Just got a pair of Wasp convertibles

Started by Annoyinglylongname, January-04-16 13:01

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Just ordered and received a set of wasps for my wife and myself. Knowing the stock grips were not going to cut it for either of us I bought a mini master grip and a holster grip. My wife chose the mini aster which I installed on her gun and after I installed the holster I grip I find the mini master grip is more natural for myself as well so I ordered another mini master grip.
I can't wait to shoot them, here is what I seek advice in. I would like to paint the laser etching grooves in one of the wasp cylinders so we don't get them confused. Anyone have suggestions for what is most indelible on such a surface?



Quote from: scbuxton on January-04-16 15:01
Lemon yellow duracoat!!! ;D ::)

You're a funny guy....thought that issue was dead!
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


Yeah, I figured that since chopprs got his parole and other blasts from the past are slipping in and out of the shadows, I'd make a poke and stir the pot.  8)


...hahahhaha...remember that toolbox?!?!? Bumble Bee guns in a wood box with some bees. Didn't he want like stupid money for them too?


You might try Rustoleum oil based paint. If (when!) it gets where you don't want it, quickly wipe it off with a soft cloth. You can also use crayons. There are ample videos on YouTube demonstrating how to do this. It is surprising how well it will hold up, and it is more easily removed than the paint. It it also provide the option of trying variations.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Hey who-ever-you-are,
Put a scratch on the bottom of the trigger..... 8)
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


What a wonderful idea! The serial number is not unique enough for me to differentiate the frames-  ;D unfortunately the cylinders have no serial numbers and are timed to the frame. Having a method to determine that I don't mix the cylinders is strongly desireable.
I actually enjoy my wife's company and we commonly shoot together so the possibility of mixing cylinders exists.

lefty dude

You could mark the cylinder with the last digit of the S/N if they a different with each piece. Ruger uses the last 3 digits of the S/N.

I would mark both The Mag & LR cylinders.