32 NAA Ammo Tests

Started by ljutic, March-07-13 08:03

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Howdy.  I'm not a NAA owner at the moment, but have been considering a 22 magnum Pug with NS.  I think it would be a great addition to my ballistics testing stable.  I do quite a bit of ammo testing for my blog and wanted to stop in here and let you know I recently completed testing the three 32 NAA loads.  I thought this might be helpful for Guardian owners.

It was really great to see how well the 32 NAA ammo performed.  I don't think folks really appreciate it the way they should. 

Corbon Test Recap

Hornady Test Recap

Owner and Author of the Pocket Guns and Gear blog.


LOL at the first reply under the Hornady thread. "Why waste your time with .32 when .380..."

He didn't notice that the .32naa hornady load had slightly more muzzle energy than the CD .380 load.  ::)

Good writeups! Thanks for posting! By the way, "here there, new guy!"


Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


hello new guy, thanks for the great info. will check out your youtube channel for more ammo tests....

cedarview kid

Cool. I'm very jealous. While I do have a Guardian 32NAA, I've been trying in vain to get my hands on a .32NAA barrel for my DB380.

Kentucky Kevin

Cool, hope to see postings for 22lr and 22mag performance
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


ljutic- First, WELCOME TO THE FORUM!
Your write up pretty much confirms what I suspected. Now, I REALLY wish I had not had a moment of weakness and sold the Guardian I had in .32 NAA. To ad "insult to injury", as I handed him the gun for the last time, I noticed it was a Kahr framed gun. The next one to come in the shop will go to my house!

I have 2 questions: Have you encountered the PowerBall ammo in .32 NAA, and can you give some recoil comparisons? Maybe compare it to a Seecamp 32 or a Ruger/Taurus/KelTec .380?  Thanks.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Thanks for the welcomes and nice to see that you folks can get some insight from the tests.

As I said above, I do plan to pick up a NAA Pug for 22 magnum testing at some point.  Saw one in a local shop yesterday, but I'm holding out for the night sight model.  Easy for me to say now when I own zero NAA minis, but I don't see myself buying more than one so I'm holding out for the exact model/options I have my heart set on.

I use a Beretta 21A for my 22 LR tests at the moment so I hope the data won't be too much different than what you folks with see with your minis.
Owner and Author of the Pocket Guns and Gear blog.


Quote from: grayelky on March-07-13 22:03
I have 2 questions: Have you encountered the PowerBall ammo in .32 NAA, and can you give some recoil comparisons? Maybe compare it to a Seecamp 32 or a Ruger/Taurus/KelTec .380?  Thanks.

I don't see the 32 NAA Pow'R Ball cataloged on the Corbon website.  Aside from the 3 tested loads I did see a Glaser Blue load. 

The DB380 with 32 NAA conversion barrel is much more fun to shoot than the Seecamp 32 or 380.  I actually inquired at Seecamp if we might see a 32 NAA at some point.  The LWS380 is quite punishing on the ol' trigger finger.  LWS32 isn't much better.  If I had to give a direct comparison, it's like shooting hot 32's from the KelTec P-32.  I'm sure the Guardian's weight would mitigate quite a bit of the recoil, but not sure about the muzzle flip and trigger finger slap.
Owner and Author of the Pocket Guns and Gear blog.


Look forward to what you discover in 22LR using the Beretta 21a. We often carry said BUG and seeing what the different ammos produce out of said pistol would be useful. Thank you for the reports. They are very well done.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: roguets1 on March-08-13 09:03
Look forward to what you discover in 22LR using the Beretta 21a. We often carry said BUG and seeing what the different ammos produce out of said pistol would be useful. Thank you for the reports. They are very well done.

I tested all the bulk pack hp stuff from Walmart so far.  Remington Golden Bullets didn't even deserve a gel test after testing their velocity.  Winchester 555 has been published so far.  http://mousegunaddict.blogspot.com/2012/12/winchester-22-lr-36-grain-hp-555-bulk.html

Still have to do the write ups and videos on CCI Mini-Mag HP and Federal 550 bulk pack, but the tests are done.
Owner and Author of the Pocket Guns and Gear blog.


