Built in theft protection or hey what's the extra pedal for?

Started by oldguy, January-30-13 16:01

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I guess speed shifting and double clutching will soon be  dead arts. Who else learned on "3 on the tree?"
"TANSTAAFL ['There ain't no such thing as a free lunch']- Robert Heinlein   
"Imagination is more important than knowledge.  For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."- Albert Einstein


I read that article and had a good laugh! I learned to drive in 1955 with "three on a tree" in my Dad's '55 Ford pickup. I had heard the older boys talk about how hard it was to squeal the tires. I didn't have a problem squealing the tires! Even in second gear! Boy, did my Dad get mad! He told me it was unnecessary to take off that way. I finally learned to ease out the clutch. Fun memories.


I learned to drive in a 1947 dodge with a three on the tree and a fluid clutch. I was 13 at the time. My dad said I did so good that the next sunday he took me out in a 1973 chevy suburban with a three
on the tree and a clutch pedal that took both feet to push in. Me and my dad both came away with severe cases of whiplash. There was lots of jerking and tire squealing that day also. Lots of fond memories!


Oh yea I learned in my granfathers 1960 Buick Station wagon, 3 on the column, I tried once before when I was 10 in my moms 55 station wagon , backed it into my dads car and got a good whippin. So was 6 years before I ever got a chance again LOL


My first was a intrnational truck I think it was like a 1960 or so  it was on the floor shift but as I remember it took two hands to shift ha ha
I love thinking back o. Those memorys.  When it came time to teach both my kids to drive it had to be a stick. My daughter was the worst to teach but now both my kids think aoutos are for whimps ha ha


The only time my DI did not consider me a total waste was when it turned out that I could double clutch the old 3/4 ton truck used for driver training. The city boys sounded like they were grinding coffee!
"TANSTAAFL ['There ain't no such thing as a free lunch']- Robert Heinlein   
"Imagination is more important than knowledge.  For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."- Albert Einstein


I learned clutches in VWs converted to sand-rail style dunebuggies.  I was allowed to run them in the woods at the house and allowed to go to third gear.  There were these two trees on the trail that were just wide enough to pass between if you were just right.  The rear tires on a sand rail are the widest point - lots of times got whipped around as one tire caught.  Put a few engines in - backing into trees the exhaust would peel off the valve cover and you would lose oil quickly.  Four bolts and some wires to replace.   Lots of fun times
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


A friend had a Ford F100, maybe 1969. Manual choke. Always looking for the next challenge when in the woods or field romping. Developed a saying in response to his never ending quest for challenges.
"I AIN'T PUSH'N". Didn't deter him much.

One time on a very slightly inclined trail in the woods, a little slippery with a skim coat of mud, he had to set the choke like it was a throttle, and we both jumped out and had to push. It worked. Still laugh about it. Still tell him, ain't push'n, ain't walkin for the tractor.


My boy thought I was out of touch and old fashioned because I insisted he learn to drive a stick shift before I would sign off on his driver's license. That was until it turned out he was the only one in his class (besides the "little hottie") that could drive the sports car the little hottie's dad gave her for her birthday.  I guess her dad was out of touch and old fashioned too. 
"TANSTAAFL ['There ain't no such thing as a free lunch']- Robert Heinlein   
"Imagination is more important than knowledge.  For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."- Albert Einstein



Quote from: G50AE on November-02-14 09:11
What's an automatic transmission?  :-[ :-[ :-[
Some newfangled thing made for lazy drivers!

Learned how to drive on a '63 1 ton GMC with a four on the floor. I still think that's the way it should be!

Only drove a 3 on the tree once - it was like driving any other manual.

Anyone ever drive a FOUR on the tree?


Quote from: zorba on November-02-14 22:11
Quote from: G50AE on November-02-14 09:11
What's an automatic transmission?  :-[ :-[ :-[
Some newfangled thing made for lazy drivers!

Learned how to drive on a '63 1 ton GMC with a four on the floor. I still think that's the way it should be!

Only drove a 3 on the tree once - it was like driving any other manual.

Anyone ever drive a FOUR on the tree?

Yeah, and then some guy had to come up with the trans-brake because those lazy drivers couldn't accelerate off the line as fast as a car with a real transmission.  :D :D :D


Quote from: zorba on November-02-14 22:11
Anyone ever drive a FOUR on the tree?

Yep ... in a 1959 Mercedes ... bout 1972, my buddy's Dad fixed it up for him as his first car.  What a blast we had in that thing.

Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


Quote from: glenn on November-03-14 15:11
Quote from: zorba on November-02-14 22:11
Anyone ever drive a FOUR on the tree?

Yep ... in a 1959 Mercedes ... bout 1972, my buddy's Dad fixed it up for him as his first car.  What a blast we had in that thing.
Yep - old MBZs were one of the few...


Oh hey if ya really want to have some fun, try a 10speed 5 ton personnel carrier with split shift on the floor ;)


 That's a mud mountain climber isn't BigBird ?  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


It will climb anything ;no getting this baby stuck. 3 ft deep mud maybe :-\


  Put the right knubbies on that and it doesn't matter how deep with a snorkel . Fine vehicle .  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: tocsn40 on February-03-13 13:02
My first was a intrnational truck I think it was like a 1960 or so  it was on the floor shift but as I remember it took two hands to shift ha ha
I love thinking back o. Those memorys.  When it came time to teach both my kids to drive it had to be a stick. My daughter was the worst to teach but now both my kids think aoutos are for whimps ha ha

I miss mine at times.
It had a 4 barrel carb on it so it was a gas guzzler.
Later after I sold it I learned I could have improved
the gas mileage by putting a 2 barrel carb on it and
changing out the rear end with one that had a higher
gear ratio.....it was a work truck from the factory
with a low gear ratio and a 4 barrel carb for towing
things and pulling stumps out of the ground.

It had four on the steering column plus reverse.
It took some practice to learn how to drive it
without grinding the gears but the clutch and
transmission never did go out on me.
It was built like a tank.

I didn't know what I had until after it was gone.
Like most things that bring back memories, sigh.

"There's just something women
like about a pickup man."

It's amazing what a cheap paint job and
a set of hubcaps can do for older vehicles.
Later I put a bench seat out of the back
of a van in the back for using at the
drive-in theater and for watching fireworks.
I spray painted it to match the truck and
it looked pretty cool, until the girl wrecked
the truck and dumped me.

I still got 3 times what I paid for the truck
even though it had been wrecked, so it
wasn't a complete loss. I got the last laugh.

And Boom......There it was!!!!


Quote from: Bigbird48 on November-03-14 17:11
Oh hey if ya really want to have some fun, try a 10speed 5 ton personnel carrier with split shift on the floor ;)
That looks like it would be a BLAST to drive!