Bisley style hammer for Mini

Started by petergunn, March-21-12 12:03

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Sandy or others with this kind of logistical knowledge: Could a hammer of the lower profile Bisley style be designed and implemented for the Mini? it sure would look nice... at least it does in my mind's eye view. I 'd buy it for certain.


Me too, I like the low Bisley style hammer.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I have never used a Bisley style hammer, so I have no opinion about it.  

   However, I really like the widened spur on my Bearcat hammer. I believe this  

   style is called the Montado: it is downturned or lower as well. Very easy on  

   the thumb compared to most revolver hammers that I have used.





Standard, Montado, Super Blackhawk, Bisley.





   How's your hammers hanging?
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )



Almost responded to this when it was first posted, but since it is such sport to contradict me here, I held off.  Now the pictures show what I was going to say.  That is, that if the spur were lowered, it would hit the frame before it cocked the gun.  That can be seen in the pics.  Drop that spur and you lose the safety zone (S&W calls it "wink") for the hammer spur to clear the grip frame.
"Deeds; Not Words"


There would be a problem with the spur hitting oversize grips even before it was a

   problem with the frame. There is only 1/8 inch between the hammer spur and the BW  

   style oversize grips. I have no complaint about the mini hammer, but there is no  

   question that the spur shape on my Bearcat is more comfortable. Can any of those  

   hammers in Chopprs photo fit the SP101? I smoothed out the serations on my  

   SP101's hammer, but it still hurts my daughter's thumb. I am used to the way it looks,  

   not sure if I would want to change it.


Those are all Single Action hammers for the Blackhawk/Vaquero guns, so they will not work on an SP101.  I had to take the razor edges off my SP101 22 also, straighten the barrel as it was not threaded in all the way, increase firing pin depth, and then I gave up on repairing a new gun and sold it and bought a S&W model 63.  In my time with the Ruger it also shot patterns, not groups.  Allegedly it is a forcing cone problem that the factory will fix if you send it back, and has fixed on the more recent ones.  I gave up.
"Deeds; Not Words"


My SP101 is a .357. It is very accurate. The term razor edges pretty well  

   describes the hammer when I got it.  


   Sorry about the thread drift, Petergun.


Thanks for the pics.  I still wonder if maybe there was a slight recurve or lowering. I have a PUG. It has oversize grips. It still has some clearance and looks like it could be done. Prolly just not financially lucrative enuf for development and R.O.I. MAybe Sandy will chime in. Not doubting anyone elses response, just kinda lookin for a mouth of the horse answer. No biggie. 'Preciate the responses.  *Dinadan, no problem at all, buddy!


I actually had to Dremel a small amount of the grip from behind the hammer on my Pug as it was restricting me from fully cocking the gun......a lowered hammer would not work, at all!


When you are looking for a response from Sandy specifically, you may consider sending HIM an e-mail and asking your question instead of posting it on an open forum where it appears you are seeking input from others.  Would save us the time of bothering to try to provide an answer to you, that you don't really want, and save you the frustration of waiting for an answer from Sandy while having to sort through the drivel from the masses.
"Deeds; Not Words"


Somebody woke up with their cranky boxers on?


   Take the driveling masses to 'school' Louie....

   Or not

   Peter seemed pretty clear about his curiousty, expressed Gratitude towards other posters, and initiated an interesting discussion topic......sheesh


exactly.  Sheesh is right.  you just gotta jump in don't you?  


   "just kinda lookin for a mouth of the horse answer"


   If you only want your answers from the mouth of the horse, ASK THE HORSE.


   If you want to hear from the other end of the horse, read 22man remarks.  He ALWAYS has something to say.
"Deeds; Not Words"


Pleasant and delightful as always Louie,  

   not enough bran in your flakes?

   first you insult every poster above by referring to them as "driveling masses", then you call me a horses ass, all while whining about feeling like your answer was a waist------read the mans words:


   post ONE: "Sandy or others..."

   he is soliciting responses from BOTH sources


   post TWO: "MAybe Sandy will chime in. Not doubting anyone elses response, just kinda lookin for a mouth of the horse answer. No biggie. 'Preciate the responses."  


