Chopprs Mad Hat SOB

Started by jestus, June-19-12 21:06

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Obama loves all you doinks,....arguing amongst yourselves while he sneaks his troops in your back door.

   You are all so amazingly stupid!

   Mohammed is knocking at your door and yOu are arguing symantecs amongst yourselves. Shame on you!

   You spend yOur time arguing about stupid crap like this while he slips his knives under yor pillows...........stupid are you!

   Time to wake up, smell the coffee and actually DO SOMETHING TO SAVE YOUR COUNTRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   How stupid are you really?


I know the Lake of Fire is in the Bible.  Only, it does not say what the Baptist bunch says it does.  It is talking about the regret of not repenting, and it says the regret will be a hot burning pain, "AS" a lake of fire.


   The scripture in context is instructing you to stop sinning and that if you don't, you will regret it and the pain of regret will hurt like a burning lake of fire.  They turn that into a literal lake of fire and want to send everyone but them to it.





   I wonder what name our friend Sirscott will resurrect himself as for the next time.....
"Deeds; Not Words"


very reluctant to say anything so off-topic in the Products section,,,,,,but gotta point out some truth.....

   Sirscott, Some Baptists DO evangelize door to door.

   They have walked and knocked one of my family members doors on a regular basis when I was living there.  

   Usually it's a group of Baptist ladies that walk the reighborhood two by two.  

   It's not a big deal,,,,,

   it's just an ignorant statement to say that Baptists don't do door to door proselytizing.  

   Carry on fellas, or not, whatever.


It is over.  He told us that we don't really believe what we think we believe, as he knows better, and then he went away happy having straightened me out.  I will have to post guards around my sister's house I guess now that I know that they will be out to kill her as she has quit going to church and no longer considers herself LDS.


   It is so scarey!  LOL!




"Deeds; Not Words"


Louie; just for my knowledge, what do the Mormons preach about Hades? Your above post interests me and I do not understand what you are saying about not believing in "Lakes of fire." Could you explain briefly? (No believe in Hades or something else?)  


   Thank you ahead of time for the education.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


In summary, and as I understand it;


   1) I am using Hades as gets blipped out by little red dots


   2) LDS doctrine holds that we are children of a living and loving God who is the father of our spirit (or soul if you will) in the same way that our physical father on this earth is the literal father of our physical bodies.  At conception, the spiritual body or soul is joined with the physical body being formed in the physical mother and you have a complete person.  This person (us) is as loved by God as by our earth parents.  Would you send your child to eternal punishment?  Would you send your offspring that you love to a lake of fire to burn in torment for missing church on Sunday, or for wearing too short of a skirt, or for doing some little thing that the Baptists seem to think everyone but them gets sent to a fiery  burning Hades for?  I know I would not.  I would try to re-train my child, would try to straighten them out, would send them to time out or may even spank them if they did wrong and would not correct themselves, but I would ALWAYS love them, and if they tried to do better would urge them on and when they quit doing the bad thing, would forgive them.


   LDS doctrine is a doctrine of Eternal Progression, and holds that there are different levels of reward for our life and behavior here, and that there is good in all.  In the next life, we receive reward for the good we have done here, and some reward is withheld from us for the bad we have done.  (think of a cause and effect situation.  You did not get a college degree, so you don't get to be a school teacher or engineer.  That is not punishment, it is the reward for accomplishment being withheld from one who did accomplish)  A normal "bad person" will receive reward for the good he has done, but will not receive the reward he would have gotten had he done better.  For example this bad person will go to a heaven that is better and more lovely than this earth, but may be limited by his behavior here as to what he can do in the next life.  He may be separated from the spirit beings that are dear to him that were family here, as they may have done a better job here and be up ahead of him in the next life.  He may not be joined by the souls of his family as he did not do what it takes to be farther along than he is.  THAT is the of the next life.  The realization that for the brief time he was here, he could have done less evil and could have been with family and friends, have better opportunity to grow and to move on, could have even been in the presence of God, had he done better for the time here.  Remember "no unclean thing can enter into the presence of God".



     There is a top level of Heavenly reward called the Celestial Kingdom where souls live in the presence of God and have the opportunity to learn and progress in knowledge and purpose.  This is the goal of the LDS member.  To as closely as possible obey the will of God in order to be able to dwell in the presence of God eternally, and to be able to have all the opportunities to grow and progress, and continue to work in the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ, including to those that did not have the opportunity to hear it in this life.  It is a big universe and this earth is but a small part of it, with very limited opportunities.






   There are a few, who in spite of the efforts of redemption, are SO EVIL that they will CHOOSE to go and live in the presence of Satan in Hades.  These are the Sons of Perdition and will be where they are by choice, and a refusal to accept redemption as offered and choose instead to go where Satan resides in .



   This is SUMMARY, but I hope it answers your question.
"Deeds; Not Words"


Louie, seems how you are willing to entertain questions and frankly this is one of those I am not familiar with:


   How close to reincarnation is it?  You talk of a place that is like a slightly better earth - if a person were to be rewarded with such are they given that lifetime to progress further or is it a one shot deal?
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


Thank you Louie. Quite interesting and not far off what I have been taught and understand.


   So once in heaven but not rewarded as much, can one improve his lot still and be rewarded or is he stuck where he ended up in heaven?
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Lohman:  It is not close to reincarnation.  You have one life on this earth.  You are here to gain a body and to experience the physical world.  Heaven is a "Kingdom" not an "earth" and is a spiritual realm.  The body stays here.  Marriage must happen here.  This is why proxy marriages are done in the temples for people who did not have it done while here or did not know about it.  It can benefit them in the spirit world if it is done here.  Learning continues, as does progress.  At the time of Resurrection, you will regain a perfected body for the eternity.  God is a physical being with a body, as is his Son Jesus.  If you recall, Jesus was risen from the dead, met and talked with many, and then rose into heaven.  He did not re-shed his body and leave it on the ground.  He took it with him to Heaven.  Nowhere in the Bible does it speak of re-burying Jesus after his resurrection.  This is because he was resurrected then, as you will be later.



   Rogets1: The process is called "Eternal Progression" and this means progress can continue to be made.  Some ordinances such as Baptism and marriage MUST be done here.  This is what the Temples are for.  Worthy members volunteer their time in the Temple and take upon them the names of individuals that have passed and do marriages and baptisms for those people who can accept or deny them in the Heavenly realm.  God is all about free will and choice.  That is what it is all about.  You must CHOOSE to do right or to do wrong.  No one is forced to believe or to follow.  This is one of the ways that I KNOW Islam is not a true faith.  It is based on forced obedience on penalty of death.  That is Satan's way, and why he was cast out.


   Millions are waiting for these things to be done for them so they can continue to progress in the next life.  There are limits according to my understanding.  Murderers are not going to be able to progress to the Celestial Kingdom IN MY OPINION, but I don't make those decisions, and every person is unique, and God will sort those things out.  This is why the Mormon Church supports capital punishment.  To take an innocent life is to steal something given by God, and the first step toward forgiveness and atonement and to gain salvation is to forfeit your own life in payment for the life you took.  Then you can begin the progress of atoning for that grievous sin and working toward salvation.  I don't possess the knowledge to give you more than that.  





   Those that have seen the kingdoms of heaven, describe the lower Terrestrial kingdom as "so much better and more beautiful than this earth, that you would want to die just to get there".  The others are better still.  I have no PERSONAL knowledge.  I am no authority on all this, and am answering you the best I can.
"Deeds; Not Words"