Aguila SSS and minis

Started by websniper, June-13-12 19:06

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Has anyone tried the 60 grain Aguila SSS rounds in their LR or mag conversion?  


   Sure, the bullets will likely keyhole at any distance, but a sideways 60 grain bullet might be a nasty surprise for a bad guy!


   Can anyone think of a reason they might be unsafe for gun or shooter to fire from a Pug?


Not unsafe.  No problem with them, as long as you know they are going to tumble you are good.  And they will tumble.  


   Other than my 10/22 with a 1/9 twist, the only gun I have that they don't tumble in is a Single Ten.
"Deeds; Not Words"


Yeah I've found the same thing with the SSS.  I have had a couple barrels for 10/22's with faster twist to shoot the 60 grainers.


   Lemme just say that the Aguila SSS out of a suppressed 10/22 is a blast!


They should be nice, clean extractions from the sidewinder!


   Basically a short with a long lance torpedo on the end of it.


They don't tumble out of my Colt Frontier Scout, but do out of my Ruger Mark, GSG 1911 and Beretta 21A. I didn't think to try the only 50 round box I had through the MM though. Might get another box and see, but I'm not hopeful they'll perform well out of it.




   That is a good point.  They are in a 22 short case after all........... And being low pressure, they are not generally sticky to extract.


   You will have to try them out and do up a report for us.


"Deeds; Not Words"


But....they are very dirty. Not sure if is the priming or the powder but I know after I fire them they foul up my guns pretty quickly.


Try firing them in a suppressed firearm.... Diiiiiir-teeee!


What do you guys think about using them as a SD round?  Quiet, minimal recoil and muzzle flash, but a nice heavy bullet....  


   Maybe somebody can do a test with some gelatin and find out how they do from a Pug.



Another one on this page from a 3.4" barrel (for you Earl toters).">


22 lr 60 gr Aguila are a cool bullet , and they

   might make widerhole in someone but i wouldnt load

   all 5 with them , from what iv seen on the net in gel , like that cci  32 gr segmented they dont go very deep . for 22 lr i think  cci  stinger , rem yellowjacket  , minimag 40 gr. probly the best maybe  cci36 gr. minimag . i wonder because my minimag 1 1/8 barrel shoots 22 mag and 22 lr if that barrel must be biger for 22 mag and 22 lr must be loose and wobly in the barrel and bleed fps more then 22 mag .


that was interesting.  The 60 grain did a tumble in the gelatin as we have speculated it might.
"Deeds; Not Words"


Sitscott, the CCI Stinger and 32 grain Segmented hp are the same round only the segmented round is designed to break apart upon impact. The video above is the first I have seen/heard of a 40 grain segmented round. We have had lengthy discussions here and I believe the popular vote went to the CCI Velocitor.

   Also, a .22 lr wont tumble in the barrel of a .22mag as they are both .22...... The difference between them is in the casing diameter. ;)

   I certainly hope you have the conversion cylinder to shoot lr out of your mini mag and are not running them through the mag cylinder.

   Now only if some manufacturer would offer metal jacketed .22 lr.


i ment 40 gr. minimag , but i have seen at  ammo 22 lr a 40 gr. segmented cci , but 32 gr more comon have seen in gun stores .

   CCI Velocitor might give best penatraion of lr

   not shure you problyright . i just think 22 mag/lr

   must be little extra room fer 22mag in barrel 22 lr smaller . but naa mini revolvers are all cool small handy , every small guns a traidoff . im currently useing my 22mag/conversion 1 1/8 barrel as my  

   only pocketgun now. waile i wait on a keltec 380 orderd.


CCI Quik-Shok Ammunition 22 Long Rifle Subsonic 40 Grain Plated Lead Hollow Point .


Those 60 grainers will most likely tumble because of the lack or sufficient rifling to stabilize the bullet, not because of any difference in diameter....


   It did tumble in the gelatin too, which is kinda interesting. I wouldn't wanna get shot by any of 'em....  That being said, I think Velocitors may live in the spare LR cylinder I'm getting for the pug.  


   Actually, kinda can't wait to blast a few Colibri's from the Pug with LR cylinder!


the 60 grainers tumble because they are too long for the 1/16 twist that is standard for 22lr barrels.  They need a 1/9 tsist to spin them faster to stabilize the extra length.


   Bad rifling will also cause it, but they tumble out of first rate quality target barrels.


   My rifle for them has a 1/9 twist Volquartsen barrel so they will not tumble.
"Deeds; Not Words"


Websniper - I have shot some 60 grain Aguila SS rounds in my Minis. No problems,  

   and accuracy is okay, but when I did a penetration test using old books  

   for a medium, they did not get the penetration of CCI Minimags. And they did keyhole.


Aguila SSS 60gr  

    643 fps  

    55 /  penatraion 9.7  tarus p22 longer barrel most

   22 lr minis lol  2.75 barrel think was  .  about like waterjugs of truth 9 inches more or less .


Thanks for that info Sirscott!


577 1 inch mini 22 lr">


   40 gr.


   Velocitor 767 seems best fps ,

   think Louiethelump showed this websight once

   good info to know also .


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John 3:3