Was may thread removed?

Started by 45flint, April-27-12 14:04

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Started one couple days ago gone now?  Steve

cedarview kid

Which one? I think NAA cleaned up a few of them.


Title was "I liked the forum when we didn't know the sidewinder details".   Something like that?


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Yes, Glenn fixed it for you!

cedarview kid

Hmm. Yah, that's weird. It seems to be gone.


it was after he posted in it that it was removed.  

   Glenn, i could be wrong but i think they might be getting tired of your incessant whining.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I asked the Webmaster and yes they are getting sick of him!



   You belive its Glenn, your kidding!

   Who has been involed in every confrotation on the forum for the last 2-3 years, was it Glenn? I don't think so. I was on this forum a long time back, before there was ever a problem and it didnt start with Glenn. How many people have left because of Glenn. I will bet not one.

   I think maybe you really know what the problem is.

   Just my thoughts.


First time I have ever had anything removed!!


i will get hammered for this, but i think this forum is pretty good compared to other forums.  

   i ask questions about gun broker, or a particular gun, or something i have little knowledge of, or something off of the gun topic and many times its the guys who have been getting castigated the last month or so, who take the time to explain something, go out of their way to make sure its clear, or have something funny to say that lightens the mood, or is good to read when a day may not be stellar at that particular moment.

   There are other people who are more than willing to help also, but the two guys who have been getting hammered certainly do more than their share. i asked a question to so called experts on two different forums recently and was ignored on both. that doesnt happen here.

      i have to tell you, and this is not aimed at you Boone, in either your present or past here since i dont know anything about you, but if i was in a shtf situation i would rather have those two or either one with me than the bunch of sniveling, whining, its not fair,you have to do things my way or ill throw a fit, politically correct marys who have been dominating the board the last month.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


dont take it personally 45 flint, it had to do with someone other than you.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today



   As has happened on here, has anybody on the other forums that you deal with ever told you that you were stupid and an idiot when you had an opinion that they disagreed with? Thats happened a lot here and caused a lot of hard feelings, and cost the forum a lot of members that don't feel they can deal with that kind of treatment.  

   There's an old saying that seems to hold true in this life. The more they blow, the less they go.

   That seems to be true in every case.

   When somebody thinks they have to tell me how smart they are, I know right off the bat that they are full of sh)(.

   Just some more of my thoughts.


What I do not understand here is that you disliked this forum enought to leave.


   You then decided to come back and you STILL do not like the forum but you continue to whine that you do not like the forum.....LOL.....sorry man.....but...


   Why are you here if you hate it so much?


   It IS a free country and there are literally THOUSANDS of forums.....there HAS to be one somewhere that you will like!


Smarten up choppers. I love the forum. I just don't like you. If you would pay attention youi would have noticed that. I wasn't talking to you anyway.

   You need to work on you, not me.

   Sidewinder was the draw, sure as .... not you.

   Now as long as you butted in, go take a pill and go nght-night.


I don't think they've started removing "may" threads yet as it's still April!


   I hope you realize I'm just kidding!


Boone.....apparently you have not actually read the new forum rules.  

   I suggest that you go back and take a look as you yourself are now in violation of what you seem to hate the most!


   I hope your day gets better, mine has been wonderful!


Are suggestions and opinions against the forum rules?

   If I remember right, and its only been a few min. I wasn't even talking to you, when you butted in. What are you doing here? Again!

   I was talking to someone else, and you act like you want an argument. Go talk to somebody else.

    that cares.

   I would suggest that you do your suggestions to somebody else besides me and since you did it I would guess that suggestions are not against the rules. I won't bring them up but I have some that might be.

   I am here for the gun fun. Why are you here?


Heyjoe   +1

   Chopprs  +1


   Boone123 -0


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


uncle lee.

   Most people that blow alot try to maintain and cultivate a couple of friendships to help keep their overblown ego's afloat. Your hooked, and your doing a good job

   I belive it was old Abe that said,

   You can fool some of the people, some all of the time,

   all of the people, some of the time,

   but not all the people ,all of the time.


   That last line leaves hope.


   Mr. Uncle Lee+99

   May you never run out of popcorn.


SO MUCH ANGER................
"Deeds; Not Words"



   I think your close. Why be angry? As you have said, just words on a screen.

   Be happy like me!


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


...man I just had a Filet Mignon for dinner. Then desert was Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding with two scoops of ice cream and two Old Fashioneds.

   I don't think anything could make me angry right now...


That kind of music makes me...



"Deeds; Not Words"


Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Red_14... Your good looks are overshadowed only by your taste in tunes. GOOD stuff!


Thanks for pic, Louie. I'm sending it to my brothers living in the daft but free stste of AZ. Seems to me the usual suspects have taken on a new air of reserve lately and are having even MORE fun frustrating the sensitive. MUCH more entertaining than the usual name calling, at least.




I am having SO much fun now.

   The fun never ends.

   The information flows like fresh water without a wave.

   Nothing to interfer with having a good time.






   wahoo, wahoo, wahoo.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


this site has become very user friendly. you can come here once a week and catch up in minutes now.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Yes, it is boring...... but NICE and very politically correct.


   I truly hope the whiners are happy.
"Deeds; Not Words"


they are never happy. ever.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


They will go somewhere else to cry until someone wipes their tears for them.....typical Liberals!


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Them old whiners are like ticks in a wet year. They are just everywhere. Hard to get rid of.

   Unlike some out of wack things in life though,I don't think there is any meds for whiners. Not to bad though, as its a good spectator sport just watching them.