I Think I Finally Got a Decent Deal at a Gun Show

Started by adsinger, March-24-13 14:03

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Went to the big show at the Jacksonville Fairgrounds this morning. Long lines to enter as expected. Also as expected ammunition prices are out of sight - a brick of standard 22 LR was $75, others were commensurate.

I was kinda sorta looking for a Ruger Single-nine, saw just one for more than I care to pay. Also saw a number of NAA minis, new and used. Way in the back of the hall was a dealer with a NIB 3" Earl marked 22 magnum $279 on the tag. So I asked about a second cylinder and, oh yeah, it's a convertible. FL is a 7% sales tax state, and as a dealer he had to clear me with the state. But he ate the tax and fee (back calculated the price to cover it) and I was out the door at $279.

I think I did pretty well, it's rare to find a new NAA below MSRP at one of these shows, and all in I came out about $75 below that.

Of course, I wasn't really looking for another NAA (now have 3) and still want that Ruger.


cedarview kid

Excellent snag. Way to go. I usually only see NAA's in 2 to 3 booths per gun show I attend. It's fun to see a good deal on one, tho, where ever it comes from.


Adsinger - that sounds like a good deal to me. Almost exactly what I paid for my 3" Mag only Earl a couple of years ago. When I saw that 3" Earl in the pawnshop case, I just did not want to walk out the door without it in my hand.


Went to the show in Norwalk, OH this weekend and the only NAA's I saw were the two I was carrying.
I don't think I'll go back to that one, prices were stupid and only one small hall.
They did have a 500 brick of .22LR for $50, a real steal lately. LOL I passed on it.
Never underestimate the delusional power of irrationality.

Arrogance isn't the same as stupidity, but it tends to have similar results.---David Drake


I have not seen a NAA mini at the last 6 gun shows in MN I've attended.  And only one in the last 4 years at a gun shop. I would have expected them to be more common around here with trappers.


Quote from: swolf on March-24-13 19:03
I have not seen a NAA mini at the last 6 gun shows in MN I've attended.  And only one in the last 4 years at a gun shop. I would have expected them to be more common around here with trappers.

Perhaps they ARE common with trappers, hence none on the shelves? Just a theory...

A shop within 50 miles of me stocks plain-jane NAA mini-revolvers; mag, lr, and short. They've been selling all they can get, as they now have zero. A black widow never lasts long on their shelf. I know, because that's where I bought one. For some reason, they don't order Guardians. Weird.