NAA .22 Magnum Ported

Started by jjccamis, July-07-12 19:07

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......wait a minute, I think I am confused. Bill deshivs is Uncle Lee?????


No Chopprs, I don't f****** think so.


   "Any idiot would understand that porting would decrease velocity."  

   With that I agree.  

   But the amount of decrease would be so miniscule that it would take a total idiot to worry about it.  

   Not just "any idiot" but a "total idiot".




God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


.....but Gunr asked "you" a question and our local "Portal" of knowledge answered. It would only make sense if the two are the same....or no?


Sorry I got carried away by an idiot talking the knowledge level of an idiot.


   Sorry gunr.

   I got away from humor there for awhile....


   I lost that loving feeling, that loving feeling, now it's gone, gone, gone. wooooo woooooo wooooo




God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Uncle lee,

   Come up to Oregon and I'll give you a big hug, and you can get that loving feeling back


On My Way!!!!!!


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


You two need to get a room!LOL


Or work as a stand up team at a comedy club!!!





"Deeds; Not Words"



   Here's my "stand up" for today.  

   Definition of "that area of a woman where men like to visit!  


   The only fur bearing mammal that can swallow a bone whole, and get the goodies out of nuts without cracking the shell!


How many frequent flyer miles is that per visit?
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Hello all!  

   So according to the folks at Combat Handguns it does in fact make quite a difference (30-35%) in reduced recoil vs. the regular-barreled mini, and there was no noticeable dropoff in velocity per the specs for a 1.125 inch barrel. He did mention however, it was louder and had more flash, but not much.  ">


The author makes the statement with no data to back it up. It appears to be his opinion and not actual data.

   I would like to see some actual data that shows a difference. I am sure there is a difference but I am also quite sure that it is minimal to almost none.  

   From the way it is written it also appears that the difference in felt recoil by the author may simply be due to the different cartriges that he uses as he does not differentiate between cartriges and recoil but simply makes a statement.....which leads me to believe he is an idiot!

   Also my opinion......


Don't be so negative Chopprs!  Shame on you!  This is an opportunity to get a 32.5% average reduction in the wrist wrenching and elbow twisting recoil of the 22 rim fire cartridge with NO significant loss of the mind blowing 650-900 fps blazing speed of the massive projectile.  (of course we may have to explain violation of certain laws of physics, as the energy used to dampen the recoil had to come from SOMEWHERE)


   Try to be more open minded to such new developments and not be such a curmudgeon.  


"Deeds; Not Words"


Considering the difference between two cartridges in the same box, how could you chronograph a small difference? What if the slower bullet was fired in a gun with no ports, and the second bullet which happened to be faster, was fired in a gun with ports. So maybe the gun with the ports would show a faster velocity, even though the situation being reversed, would show an opposite effect, or results.


   Unless there is a difference of say, over 10%, your never really going to know what that difference is!

   Just an opinion  


   Jump in there Louie!


No need to jump in.  These little minis have such a wide variety of velocity from gun to gun even when dealing with virtually identical guns of consecutive ser numbers, and from group to group there is no way to make a determination.




   If you like the ports, knock yourself out.  If not, don't buy em.


   Another issue not worth arguing about.
"Deeds; Not Words"


That's really where it's at!


That's what I said over thirty posts ago.


and you were correct too...............
"Deeds; Not Words"