If you could only have just one... which one and why?

Started by turkeyhunter, June-01-13 13:06

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Glock 27  ;) Unless Glock decides to make a .32ACP ultra-mini.


the topc is mini revolvers....pay attention...one demerit for you
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Yeah, yeah.  But someone else already mentioned the .32ACP guardian.

That being said, I have always wanted Glock to produce a .32ACP single stack micro Glock.  Maybe they can make an option for .25NAA as well.


You can't just have one lol. I just got my 9th one today. A sidewinder from the hickory nc gun show. Caught it out of the corner of my eye. Hidden at the back of the table. Wasn't expecting to find one there and it was the only one I seen there. Didnt even think for quarter of a second for the $365 asking price. I now have 3, a sidewinder an old Spanish fork 1 1/8 mini lr and a pug :)


Hands down for me would be the "Ranger".  Just a as fast to reload as the Sidewinder but with a cool factor the Sidewinder can't match.  The only really unique Mini.  Make it in .32 acp and I will fight Lee, 'to the death', for the first one.  On second thought, he can have one and two and I'll settle for number three.


Ranger does not have recoil shields. The SW does. The SW puts all the good features together better than any other NAA, including the Ranger. (IMO) Shoot them both, and then look at your hands !


Ma, I don't like this gun, it makes my hands dirty! 

Come on in little ephraim, have some milk and a cookie before you take your nappy.  I'll buy you a new little gun tomorrow.  And if you're really a good boy, I'll buy you one with recoil shields.


Quote from: cfsharry on June-23-13 22:06
Ma, I don't like this gun, it makes my hands dirty! 

Come on in little ephraim, have some milk and a cookie before you take your nappy.  I'll buy you a new little gun tomorrow.  And if you're really a good boy, I'll buy you one with recoil shields.
Ha, ha, I appreciate your generosity, but I already have several with recoil shields. Also, bought some without, including a ranger. Guess which naa I shoot? I will keep your offer in mind, however. Never turn down a free gun !
Milk, cookies and a nap sound good. Then I think I will go out and shoot my SW with recoil shields.


ephraim, you're OK!  You've got a good sense of humor and perspective.  Enjoy your Sidewinder and let me know when you want to sell the Ranger.


cfsharry, thanks I appreciate your humor as well. I learned a long time ago not to take myself too seriously, and to see the fun side of life.


 :) Im looking at a potential third mini now....might have to sleep in the spare room if I buy it! :)
Flight or Fight? Well,Im fresh outta feathers but I have plenty of ammo!


  Think of it as protecting the spare room theres always a positive side along with having another pocket gun .  :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: ljutic on June-02-13 20:06
I recently agonized over this decision and ended up with the 1 5/8" Wasp conversion.

Will someone please explain what is different with the Wasp (compared to the standard .22 mag)? Just trying to figure it out.



Skelitized hammer, vent rib, post front sight, decorative cylinder & rod. Think that's it.


Quote from: ikoiko on July-19-13 05:07
Skelitized hammer, vent rib, post front sight, decorative cylinder & rod. Think that's it.

Thanks Mike! Appreciate it.




I'm still going with my Talo BlackJack, its the perfect combination of barrel length, weight, concealability, punch and coolness. Don't leave home without it.   ;) :) 8)


Does it really matter as long as it says "North American Arms"?
"Let the gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."- Thomas Jefferson


Ah man! I could never give up my SHORT. Coolest gun ever, end of story....


The one in my hand at the time
Her hee


Tocsn40- It looks like you still have room for a Short on your pinkie! :)
"Let the gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."- Thomas Jefferson


Yes i do have room and i have two other minis not in that photo. Those are all mags. I do indeed have a mini short and it is awesome gun looked the longest to find that one.   



Quote from: heyjoe on June-23-13 19:06
the topc is mini revolvers....pay attention...one demerit for you

  No, no ,no Joe I think we need that come on up to the podium and have that envelope opening thing for 50AE . Congratulations 50AE you qualified for your own award . AND THE WINNER IS !!!!!!!!!!
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


The Breaktop is NAA most beautiful and function design, but really is off the table at this point. Functionally I think the Sidewider is as good if not a little better.


I am going to cast a vote for the Mini Master Conversion. A very nice gun indeed.


Guess we all got our reasons, likes and dislikes.

I cast my vote for the Black Widow.  I recently bought two, one in .22 LR which my wife promptly claimed as hers and another in .22 LR /.22 Mag to fill the void...LOL

I've handled these guns for years and I like most of what I have seen about them as far as quality.  But the truth for me, they don't fit my hands as a rule.  The Black Widow meets my needs.  The two inch barrel, enhanced sights, and over size grips give me the best of all areas in accuracy and concealment.  I have been able to get 2-3 inch groups at 15 yards with the little gun.  It's size and weight make it a dream to carry.

My only negative is the lack of availability of .22 ammo.  The .22 LR is a performer for sure and hard to find.  The .22 magnum seems to be a pipe dream that I some day hope to get familiar with. 


 >:( :(Yea this ammo thing is really getting out of control , I mean come on its been close to  year now that you can't buy 22 ammo any ammo for that matter, oh sure there's been days were you can find your givin ammo but lets face it the days are gone were you can walk into Wal mart or any gun store and get what you want when you want it and at a price that's reasonable.Ammo is so hard to come buy that if you see any anywhere you buy all you can, even if it means you don't feed the wife and kids fore a week. I don't know what the problem is,if its the Gov putting the screws on the ammo mfg's, if its the Gov buying all the ammo, or a combination of both. I know one thing its the Gov fault no matter how you look at it. I mean come on 5 years ago I could buy ammo by the 1000 rounds and it didn't put me in the poor house, I could go plinking when ever I wanted and never worried if I could replace the ammo I shot up at the range.Now I worry that the ammo I have will become defective because it sat around so long. I'm afraid to go shooting knowing I'll have a hard time trying to replace what I shot up.
All these Idiots in DC have to be replaced, we have to try to get our country back.   


At this moment, I'll say the 22LR Mini. It goes everywhere with me, I have plenty of ammo for it, and I can shoot it quite accurately at the distances I'd need it for in a SD situation. I do plan to get a Pug at some point; we'll see if things change then.


Quote from: Bigbird48 on September-07-13 17:09
>:( :(Yea this ammo thing is really getting out of control , I mean come on its been close to  year now that you can't buy 22 ammo any ammo for that matter, oh sure there's been days were you can find your givin ammo but lets face it the days are gone were you can walk into Wal mart or any gun store and get what you want when you want it and at a price that's reasonable.Ammo is so hard to come buy that if you see any anywhere you buy all you can, even if it means you don't feed the wife and kids fore a week. I don't know what the problem is,if its the Gov putting the screws on the ammo mfg's, if its the Gov buying all the ammo, or a combination of both. I know one thing its the Gov fault no matter how you look at it. I mean come on 5 years ago I could buy ammo by the 1000 rounds and it didn't put me in the poor house, I could go plinking when ever I wanted and never worried if I could replace the ammo I shot up at the range.Now I worry that the ammo I have will become defective because it sat around so long. I'm afraid to go shooting knowing I'll have a hard time trying to replace what I shot up.
All these Idiots in DC have to be replaced, we have to try to get our country back.

What's really telling is that the rimfire firearm ammo is going out of sight if you can find it, yet powder tool loads are about what they always were and are, in fact, comparable in price to what .22 lr ammo "used to be." 100 for $4.68? Sound familiar? I agree that something fishy is going on. 100 for $46.80 was more like the .22 lr price at the peak of the recent insanity. Not such a bargain at 10x the price, is it?


I was able to find some Rem 22lr vipers this weekend at Bass Pro (just after the truck arrived) for $8.60/100 rds. With a limit of 2 boxes and no bricks or 22wmr available it takes some time and traveling to re-stock. Next time I'll take the whole family with me. At least that's 10 boxes!

But I digress- I vote for the BW. That's my 2 cents (I'm not like the Dos Equis guy, my 2 cents is not worth $37.00. I'll even give change back!)
"Let the gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."- Thomas Jefferson

Kentucky Kevin

I would have tosay that my 8 3/4" scope w/ a MM convertable attached, because of it's medium range stand off delivery potential
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Hardtack- a pic of that combo would be great. Sounds like a real winner.
"Let the gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."- Thomas Jefferson


Quote from: nastruck on August-31-13 18:08
Ah man! I could never give up my SHORT. Coolest gun ever, end of story....

Thats true, I love my pug, but the short is the best ever hidout gun.  Disappears in a gerber pouch, and it is concealed carry in the open.