   YOU can't even take a "Thank You" from the guy, gotta return it with a "Quit Bothering Us with Posts"....

   and you think there would be no conversations without YOU and Chopprs here? Quite the opposite MR Friendly!


read what I said instead of making it up.  Just because you are looking for something to jump on me for in every post does not make it OK for you to just make it up.


   "Drivel from the masses" is NOT the same as "driveling masses" and in fact the two phrases are not even talking about the same subject.  You are really showing ignorance in this one.


   Drivel: inconsequential chatter

   Masses: group of people on the forum in this case that took the time to try to answer his question and even posted photos only to have him declare what they had to say as drivel.


   As far as you taking "horse's ass" from a comment that clearly meant "horse S*%t" which is what you tend to put out.




   I will make you a deal if you are willing:  I will not comment on any of YOUR posts, if you will not comment on any of MY posts.  I am getting weary of you constantly trying to pick a fight with me and making comments on things I say to others.  I don't care if you do that, but you seem to not like it when I return it in kind.  (you like to dish it out, but don't take it well)


   In the mean time, try to read what is actually said instead of what your hate filled mind WANTS it to say.


   As long as you continue to attack me at every turn, expect the same right back.
"Deeds; Not Words"


Ya know I have been here for a while and watched a lot. Though I admit that I may not be the favorite person on this forum I DO HELP OTHERS WHEN I CAN!!!

   22man, I can not remember you posting one single time when it was not sarcastic. Are you bored or do you just have juvenile obnoxious issues ?


No entiendo baboso masas. profesor de Louie es el jefe.




   Just cuz your pal chopprs started a 'bash louie' thread recently don't accuse me of bashing you at every turn,,,,

   I just gave you a +1  100% on a different thread a day or two ago!

   You were being cranky with a member who JUST told you he APPRECIATED your responses; and telling him to quit posting, 

   My observation, my opinion, get over it! 

   It really doesn't bother me if you dish on me, call me horse squeeze, or the source of horse squeeze; insinuate that I should commit suicide,,,,like you did recently in a thread I started,,,,

   I really can take your abuse, YOU don't matter to me, but I'd hate for posters to quit asking questions or starting interesting discussions because YoU get cranky and bothered when Your response isn't sufficiently accepted. 

   I would prefer you ignore my posts Louie, THAT is Sandys suggestion for dealing with guys that bother you.

   I will comment on any thread I desire and not be limited by your snarkiness or chopprs vulgarity.


False chopprs

   I have been helpful to my share of fellow board members.

   Though I don't brag about it.  

   I will be helpful to new members Again,,,,,watch for my thread in 'off-topics'.......

chopprs have a right to your opinion as I or anyone else, of course. I have seen nothing but sarcasm from you perhaps I am wrong but you certainly seem to be sitting and waiting in the corner for any chance to be obnoxious.


Louie - I do not know if 22man was looking for something to jump on you about,  

   but YOU certainly seem to be looking for reasons to be offended. I thought this  

   was a very decent thread until you decided too lash out at Petergunn for posting  

   a question. People who were not very knowledgeable (I am one) were getting  

   info from folks who knew more. I appreciate the expertise you attained from lifelong  

   work with guns when you want to share it. If you do not want to share that is fine  

   with me. But can you at least let us folks with lesser knowledge confer without  

   rebuking us for our blind groping after knowledge?


   Chopprs - you are the last person on this board, possibly the last person on Earth,  

   who has the right to upbraid others for negative posting.


I have the right as do you Dan!

   If you don't like that you may move to a country where you do not!

   .....I also am not in possesion of the memory where someone gave YOU the almightly power to decide who has rights and who does not!

   You may go back in your hole now.


Okay, I will amend my comment. Chopprs, you, of all people on this board, and possibly  

   of all people on planet Earth, should be most ashamed of upbraiding others for  

   negative posting, because you have done more negative posting than everyone else  

   here put together. Happy now?


PLANET EARTH? REALLY??? So I am the meanest meanie that you have ever come across? You need to get out more man......

   With that said, I guess your parents never told you to, "Do as I say and not as I do"?

   Sorry you missed out in your childhood. You may still have the chance to learn this though.....


   BTW, I would think that you would know by now that I do not get ashamed nor do I get embarrassed!