Looks good, I was surprised at the penetration. I didn't think you could do that much with a pocket .22.


Thanks for the recoil comparisons. I seriously doubt Seecamp would make a 32 NAA. IF they did, I would have one. I have too much meat in the web of my hand to shoot the Diamondback guns. If I could fire one w/o bleeding, I would have a DB9.

I did not mean to confuse you, but, I suspect the "Power Ball" I saw (no box) was actually Glaser, as they did have the blue tip. Sorry.

I am sure you will be different from the rest of the "junkies" on this forum, and limit yourself to just one mini revolver. So, the following is just a waste of your time reading, BUT, I suggest you read it anyway...:)  I have found from personal carry experience, the 1 5/8 mag carries just as easily in a jeans front pocket as a 1 1/8 LR does, yet packs a little more wallop. Not that you will be getting any more of the mini revolvers....
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Quote from: grayelky on March-08-13 23:03Not that you will be getting any more of the mini revolvers....

I wouldn't hold my breath on that one................. ;D
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

Kentucky Kevin

I'll try ( I know, yoda say there is no try) the Gigantic 22mag with the 1 5/8 barrel ( It groups almost as well as my Berreta 21) for a few days in the left pocket to replace the mini that tumbles it's 22lr
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Quote from: grayelky on March-08-13 23:03
I am sure you will be different from the rest of the "junkies" on this forum, and limit yourself to just one mini revolver. So, the following is just a waste of your time reading, BUT, I suggest you read it anyway...:)  I have found from personal carry experience, the 1 5/8 mag carries just as easily in a jeans front pocket as a 1 1/8 LR does, yet packs a little more wallop. Not that you will be getting any more of the mini revolvers....

I like the Pug purely for aesthetic reasons.  I've always been partial to revolvers with full under barrel lugs.  It might not be the optimal barrel length, but any 22 mag will be better than no 22 mag.   ;D
Owner and Author of the Pocket Guns and Gear blog.


ljutic... welcome to the forum.

I currently have a PUG on order (not sure when it will get here... hopefully soon).  I can't wait to see your tests on the PUG.  Love your site by the way.



Just saw the Talo Blackjack 2 and would have paid Gunbroker (scalper) price for it today if it wasn't ported.  Minis in Black just made me forget all about that full under lug requirement and the Pug.
Owner and Author of the Pocket Guns and Gear blog.

Kentucky Kevin

Carrried the HUGE mag today and can't tell a differance except when looking in the mirror at the holster grips. Will see if I get any comments when carrying and if not, I'll switch for the increased accuracy of the non-tumbling bullet
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Hopefully some creative gunsmith will make a .32NAA conversion barrel for the new Glock .380ACP.


I thought of that. I'm not interested in a .380 Glock, but I would buy a .32NAA Glock.


Quote from: MR_22 on January-13-14 12:01
I thought of that. I'm not interested in a .380 Glock, but I would buy a .32NAA Glock.

I guess I am not the only one around here that thinks that would be a "tactical" option.


Quote from: ljutic on March-10-13 08:03
Quote from: grayelky on March-08-13 23:03
I am sure you will be different from the rest of the "junkies" on this forum, and limit yourself to just one mini revolver. So, the following is just a waste of your time reading, BUT, I suggest you read it anyway...:)  I have found from personal carry experience, the 1 5/8 mag carries just as easily in a jeans front pocket as a 1 1/8 LR does, yet packs a little more wallop. Not that you will be getting any more of the mini revolvers....

I like the Pug purely for aesthetic reasons.  I've always been partial to revolvers with full under barrel lugs.  It might not be the optimal barrel length, but any 22 mag will be better than no 22 mag.   ;D

Black Widow is your barrel length option.  I love my PUG, but still need both WASPs, a Black Widow, and a Sidewinder.  Not a huge fan of the Earl/MiniMaster, but I might get a Sheriff too.  Oh the joys of collecting minis, unfortunately around here I have to custom order most of these, the local shops don't keep stock of the non standard frames, which I have.