Brand New NAA-MS22 does not work

Started by frazierdave, July-09-12 11:07

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My BW is due back from NAA tomorrow according to Fed Ex tracking. (I just sent it to them last Tuesday!)


   I'll update as soon as I can. Won't be able to shoot it until Friday, weather permitting.


I still don't think a gun should need a break in to function properly. I understand mechanical parts where in. My background is heavily based in physics. wears in. I know this. This is NOT the break in I'm talking about. Many people say a gun needs a break in to FUNCTION properly, dismissing failures as "'s just needs time for stuff to wear it so that the casing ejects properly/bullet feeds properly/etc." <--------that's what I am talking about when I say a gun should not need X number of rounds down range for it to function close to 100%.


   My HK45s trigger might be a little smoother, but even when it was a bit rougher and heavier to pull, it didn't cause failures.


   My gun that did fail 1-2%, I'd say if those of you believe in break in, I broke that in so much over 10k rounds that the lugs on the slide started chipping off in places. I didn't run +P or +P+ in it (NATO is not +P). I cleaned it religiously after every range session, which was 75-150 rounds a week. By religiously, I mean I would sit there for 45 minutes to an hour cleaning the gun.


   My opinion is this. If a person buys a gun new, shoots it, and it fails from the get go (IE: a few times every 100 rounds or so), it's a lemon.


Ok, So I am going to go back to the range with a 550 brick of .22LR and see if I can improve my accuracy with the mini. I was kind of consistantly shooting low left according to the Range Safety Officer who was watching.  I am unsure of the correct sight picture on this little dude, the tip of the blade between the rear frame notch doesn't seem to be working.

   also, I am curious why they had to replace:  

   LR Barrel 1 1/8  

   Magnum Hand Aft  

   Main Spring  

   Was this because I have the .22MAG and the parts were needed to fit the requested .22LR cylinder?


Harkamsu, apparently all of the Engineers employed by the firearms manufacturers are wrong and you are right.....

   Exercising my great skills in forbearance I will simply and politely disagree with your "opinion"!


I didn't say anyone was right or wrong. I gave my opinion on how *I* felt. People can respectfully disagree. This is fine. I have no issue with this. I just gave my opinion.


The rear frame notch is not intended as the rear sight. Using it as such will definately place your shots low. Most say the tip of the cocked hammer as a rear sight is pretty close. I use it or the level of the frame at the base of the front sight and use a dot placed on the front blade to point of aim. Doing so allows quarter sized points of impact at point of aim at 5 to 7 yards all day long with quick firing and the same at longer distances with carefully aimed shots.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.



   To over simply: The gunsmith who worked on yours felt they needed replacing. We are told any gun that comes in, leaves with a new main spring. Period, no matter the age. The hand? Maybe to get the timing they wanted on both cylinders. Barrel? Look closely, it may have better rifling or a crown on it.


   I suspect it will shoot nicely. Have you noticed a difference in the trigger pull?
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Dave I think when they go back the QC process goes WAY up on them and parts that were borderline originally are replaced at that time.  I expect the guns that are sent back likely come back to you better than most of the new ones on the shelf due to the extra level of quality control
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


Yes, the mini definitely feels "like a new gun"! Trigger pull was rough for the first few rounds but smoothed out nicely. Also, I noticeed that the spent casings come out MUCH easier now from the Magnum Cylinder and practically fall out of the LR cylinder. Just have to work on the acuracy thing.  

   Aim off of the cocked hammer tip??




   Up to about 10-12 feet, just look down the top of the frame, across the barrel.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Ok, 4th time shooting with mini revolver, I am becoming a fan!  

   This gun is fun  to shoot, a challenge at a distance, and will knock down speed plates and metal jumping rabbits at the range. I have not had any problems other than the cylinder becoming too hot to handle due to my extensive firing.

   Accuracy is acceptable now that I have the aiming down (Thanks to the tips from board members!).

   I have confidence now that this is indeed a quality firearm, so much so that I decided to list it on my CCW.  Good little CONCEALABLE gun when I can't have my normal CCW gun (Glock26) due to possible printing, too much physical contact with people, wardrobe changes, etc.  