   You may well be right, and I thought I was being pretty mellow about what I took as "Well thanks for your ignorant efforts guys, but I want to hear only from SANDY and not you fools"




   I should have just ignored it and not bothered with trying to answer any questions from him in the future.  For that I am sorry, as I should have  just let it go.


   At the same time, if peter gun has taken offense he should say so, and I resent 22man's accusing me  of taking someone to school when that is exactly what he is doing to me.  He was not in the thread at all until he decided to take me to task for something I said to SOMEONE ELSE.  He may want to take his own advice and ignore my posts.  I can assure you that if he does not direct his criticism toward me, there will be no comment from me to him.  He can bumble his way through his reading disability all he wants until he directs his fantasy at me.




    22man can go suck an egg like the mongrel dog that he emulates with his behavior of feeling free to join in with the feral dog pack and attack someone who  he thinks is down, as dogs do.


   I suspect that Peter Gun is fully capable of taking me to task if I offended him.
"Deeds; Not Words"


Louie - I expect that three decades as a LEO can take the edge off of a man's mellowness.  

   I just think that sometimes you take things as an attack when the other poster  

   never had any such intent.


   Chopprs - perhaps I was in error when I suggested that you are the worst offender  

   on planet Earth. Upon deeper consideration, I would say that you have probably made  

   more negative posts than anyone else in this arm of the Milky Way Galaxy!


Can we get him a plaque of recognition of this?


   He could post it on his wall with the other awards of merit!


"Deeds; Not Words"


......twice in error in one post Dan?

   I am pretty sure that I could lead you into another admission of error but to be honest you are boring me. Where is it that you intened to go with all of this error admission anyway.......another galaxy perhaps to check and see if there are any posting meanies that are not as bad as me, the Interstellar Meanie of all galaxian forums? (really?)


MY TAKE/summary Fwiw:


   Peter = 'thanks Louie, I appreciate your post'


   Louie = 'quit waisting our time and take your frustrating fake questions elsewhere.'



   22man = 'wearing your cranky pants louie?'


   Louie = '22man is an ignorant horse rear end and an egg sucking mongrel dog!'



   Yes, clearly I was wrong here for voicing my opinion of thelumps crankiness towards a polite member, that he now admits and kindof apologizes for. What was I thinking, clearly I 'can't take what I dish out',,,,,,,hilarious.  


   Dinadan, Louie is not shy about calling others weak men, I  

   see no need to give him cover to hide behind his behavior by  

   blaming his career choice.  

   Being an angry frustrated soul,,,,and a friend of chopprs is kinda sad and unhealthy. Even with that I don't hate or hold a  

   grudge gainst either fella, and will endeavor to persevere at attempting to ignore the false accusations and threats toward myself and others,,,,while also being willing and fearless at speaking my opinion of bs and anything that threatens the free-flow of actual positive discussion and participation of posters less mentally endowed than Mr Friendly and Mr Personality .



   How bout them wide montado hammers?.....


Thank you mother..................


   MY take:


   you stuck your big fat nose in someone else's business where it did not belong.  I was not talking to you.  Feel free to comment, but stand by for the result.  


   And you are still doing it.


   WHO CARES if YOU SEE A NEED to do something you imagined in the first place.


   GO LEARN to read you dunce.



   End of discussion.  Go look at your picture books with the bright colors.
"Deeds; Not Words"


Everyone, please take the personal attacks on each other to e-mail. If you have a question or comment about an NAA product, post it publicly, but if you want to complain about someone's character or personality, send them a private message.  


   I don't want NAA closing these forums because a few losers have nothing better to do than argue like unsupervised children.


22man, you talk about angry and frustrated........GEEZ, get a life man!



   .....oh and Kevin? HEEEEEEEEERZ YER SIGN!




"Everyone, please take the personal attacks on each other to e-mail. If you have a question or comment about an NAA product, post it publicly, but if you want to complain about someone's character or personality, send them a private message. "


   Well said, Kevin, and a fine example of Board Moderation.


   "I don't want NAA closing these forums because a few losers have nothing better to do than argue like unsupervised children."


   These "losers" are still your customers, pal.  There was absolutely no reason to add your little dig.
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


I have found in life " It is easier to shine a light on someone else than to except there own shadow". The basic problem is the lack of respect for other people be it there opinion or person. The quibbling that goes on here is grade school mentality!