Closing cylinder on Sidewinder

Started by scstrain, August-31-15 17:08

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Just got a Sidewinder.  Awesome little pistol.  It sure is hard to shut the cylinder though. I hope I never have to do it in a hurry. Any tricks that others have figured out to help close this little beast faster?


I use right thumb on front of cylinder,  left thumb on rear, gentle but firm pressure and it closes smoothly and easily without much effort.  My shooting buddy fights with his at every reload. He tries to force it shut with one thumb and it resists closing. A little practice,  a bit if finesse and you'll find your way.
I hope that I never need to reload in a hurry. I carry more than one mini and try to have something else close at hand.


The cylinder on my "carry Sidewinder" would not close...period.
Like to never have gotten it open.
I found out that I had to push the front of the cylinder pin back with my thumb nail to start it to close.
Even at that I almost needed a vice to close it according to instructions. Finger here,, thumb there,, push....
I took out my jeweler's files and made a slight (little, very little) clearance where I thought it was too tight.
After playing with it very slowly over the course of 2 hours or so, it now closed with a thumb and a finger on the yoke and squeeze.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


 Hello there I've had a similar problem till I realized the whole tip of the push rod unscrews . I had to tighten it back up
(added some lock-tight) and it worked perfectly .  :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Yes, they can be a little balky, especially when new.  The spring-loaded plunger/tip of the cylinder pin both has a stout spring and is sometimes not very well lubed.  Plus, it is kinda conical shaped vs egg shaped.  I think it would get pushed back in better by the lug if it was more egg shaped.  I "excercised" mine a bunch, smoothed the ramp in the lug just a touch, and lubed it all well with a graphited oil.  It works pretty smoothly now.

- Jay


Quote from: OV-1D on September-01-15 05:09
Hello there I've had a similar problem till I realized the whole tip of the push rod unscrews . I had to tighten it back up
(added some lock-tight) and it worked perfectly .  :)

Exactly what did you screw back in?  The knurled part on mine has a tiny roll pin.  Is the pin something that was added at some point during production?  Mine is s/n 0250.

- Jay


 The roll pin is for holding the push button in place has nothing to do with the knurled section , its separate from the rod and spring tip and roll pin . Trust me it happened to mine . I'd give you pictures but I'm not taking it apart after putting lock light on the rod tip . :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .