Anyone here own any NFA stuff? SBR's, Suppressors, MG's, etc?

Started by rattlehead, September-22-15 13:09

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OK, just filled out the paperwork for this little gem: an integrally suppressed Ruger Mark II. Can't wait to get it! Although, I guess I have to, since the ATF is slow right now. I'm not even sure I'll get it by Christmas, but crossing fingers!


  Oh Boy now you got something there , these are a literal blast with the ability to shoot anywhere they're so quite . Put a laser grip on mine making it one of the most lethal pieces in the arsenal .............................. If ATF wasn't watching you before that's going to change , Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Haha, yeah, it's gonna be a blast--not that you'll hear it, though!

I handled it today and loved it--but after signing the paperwork, it went into jail to serve out it's sentence while the ATF decides if I can take it home. I'm pretty sure they know who I am by now. :( I've filled out plenty of background check forms, such that I don't even have to read them anymore. I can fill them out in the dark with my eyes blindfolded! I also have a C&R FFL and haven't been shy about using it since the ATF sent it to me 18 months ago.

I the meantime, I'll stock up on magazines, maybe get a holster that would work for a 7.25-inch bull barrel (that's what the integrally suppressed barrel turned out to be, with the suppressor and the internal barrel), and maybe get some wooden grips. And I'll keep stocking up on .22LR CCI subsonic ammo to feed it once it's fully mine. (It's rather bogus that I've paid everything for it, and just wrote the $200 check, and I can't enjoy it for probably 6 to 8 months, or more--I suspect it will be worth it, though!)


  Why so long D ? Mine only took 5 days here in Floridora . Hey when changing out those grips "BE CAREFUL" about a retaining pin behind there , "DO NOT TURN SIDEWAYS" it will surely fall out THEN it's a small nightmare reinstalling it . My first Ruger I had to send it back to Ruger to reassemble it , "REALLY A BITC*" , need a special tool I figure to line things back up . The magazines you can never have enough of but they are relatively cheap . GOD's speed .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Good pointer on the grips. I do like the factory black grips on this. Maybe I'll just keep 'em. Sometimes the temptation to accessories a new gun prompts you to go too far! LOL

The wait is extremely long right now because the new rules for NFA trusts take effect in July. After that, you need photographs and fingerprints, even with a trust. Bogus Obama rule, because WHEN has a legal NFA item EVERY been used to commit a crime? I can't name one, and I've searched.

The gun came with only one magazine and the sheath/holster you see. Usually 2 extra mags satisfy me, but I think I was 5 extra mags. The NFA wait will give me time to get some more.


I love it Mr. 22. You will not need sub sonic ammo for it if it is integrally suppressed. The barrel will have portings in it to bring the velocity of regular and possibly hypers down to sub sonic levels. If you use subs it may not cycle the action and will be no less quiet than the others.

Kind of like firing subs in an MP5-sd. It will not function.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


  Rogue's right on with that sub-sonic not liking to cycle but like he said no need for it anyhow , you'll see soon enough . I feel for ya waiting , OH BOY ARE YOU GOING TO LIKE THIS PIECE !!!  You won't want to waste ammo on anything else . Ha Ha Ha .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I bought some subsonic CCI ammo at my local gun store, along with some normal velocity. The speed rating on the box was on 10 fps differences. I thought that was really weird and asked an employee there why they were so close. He said that's really the range at which the rounds to supersonic.

I've tried both the standard velocity and subsonic in multiple guns (a pistol and a rifle) and either was were very quiet with the suppressor and cycled them fine. I don't think it matters which I use and they are the same price. Maybe it's my altitude, tho (about 4300 ft).

I also got some CCI Quiet and they did NOT cycle either of my guns.


There is a big difference between a can screwed onto the end of a gun and an integrally suppressed gun. The screw on can does nothing to reduce the velocity of the round being fired and therefore a subsonic round, whether due to barrel length or loading, must be used to avoid the sonic crack heard when firing most guns.

The integrally suppressed gun has holes drilled into the barrel and or a shortened barrel to reduce the velocity of a certain typed ammunition to subsonic levels for quiet shooting. Use of ammunition already subsonic often reduces the already subsonic velocity to very very low velocity thus often times not cycling the action and making said ammo unreliable and ineffective.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Really. Well that's interesting. I didn't know it was anything different from just having a suppressed on the end of the barrel with the connection smoothed out, LOL. I think you still have to take them apart for cleaning, so I'll check it out when I get it. If I still remember, that is. Still gonna be a LONG time before I get it.


I bought a new thread adapter on eBay for my Walther P22, which showed up in the mail today. :)


Anybody know where I can get something like this BattleCloth holster to carry my Walther P22 with suppressor attached?


Picked up my new Century Arms Beretta 71 with heavy fake suppressor just yesterday and I removed the suppressor tonight. I kept dremeling and dremeling, wondering if I would ever find the hex screw that secured it to the barrel, then suddenly it appeared. It screwed right out with a hex screwdriver and then the suppressor screwed right off, but I needed a pair of vice grips to get enough torque to loosen it.

I tried the thread adapter for my Tec-22, but it's a bit tight. I can't get it on all of the way. I think it's the adapter, because I can only get it on one of my two Tec-22's. The flash hider for one of my Tec-22's fits on it VERY NICELY tho, LOL. I like it a lot! ;)

I was able to put my AAC .22LR suppressor on it, tho, but I wouldn't dare shoot it until I got the adapter all of the way on. I'm just going to buy another brand and see if it fits better.

In any case, I'm VERY HAPPY with my new Beretta 71.


