the heck out of it. Would be a great alternative to the Smart Carry..which is about  indispensable for them who likes for stuff to be hid good in warm weather. Only thing that keep me from wanting one real bad was because I had stumbled over too many cool ways to carry the Sig..and I already that..and it shoots nice sized bullets..blah blah blah. Hey now what got me dwelling on this is the Zip .22. That should make a heckuva platform for a shooting iron which looks like I Pad or somethng. Them Alaska folks are just too smart. Thats why I would vote for Sister Sarah early and best legs amongst all politicans. 

cedarview kid

Thanks for the info, TGJ. That's good stuff to know. I've never really been interested in sending in registration cards for products, ESPECIALLY firearms, but it seems it would be worth it for my Zip. So I guess I should do that.

We have SO MANY targets of our obsession, eh, BigWheel? ;)


Si si Senor! Yall are what my dearly deceased Daddy would describe as "gun nuts" once somebody got labled a gun nut it was hard to live in a small town. Ruined your reputation Not it was ok to own and shoot guns etc you just could not obsess about em. Yep..yall are gun


Proud American. Eat some peanuts, drink American beverages, own guns. It's what we do.


Dang..first I heard about old Ghandi being a pro gun guy.  The way the Hindus and Mulsims kill each other over there..maybe the Limeys were right to take em away. Giving guns to heatherns is not a good plan. Hanging out around here is sorta like getting a few extra college semester hours or something. 


Today I got my 5x Ruger BX-25 magazines that I ordered directly from Ruger back on February 27. I had completely forgotten that I had ordered them, back when they were selling for $75 each. Not so today. Ah well. Now what to do with them?

The BX-25 magazine conversion kit from USFA for the ZIP isn't available yet; they say it will be May now. I tried a Pro-Mag 32-rounder in it and it had feeding problems, which I think is the same problem that the BX-25's have.



Now USFA is saying their BX-25 magazine conversion kit will be delayed until LATE May. Arrgghh! What the heck? I'm tempted to just get rid of my USFA Zip and 5x BX-25's.


Don't rush them, let them get it right.

What if Gaston Glock and Co. were rushed into production on day one? Change a bit of history, perhaps?

I'll take it later if it works as promised. If it were in my hands now and wrong, I'd just be cursing them and their decision to step down as one of the premier single-action revolver makers and their move to plastic.


Quote from: bigwheel on March-28-13 12:03
Dang..first I heard about old Ghandi being a pro gun guy.  The way the Hindus and Mulsims kill each other over there..maybe the Limeys were right to take em away. Giving guns to heatherns is not a good plan. Hanging out around here is sorta like getting a few extra college semester hours or something.

You are probably one of those knuckleheads who go to NHL matches and stand up for the playing of "The Star Spangled Banner", but then sit down when they sing "Oh Canada".  FWIW, that's a good way to leave the arena via an ambulance.


Quote from: G50AE on May-05-13 00:05
Quote from: bigwheel on March-28-13 12:03
Dang..first I heard about old Ghandi being a pro gun guy.  The way the Hindus and Mulsims kill each other over there..maybe the Limeys were right to take em away. Giving guns to heatherns is not a good plan. Hanging out around here is sorta like getting a few extra college semester hours or something.

You are probably one of those knuckleheads who go to NHL matches and stand up for the playing of "The Star Spangled Banner", but then sit down when they sing "Oh Canada".  FWIW, that's a good way to leave the arena via an ambulance.

Come on y'all let's take a ride
don't you say shee just get inside
It's time to take you on another kind of trip
cause you can't have the hop if you don't have the hip
grab your gat with the extra clip and,
close your eyes and hit the switch

Come along and ride on a fantastic voyage
slide slide slippity-slide
with switches on the block in a '65
Come along and ride on a fantastic voyage
slide slide who-ride
no valley low enough for mountain high

I'm tryin' to find a place where I can live my life and
maybe eat some steak with my beans and rice, a
place where my kids can play outside
without livin' in fear of a drive-by
and even if I get away from them drive-by killers
I still got to worry about those snitch-ass ninjas
I keep on searching and I keep on looking
but ninjas are the same from Watts to Brooklyn

Come along and ride on a fantastic voyage
slide slide slippity-slide
I do what I do just to survive
Come along and ride on a fantastic voyage
slide slide who-ride
that's why I pack my .45

Life is a *** and then you die
still tryin' to get a piece of the apple pie
every game ain't the same, cause the game still remains
don't it seem kinda strange, ain't a dang thing change


Quote from: TwoGunJayne on May-02-13 19:05
Don't rush them, let them get it right.

Well, I'm not rushing them now, am I? Still no BX-25 upgrade kits. USFA does apparently now have a store at, where they sell rail upgrade kits, but no BX-25 parts. Their website still says the end of May for the magazine upgrade kits. It's now August. (Did they mean May 2014?)

Now you can buy the Zip guns for $80 less than what I paid and still I can't use the BX-25 magazines. I have 5x BX-25 magazines that don't work. My excitement is gone and I may consider selling the gun now.

Rather disappointed.


  Gimmick guns usually are but I'm not going to say I told you so there MR_22 . Sorry for your loss .  :'( :) :( :-X
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .