Correction ? to 01/02/2013 Post AND I APOLOGIZE ?

Started by relichunter1864, January-04-13 02:01

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I  stand corrected (I think) by  Sandy at Sandy's Soapbox  as posting something on this message board that "
Sandy " said was
" Erroneous " , Merriam-Webster synonyms: False, Inaccurate, Incorrect, Unsound, untrue ,untrueful.
   I do want to make one small LAST statement on this Sidewinder subject. 
I did for a fact and have the proof ,records on 01/02/2013 of the phone call to Davidson's Inc. Prescott 11:19 AM and do have on Droid voice recording
,as I do on ALL business calls.As of that date and time the true facts are AGAIN , My  conversation (1 min 59sec.) was with a female (Customer Service Manager) and a 3 way with a gentleman (that claimed to be a-the Davidson "buyer"). They BOTH told me , as a matter of fact, they ,customer service and buyer,  had NEVER heard of the North American Arms model NAA-SWC (with 2 cylinders). And the gentleman (buyer) told me there was NO orders placed from Davidson's to NAA for any NAA-SWC as they had no info on it !.
  All I can say I have in my 66 years ,as the owner of 3 businesses have I ever been called untruthful ,false,untrue, inaccurate in making a statement ,this is a first! I don't have a clue about other folks but I was raised here in the South and my Daddy taught me ,my word is my bond and some others taught,just have words they say to suit the moment!
And no I do not know or have I never talked to "Sandy" I would think he was a fine man?. But I have talked to "Davidson's" more than once. And I would in no way blow off, be a loose cannon , go way out on a limb to make myself look good or look like a fool and say the CS manager and a Buyer for Davidson's Inc made "Erroneous" statements to me over the phone. First and formost they ,at Davidson's Inc. didn't have a dog in this hunt, I am the one called trying to buy a NAA-SWC and they didn't have any reason in the world to tell me a lie about what they did or did not , have or have not ordered , from NAA.  I can only believe Davidson's Inc are in the direct business of selling firearms they receive from the makers. And they would have loved to sold -ordered me a NAA-SWC if they had knowledge of it. They told me NAA had told them (and is listed on Davidsons site) about the NAA-SW ONLY.
  I have NOTHINGto gain or loose on the true facts I reported here 01/02/2013,and Davidson's Inc. had NOTHING to gain on the facts they reported to me on 01/02/2013! 
I apologize for posting ,word for word I was told by this company called Davidson's Inc. I posted so others would know the truth,which I thought this message board was for?
But I shall not call others without knowing first hand the facts as being "untruthful , unsound, untrue, false ,I am above that trash talk.

I will NOTmake anymore statements or Post on this subject, that I have 100% proof of being true,  you make up your own mind about about the true facts in my so called "Erroneous" post! 

Thank the Lord we still have free speach!

       relichunter1864  -   George Hudson  ,Beechgrove Tennessee


I see the other post where I was trying to help you then I come to this one.

Looks like you stepped in poo-poo.

You use a lot of words but don't say much.

You use "south" like all there is gold plated.

I have known some real scum bags from "south".

I am sorry that I missed the letter "C", but I did now I have to live with it.
OH the horrors of life.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Relich I read the soapbox. Sandy wrote: "Contrary to some of the speculation and erroneous reports I've read on our Message Board, virtually every one of our distributors is aware of and has placed orders for this product." nowhere do i see him calling you a liar. Obviously Davidsons  represenhtatives were erroneous in what they told you since they have it listed in their gallery of guns. They probably looked up swc instead of sw and didnt see it. Its no big deal. you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. You werent singled out and there have been others who have speculated so its not even clear he was referencing you. 
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I made that big ol mistake of overlooking the letter "C" and to Mr. Hunter, that is really a big mistake no matter who makes it.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I like cheese popcorn
Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


So...the distributor made a mistake, relichunter took what they told him as gospel, posted it as gospel, and then makes a rambling post about how his word is his bond but it wasn't really his word it was somebody else's word.  Got it.

cedarview kid

RH, I don't think anybody was saying YOU were erroneous. If that's what the distributors told you, it was THEIR mistake. Sandy didn't say it was YOUR mistake. He was saying it was reported on the board, that's all.



WOW !  what a charming ,
know it all , degrading bunch!

  For the record , in just a few words , I spoke TODAY , 01/04/2013 with Treasa at Davidson's Inc. my call was recorded starting at 12:58 pm.
She went out of her way ,checked and told me as a matter of fact they have no record of any kind of having ,ordering or knowing of the North America Arms NAA-SWC -2 cylinder Sidewinder gun. And I believe Davidson's 100% ,again they have no  reason to lie to me twice in a row.
I am not here to suck up to anyone ,I post here to give and ask information, not to post childish popcorn crap as some do.I would never stoop that low!  Go ahead and make fun of us regular hard working Americans just trying to spread the truth ,not trash gossip.  And Yep it takes MANY words to say what I say ,as MANY cannot understand it any other way ,you sure don't have to read them.  Those that replied to this post , have you in person talked to Davidson"s ? In person talked to Sandy? That's what I thought, just more hot air blowing.

