New guy ??

Started by FishyOne, October-09-21 12:10

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Brand new to NAA minis, I got 22 mag with 1 5/8" barrel. Put about 50 rounds through it last weekend and really like it.

Question is regarding buying a larger grip. I see a slip-on, finger grooved, wood, folding etc. What do you guys recommend? Not too concerned about looks, just want a larger grip that's functional/comfortable. Thanks for your input.

EDIT: While waiting for a mod to approve this thread I went ahead and ordered a mini-master grip. I read a few posts about grips and it looked like a good option. Carry on. :)


The Secret Service grips/Oversized grips are great for getting a good purchase on your Mini. Whether Wooden or Rubber you will not likely be disappointed with your purchase. We put them on every one of our Minis. Welcome to the asylum by the way.  8)
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


  Its nice to be welcoming all these new first time owners . Practice .practice and more practice never enough in practice and armament .Cheers to you FishyOne . :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


My preference are CVang grips. They come from Not too bulky and give a good purchase.

BTW- welcome to the fray.
"Let the gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."- Thomas Jefferson


Fishy, if you want a larger grip that is both functional and comfortable, you have made a great choice. I have practiced with mine, and carried it in pocket and now on belt with these grips for decades. The right compromise in size, feel in hand, and availability for me. YMMV.

top dog


OHNO!!!  Now you done it!!!  Joined this forum and have one mini to boot!!!

All the above advise is excellent.

Watch out for Uncle Lee,he will tell you to post photos (lots) and drink coffee (lots)

Now that you have (just one) when will you be getting another. They tend to multiply especially if you take Uncle Lee's advise and store them in shoe boxes.

All kidding aside,excellent folks here and welcome.

                                                                                                        Top Dog


welcome fishy One,
have the same set-up  as Boisesteve,
used it for years.
great start. for mini's
"God and Guns"
"Lets Go Brandon"


Thank you for the warm welcome fellas. I hope to have my mini-master by this weekend and will post a pic.

I did have one issue when putting the initial 50 rounds through it. The cylinder pin came loose between shots a couple of times. I pushed it back in place and kept firing. Is this a common issue? I should note I picked mine up on Gunbroker and it was lightly used. I'd guess a 98% gun easily.

Any comments about the cylinder pin are appreciated.


Welcome Fishy,
Welcome to the NAA family.
Find out what you need to know.
Share what you know.
Rules are lax.  =  NO cussing, NO porno, keep it clean but have fun.
Don't get upset if you see thread drift.   Some of us are naturally drifty.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Welcome to the Forum!

Which Model is next?  ;)  Sorry about the peer pressure! lol!

Different grips work for different applications. If your trying to "deep conceal" the small rubber grips like on the Pug work well. They give some "Grip" to a small space, not ideal, but easy to hide.

The Mini Master and/or Black Widow grips give more center mass and a little longer grip for the lower part of the grip.

There is also the CVang ( grip, they are a little longer and a little thinner.

The NAA "Boot Grip" works for some. It has more to hold on to and has a little "western" flair about it.

Hope that helps, I think you will like the fatter grips better. There are lots of options and its always good to know they are available!
Rick Jorgenson


Welcome to the forum, Personally I like the rubber grips myself. They have ones that slip on the Pug grips but they also have rubber grips that screw on. I have a 22lr mini with the screw on grips. When I try to upload it says the file is too large and I'm not sure how to downsize it or I'd show you. I'm new to the minis also so I can't speak on if they're better than the standard wood grips, mine only has the rubber grips, but I would assume they definitely help control it better.


Hi FishyOne! Welcome! My favorite grips for Pocket Carry are the Cvang grips, as posted by others. They are much slimmer than they appear in pics, and virtually disappear in your pocket. As minimal a "print" as I've seen. Pictured here on my Black Widow, in a much carried pocket holster;
The next pic is the same Black Widow in a Desert Gun Leather Driving holster with the "Pug" style slip-on grips. I like these with driving holsters, because they are a bit fatter, and a bit longer than most stock grips, but don't hang down too far below the belt. A tee-shirt will cover them;
Next up, is my Wasp (different hammer!) with a Pug grip in another (Double J) driving holster.


Got the pic down to size, this is my mini with the screw on rubber grips.


I just love that Hogleg holster...
Bet it smells good also.

Each one a work of art.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: uncle_lee on October-12-21 05:10
Welcome Fishy,
Welcome to the NAA family.
Find out what you need to know.
Share what you know.
Rules are lax.  =  NO cussing, NO porno, keep it clean but have fun.
Don't get upset if you see thread drift.   Some of us are naturally drifty.

Uncle Lee; you forgot the first and most basic rule. If no photos, it did not happen.  8)
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Thanks for all the photos! Tons of great ideas here.

Any advice about a cylinder pin coming loose between shots?



OOPS !!!!!
If you can't prove it with pictures, then it didn't happen.
That keeps braggarts away.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


  I think Rick blamed me for him getting that HogLeg , ha ,ha . :):):)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on October-14-21 08:10
  I think Rick blamed me for him getting that HogLeg , ha ,ha . :):):)
Yep... it's your fault I spent the money on that gun!
Rick Jorgenson


Got these from a place called Thingmeister . This set is for one extra finger but he makes them for 2 fingers also. He has a few different options on stain,shape and type of wood. He also has a newer design for something called the Talon. Whenever I get a chance I?ll be ordering a pair of those and post some pictures of those when I get them.

Wumbey Goomba


Bonga Bonga



Thanks so much for your reply BongaBonga. I posted a couple pics above. You can see wear and ovaling starting in the divot under the barrel and the hole around the ball also has signs of metal distortion.  I imagine this should go back to NAA right?

My serial number is W973xx so I have an older gun I believe? No problem with paying shipping it back and forth. Any additional input is appreciated. I love this little gun.  :)


I had a slight issue with my cylinder pin at first too but after cleaning it and a little oil it's like it's brand new. Not the same exact issue, mine was just kind of stuck and needed cleaned, but it may just work for you also.


I would send that back to NAA. There's a chunk worn out of the hole in the barrel, and there's something er, um, fishy about that pin too.


That does look like a trip to NAA. They'll take good care of it.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


Thanks guys. I really appreciate all of your input. I'm going to put another 50 rounds through it before calling NAA. The website says to call CS before ordering a cylinder pin for a s/n starting with a W like mine. I'll be sure to chat with them before sending it in.