Mini master with scope

Started by Bluelitenin, December-05-12 19:12

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Hello everyone, I am new to this message board. I purchased my mini master about a year ago. I really like this gun it is cool in its small size and 22 mag calibre.I put a laserlite laser on it. That was
Just okay because you cant see the laser in the day lite so when I bought a new scope for my 44mag
I decided to put the old one on my mini.


Welcome to the forum Blue.
How tight a grouping can you get with the new sight?
God bless,
Fr. Richard


The scope has only been on there less than an hour. I had my brother in law machine the clamps of the rings to fit in the grooves. It is a little tight to cock the hammer. I am out of town because my
Mother had surgery yesterday and wont be home to try it till next week. I will update after I try it out. :)


You might try to find an offset for that hammer spur so you can cock it a bit easier.  Uncle Mikes makes one for most hammers.



Thanks Ill look into that!


Interesting, sort of.

Most of Uncle Mike's stuff is mostly for rifles, which typically have a wider hammer. If you can't get one to fit, I am sure your brother-in-law could machine one for you. From what I can tell from the photos, he did a nice job with the "mounts". I was wondering how you got it to stay on! One thing for certain: You can in fact tell us about the potential accuracy of your Mini!

I trust your Mom has come through the surgery OK. Here is hoping she heals quickly. I will keep her in my prayers. I strongly suspect Fr. Richard has already said one (or two) for her. I also suspect he is in a little better standing with The One who actually hears those prayers.....
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Mom is doing well, Thanks. Yes my brother in law did do a nice job, he is a machinist by trade. Thats
Why I didn't attempt it, as it wouldn't have come out so nice. The laser that was on there clamped into the groove on the top of the barrel so we took measurements from that and then cut the clamps down on the scope rings to match that dimension. The scope rings were already 3/8" wide for a .22.
This was just a preliminary mounting to see how it would look and if it would fit. The rear sit will need to be removed because the scope is contacting it and is held up slightly. Because i'm not home I didn't want to go there yet. When it is finished I will post pictures and results from the range.


Hello Blue and welcome to the asylum.
You have done what I have been tempted to do.
Let us know how it shoots.
That looks just fine.
Big ol scope, little bitty gun.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Interesting Blue,,,,,,,,I had a scope on a Ruger .22 for a short while........but didn't like getting my face sandblasted by powder escaping from the cylinder gap, so it was back to iron sights.
Let us know how it shoots and welcome to the message board.


 ;D The scope to use is an extended relief scope they are made specifically for pistols or rifles that the scope sets farther forward on. The shooting position with an extended relief is at arms length.
If you get your eye close to the scope the picture is a small circle about 10% of the eye piece as you move it farther away it grows until it takes up the entire eye piece.


This is an update on the scope installation, I never removed the rear site on the MM, because I didn't
want to mess up the factory siting. One day while leafing through a CDNN catalogue, I saw some " see through" scope rings. They are extra tall with a window through them so you can still use the iron sites if you want. I found some made by BSA for .22 and air rifles. These are made for a 3/8" or 11mm rail. I found some on Amazon that I bought for $3.52. They easily clear the rear site and allow room to cock the hammer. Here are som pics. I will upadate when I get a chance to try it out and shoot it. That may be awhile, seeing that it is in the teens and about 4" of snow on the ground. The only indoor range closes at 6pm so its difficult to get there after work.


THAT'S IT!!!! I have now officially seen everything ;D ;D ;D

That's pretty cool.  Can't wait to hear how it shoots.



Hope Mom is still doing well.

You obviously need to get your priorities in proper order. Explain to your boss you are catching flack on here for taking so long to get a range report, so you simply have to leave early from work. End of story. IF you lack the "intestinal fortitude" and/or the lack of millions in your checking account, and are therefore concerned about your financial future, I strongly suspect you have a jacket in the house somewhere. After all, it is only in the teens, and, 4" of snow is probably not a lot for you.......

OKAY, if you are going to wimp out, I guess we will be a little more patient.  :)

As a side note, I suspect if your range report is as many suspect it will be, including me, I can see your brother-in-law picking up an extra dollar or 2 selling scope mounts for the assorted minis.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Hey, thanks for the laugh I needed that. I do like skiing so maybe I can incorporate both activities together?
Okay maybe not.... or maybe go somewhere warmer like Georgia.... got any room?


The view out my back door


NAA needs to offer a 3x scope and mounting kit for the Black Widow and Mini Master.


Or maybe spec and have someone like Redfield manufacture a mini-scope with a 10mm objective and about 3" long!

- Jay


Quote from: JRobyn on June-19-14 08:06
Or maybe spec and have someone like Redfield manufacture a mini-scope with a 10mm objective and about 3" long!

- Jay

I really, REALLY like this idea. NAA, if you do this, put me down for one! (at least)


I'll take 2 in silver color.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


That's some nice glass, Bausch and Lomb made top notch optics back when they did make them.

It's a neat idea, I myself am not a big fan of scopes on anything except maybe ACOGs and red dots.


For really old, cataract infested eyes, scopes are good.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Had my cataracts removed, but I still like scopes! :) I just wish I could keep those cross hairs from jumping around so much. :-[

Kentucky Kevin

I've done the same to mine, and am able to get golf ball size groups at 25 feet, and am about 50% on glof balls at 25 yard
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."