Today I added a SilencerCo 1/2x20 to 1/2x28 adapter and now I have the perfect set for my new Beretta 71. :) And I'm also extremely pleased that the timing on the suppressor lines up perfectly to show the printing on the side.


Very nice. Have you shot it yet? Mine is super quiet. Only hear the hammer dropping and the slide driving home the next round along with a small airsoft sound.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: RogueTS1 on June-21-16 19:06
Very nice. Have you shot it yet? Mine is super quiet. Only hear the hammer dropping and the slide driving home the next round along with a small airsoft sound.

Thanks. I haven't shot the Beretta, but I have shot this suppressor before. Yes, it's very quiet. I've used it on an UZI 22, an Intratec Tec-22, and a Colt/Umarex M4 "AR-15-like" .22LR rifle. All quiet.


I've been wanting a can for my 22/45 LITE for a while now and finally decided to order one from yesterday. I decided on the AAC Element II due to the good reviews. According to what I've read, it has virtually zero FRP or POI shift. Now for the sucky part.. The looooooooong wait. :( Oh well. At least I have something to look forward to. :)


Quote from: rattlehead on June-24-16 14:06
I've been wanting a can for my 22/45 LITE for a while now and finally decided to order one from yesterday. I decided on the AAC Element II due to the good reviews. According to what I've read, it has virtually zero FRP or POI shift. Now for the sucky part.. The looooooooong wait. :( Oh well. At least I have something to look forward to. :)

Very nice! I have the predecessor, the AAC Pilot 2. I love it. I shot it using my new Beretta 71 and it's so quiet. Sounds like a pellet gun. No hearing protection needed.

Good luck on the wait. I have a few I'm waiting on, too. The wait sucks, but it's worth it. :)


Spreading the NFA love around. :) I went to a family reunion over the weekend and we had a fun shooting session. For most of them, they had never shot a suppressed firearm before. There were smiles all around, including my daughter's cousin here shooting my Beretta 71 with AAC suppressor.




Quote from: MR_22 on March-15-16 19:03
Thanks, Rogue. I like it!

I bought this today. A stainless steel integrally suppressed Ruger MK-II. The suppressor is from Automatic Weapons Co. I'll probably be able to pick it up around August 15.

August 15, LOL. I still have probaby 4 to 6 weeks left on my wait. This is driving me nutzoid! :-O I have 2 other .22 suppressors waiting, as well as an SBR submitted just before the 41F deadline, on July 11. I'll probably end up getting the SBR stamp before the suppressors, which I submitted in June.


There is serious talk that silencers will be removed from the purview of the NFA very soon.


The Republican Congress has been sitting on a bill since late 2015 since it was stated to be vetoed by Obama. Trump has had multiple discussions concerning the bill and has stated he supports it. If and when the Congress gets it to his desk it is all but certain to be signed.

There is a PS that in the bill that any tax stamps paid after October of 2015 will get a tax refund on their items. If this goes through it just may be the start of a way to get our Machine Guns back..........................
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: bill_deshivs on November-15-16 21:11
There is serious talk that silencers will be removed from the purview of the NFA very soon.

I would love that--even though I've gone through consider expense and hassle to acquire a number of them, LOL. This could seriously happen with Republicans in charge. I'm not convinced it will be important enough to get through, tho, but I'm crossing my fingers.



Quote from: MR_22 on May-28-16 13:05
OK, just filled out the paperwork for this little gem: an integrally suppressed Ruger Mark II. Can't wait to get it! Although, I guess I have to, since the ATF is slow right now. I'm not even sure I'll get it by Christmas, but crossing fingers!

Finally brought home this integrally-suppressed Ruger Mark II from my local dealer today! WOOT! Took long enough. Can't wait to get out to the range with her.

Last week, I picked up a SilencerCo Osprey Micro .22 oblong suppressor. Finally, the stuff submitted just prior to the NFA rule changes are coming through. Next I'm waiting for my SBR submission.


Very NICE........................ Have you fired her yet? How does she should I say not sound?

I have my suppressed Ruger Mark I out on the table loaded up with two mags of Rem Goldens.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I have not fired it yet, but I'm very much looking forward to it. I'm still pretty weak from my hospital stay, but I hope to get out shooting soon. It's a beautiful-looking gun, tho, I must say!


Nice, MR_22. Congrats! Seeing yours made me remember to call and check the status of mine. Still pending. :(


Quote from: rattlehead on March-22-17 13:03
Nice, MR_22. Congrats! Seeing yours made me remember to call and check the status of mine. Still pending. :(

Well, I bought this Ruger Mark II with integrally-suppressed barrel one year and one week ago. It took a few months to transfer to my local dealer and then the rest of the time to transfer to me--minus sending payment, mailing delays, etc., on everybody's part. One year and one week. Crazy.

But it's mine now, all mine! Wahhahahhahhaaa!

Not to rub your nose in it, or anything. 'Cause that would be rude. (Neener, neener!)

(I still got a couple pending myself, d'oh.)


Filed a form 1, (SBR), and a form 4,(suppressor), June of last year. Received an email stating my form 1 was approved in December of last year but no actual tax stamp to date. Should I have not received it by now?
Still waiting on the form 4, (9 months & counting)!
This is ridiculous! Sperm hits an egg and nine month later you've got a complete human being. 9 months to push paper. Give us a break.


  Our tax dollars at NONE work . Harry you have to move to Florida somehow ,someway it just didn't take any time at all nine years ago , surely nothing has really changed since then from here , it was a max five weeks from seeing the gun and holding it as mine , I even think one week was hesitation , ha , ha . 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I filed a form 1 SBR / trust in July, just before the deadline. No word on mine either.