Just received "New" Sidewinder, Help!

Started by AlOrlando, April-16-15 11:04

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I just picked up from my FFL a Sidewinder listed on Gunbroker as new.  The gun has clear carbon rings on the front of both cylinders.  Also, neither of them is marked with an "L" for long rifle.  What should I do?  Thanks.


They are all test fired at the factory.  As for which cylinder ie which, if a 22 mag won't fit in a chamber then that's the 22 cylinder.
Now just go shoot it and enjoy.
Welcome to the forum..


Clean the front of the cylinder.
I have had to clean them before finding the marking.
I think the folks at the factory shoot a lot when checking them out.
I have bought a few new ones that look well used.
Yes I know the dealer is not doing it because he lets me open the package when it comes from the distributer.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


AlOrlando  - welcome to the forum. As Boone says, If a .22 magnum round will fit into the chambers, then it is a magnum cylinder. With regard to marking, this is what you are looking for.