  I am sorry if some cannot stand I am very proud of my Southern Heritage. I sure wasn't crude enough to post I have known "scumbags" from the north. And no I don't have 2 of every gun I have collected,but I would have thought true collectors and owners of firearms would have never replied as these did. I can only guess , such small brains in such big heads let the gums over ride good sense and common manners.  :)


Quote from: relichunter1864 on January-04-13 12:01
WOW !  what a charming ,
know it all , degrading bunch!

  For the record , in just a few words , I spoke TODAY , 01/04/2013 with Treasa at Davidson's Inc. my call was recorded starting at 12:58 pm.
She went out of her way ,checked and told me as a matter of fact they have no record of any kind of having ,ordering or knowing of the North America Arms NAA-SWC -2 cylinder Sidewinder gun. And I believe Davidson's 100% ,again they have no  reason to lie to me twice in a row.
I am not here to suck up to anyone ,I post here to give and ask information, not to post childish popcorn crap as some do.I would never stoop that low!  Go ahead and make fun of us regular hard working Americans just trying to spread the truth ,not trash gossip.  And Yep it takes MANY words to say what I say ,as MANY cannot understand it any other way ,you sure don't have to read them.  Those that replied to this post , have you in person talked to Davidson"s ? In person talked to Sandy? That's what I thought, just more hot air blowing.

  I am sorry if some cannot stand I am very proud of my Southern Heritage. I sure wasn't crude enough to post I have known "scumbags" from the north. And no I don't have 2 of every gun I have collected,but I would have thought true collectors and owners of firearms would have never replied as these did. I can only guess , such small brains in such big heads let the gums over ride good sense and common manners.  :)

(*Smacks Forehead!*)

You sir have no sense of humor and it would seem that almost anything rubs you the wrong way.

Need to stop throwing rocks when you live in a ((((()))))....

Being RETIRED Military I did my time did you?

cedarview kid

Whatever, dude. I take back trying to defend you. I guess it WAS your fault.



Hey the pic and thank you for your service!


relichunter life is short and you are way too long. you are one of those people who insists on going through life in a perpetual state of outrage. im from the north too and if you dont like it you can go *** yourself as they say in the bronx.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Quote from: blazinwv on January-04-13 14:01
Hey the pic and thank you for your service!

(Best Elvis Voice)
Thank you THANK YOU VVVVery much!


Thats pretty good thar Wolfar . Do you do special parties , how much . Let me hear it again .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I guess I started all the mess in this thread and I am sorry for trying to help Mr. Hunter.
I overlooked the "C" in his original post and made the statement that Davidson's DID have the Sidewinder on their internet site.
I meant no cut to HIM what so ever but he got very defensive at me.

So I gave him a jab.

He came back with a cut but I'm tired of him so I quit.
I also have known scumbags that live in the north.
I was just saying that just because someone is from the south don't make them better than anyone else.

God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Uncle-Lee I believe were better because we DON'T have to shovel snow and the taxes holy moly .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


OMG and I thought I was in a bad way with Whitehorse. maybe Whitehorse and relichunter1864 should get together and have a pick on you pick on me contest. (LOL) I'm sorry people I just couldn't resist.


 :) :D :o :o 8)
Oh and one more thing

I like cheese with my wine  ;D


Boonesfarm or MD20/20 . Then there was my favorite Strawberry Hill .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .



It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Annie Green Springs? Oh, we're out of wine, but we have something called Hop'n Gator?


With all the formaldehyde in those(Boonesfarm & Strawberry Hill)  I should last forever .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Let's go back a few more years and get some good ol' Thunderbird wine. Guaranteed to strip the paint off your car!


Out of wine, but I do have some apple pie moonshine!


If the "apple pie" moonshine is like the shine in "Justified", I'll bring my own glass.


While I have not watched "Justified" I do live in Appalachia, so it would be wise to bring your own glass......that stuff eats styrofoam very quickly!


Quote from: blazinwv on January-04-13 19:01
While I have not watched "Justified" I do live in Appalachia, so it would be wise to bring your own glass......that stuff eats styrofoam very quickly!

Sounds like my kind of SWILL!  ;D


Apple pie moonshine is some good spirits! Tastes just like a Dolly Madison apple pie.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I was going to stay out of this one but  I just cannot resist replying to Limapapa40:

What's the word? Thunderbird!
What's the price? Mighty nice!


Quote from: dinadan on January-04-13 21:01
I was going to stay out of this one but  I just cannot resist replying to Limapapa40:

What's the word? Thunderbird!
What's the price? Mighty nice!

I put away a lot of T-bird back in the day.

It goes:
What's the word?

What's the price?
Thirty twice!                                      60 cents a fifth, if you don't get it.

I have bunches of stories on Boonsfarm Annie Greensprings, and Ripple.  I remember when Boonsfarm first came out. Best stuff since sliced bread.
You could float a big boat in the wine I put away in my youth.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

cedarview kid

Well, the only "Mormon hooch" I'm familiar with is Diet Coke--and I quit that. ;) That other firewater stuff, wuhl I just don't know nuttin' 'bout that, sorry.

