Loaded cigars anyone?

Started by fistmil, February-23-13 13:02

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Cigar box to store a mini. A friend of mine gave me six empty wooden cigar boxes. This is what I did with one of them. Any other mini boxes out there? Like to see your ideas.

cedarview kid

Very cool. I've been using cigar boxes since the mid 80's. I made a carry box for a Sony Walkman once, with space for cassette tapes and batteries and headphones.  I stored a .44 black powder revolver in one for maybe 25  years, which I built in the mid 80's. And I still keep old coins in another one. (In fact, if you look at my Absaroka Kid photos with the coins, you'll see one of my cigar boxes.)

You did an excellent job on this one, by the way. I love boxes. :)


Awesome just gave me a great idea for the dozens of wooden cigar boxes i have here... Thanks

cedarview kid


Fistmil - I like that cigar box. I was looking at empty cigar boxes for sale on Amazon recently and trying to envision them as Mini boxes.


That is so cool. Excellent idea.


Kentucky Kevin

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"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Thought this was a great Idea so I had to do it also. Found the perfect boxes for my EB's looking for 3 more for my others.

cedarview kid

Those are nice deep boxes. :)


Bigbird - I like those too. I get a lot of cool ideas from this forum - I need to get some cigar boxes!


Dinadan theres lots of boxes on ebay and Amazon has some listed to.

NAA yes they are nice deep boxes I have the paper work and lock under about an inch of foam I put in the boxes . :)


Great creativity on this thread. 

I used the smallest Otter Box and some scavenged foam pieces to make this Seecamp transit case.  The round white thing is a desiccant puck I salvaged from a pill bottle.

Owner and Author of the Pocket Guns and Gear blog.


Bigbird those boxes look deep enough to put in some type of lift out trays. Maybe a cleaning kit in the bottom tray?


Thats a possibility. I'll have to see if theres a way to put a shelf in with out messing up the box.


Quote from: Bigbird48 on March-10-13 13:03
Thats a possibility. I'll have to see if theres a way to put a shelf in with out messing up the box.

You can glue 4 strips of wood to the inside of the box at the height you want.  Hobby Lobby or other craft store should have plastic mesh that is sturdy enough to support the upper layer.  I think the real purpose of the mesh is for needlepoint, but with yarn.  The 4 strips of wood are there to support the 4 sides of the mesh.  Put a string of some type on the mesh that allows you to lift it out after removing the top layer foam so you can access your bottom compartment. 
Owner and Author of the Pocket Guns and Gear blog.



I think I would build 2 trays ... that sit down into the box .. on top of each other.   Bottom tray for cleaning supplies or ammo ... top tray for gun / spare cylinder.   You would need to incorporate some kind of handle to grab them by.
Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


You would also have to find or build the exact size tray to fit the box. Beyond my woodworking skills LOL

cedarview kid

Quote from: glenn on March-12-13 07:03
I think I would build 2 trays ... that sit down into the box .. on top of each other.   Bottom tray for cleaning supplies or ammo ... top tray for gun / spare cylinder.   You would need to incorporate some kind of handle to grab them by.

That's a cool idea. I LIKE!

With some wood you can buy at a craft store (like Hobby Lobby, Michael's, etc) and a dremel tool for cutting and smoothing, you could end up with a pretty nice little box!


Here's kinda what I'm thinking ...
Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


Michaels Arts & Craft stores carry unfinished, unbranded wooden box's.


 :) I have 3 really nice cigar boxes that are deep enough to put a shelf in if anybody wants them I'll let you have them for $6 each plus sxh you can have one or all 3. I'll take what ever you want to po to see sxh cost. you can PM me if interested. Heres a picture of what they are. all 3 the same. dimensions inside are 3.75 deep 7.25 long and 3.50 wide. Plenty big for minis cylinders and a shelf to put stuff under it.  I might be able to get a few more of the boxes like I have mine in also. not sure.

cedarview kid

Wow, I've never seen cigar boxes that deep. They look like ammo boxes! ;D


yea their 3 and 3/4 deep plenty of room to put stuff in. The ones i'm using are the same depth and I have the paper work locks and stuff under the foam. But thinking about putting in a shelf like people suggested. ;D


Make a false bottom to store the NAAs and place cigars on top. :)


Cool Idea then I can put them in the glass case


Quote from: Bigbird48 on March-13-13 09:03
Cool Idea then I can put them in the glass case
of course then i have to go buy a bunch of cigars, maybe I just put crayons or pencils in the top LOL  :D


bird if you want a cigar box i collect them. if i can find them all i will pick out a nice one and send it to you... ;D ;D ;D ;D


Thanks Frimsure but I'm good on boxes have a couple Im trying to sell . If nobody here wants them for 6 there going on ebay soon.



Those are cool looking cigar/gun boxes but the boxes, and the guns in them, are so decorative I would want to display them openly. Do yall leave the boxes out for viewing or do you keep them locked up somewhere ? I don't smoke but I can't ever recall seeing cigars in wooden boxes. Could yall give me an idea of what stores would likely sell these wooden cigar boxes ?


 I leave mine out for people to see there in a locked glass cabinet. I show them to friends and if by some chance some stranger is in the house they don't know whats in those boxes. and I have a loaded mini in my pocket just in case they try to find out Well!!! The ones I've seen on eaby go anywhere from $9 up + sxh I have 2 if you scroll down you will see them I'll sell for 6 each +actual sxh

cedarview kid

You guys should see the coffee table in the lobby of the North American Arms factory. Very cool. It's a glass-top display case with many of their products inside. Dunno how it's locked up, but I'm sure it is somehow. That'd be great to have in the parlor of your house!


No Pictures its not there LOL