   I am curious though, has anyone had to actually draw a mini in a defensive situation, and did it deter the perp or cause further action to be neccessary?


I will definitely be reccomending NAA Minis to CCW customers and friends at the gun shop,I just wish more than 2 were CA approved. Excellent additional gun to carry, great with the holster grip, no permit should be without one!

   Springfield XD9 Service Model, Glock 26 Gen2, and a trusty little North American Arms .22WMR Mini Revolver.


i still need to send me BW in due to the barrel being twisted and throwing off my front sight lol glad you got it worked out frazier!


Well, my mini failed again. The takedown pin fell apart while shooting, spring, detent, and button flew off while shooting and all I can find is the button. Here we go again....



   I do apologize about the current condition of your cylinder pin. Please contact Jessica if you haven't already to have a new pin sent out right away.



Wow, I have never heard of your original post you said  


   " went to fire it and after 10 minutes the thing started jamming up when I tried to remove the cylinder. I reloaded and it wouldnt cock on the fifth round for many cylinders full, "


   what did you do to eventually free the cylinder and pin?


2 different problems. The jamming problem, I was able to remove the pin and force the cylinder out. With my my new problem, the pin falling apart, I can still fire it, I just have to push the pin in before each shot. I called Jessica, pin is "in the mail"

   Losing faith in the mini again though, serious buyers remorse. I wonder what will break next? I sure wish this gun worked right from the beginning, I hate these kind of hassles. And I added this to my CCW??!!

   I may just dump it on someone who does not intend to shoot it, it should do just fine for them...definitely more suited to be sitting in a safe somewhere or as a piece of "art" or "Jewelry" as some people on this MB have described it, more of a toy/curio than firearm to some I guess...


Oh Ok, I thought you had to force the pin out, to free the cylinder.  Which would have indicated (to me) a possible bent frame, or miss drilled cylinder pin hole putting stress on the latch end of the pin.  


   I hate it that you are having such problems, so far I've fired 60 rounds without any issues.


Thegunsmith: Thank you for your concern, I wish I wasn't having problems, I really do like the gun, it is very cool and quite a conversation piece at the range!!


   MB Members: I am not trying to be a "complainer", just giving a realistic review on the ups and downs of my mini. I probably over use my guns, you know, Group Therapy, right? lol

   I was in the middle of a 550 pack of Federal .22LR, (when I get in my groove, I can shoot for hours, that's why I don't shoot .45!!), when the cylinder pin fell apart. I have shot over 750 rounds through the mini since I bought it, a combo of both LR and Magnum.I believe a gun should be able to be fired thousands of times without ANY mishap which has been the case with all of my other handguns.

   Again, CS was very nice, she immediately told me she would get a new one out right away, but I just don't see how a GUN can have so many problems, I guess I have been lucky with all my other gun purchases...


You must have run some bad luck. I have owned my mini since 2000 and have put literally THOUSANDS of rounds through it without any hiccups.


I got my cylinder pin today! Works better than the original, seems much smoother. I will be firing it tomorrow, see how it goes. I am actually getting pretty accurate with it.


Well, I bought the NAA Mini .22 Mag. The gun failed immediately, and after  2 weeks at the factory it came back with new parts and they comped me a .22LR Cylinder.  

   After a few rounds with my freshly repaired gun, the Cylinder pin self destructed!  I called NAA CS and she sent me a new one within 4 days!

   Now, I was shooting it today using the .22 Mag cylinder. The NAA Holster Grip started to hyperextend after each shot...I had to fix the grip and the cylinder pin had to be adjusted after every shot.  

   I have had problems since day one with this gun, I would not buy one to actually shoot, definitely cannot trust it as a defensive pistol... I've put around 1000 rounds downrange since I bought it last month.

   It cannot keep up with my weekly shooting routine...

   UPDATE on THIRD MAJOR PROBLEM, had the gun sinve July: This time. North American Arms has had my gun for OVER two weeks, I called CS and was told that it just got to the technicians and they will check it out and send it back at the end of next week. Last I knew, she said it would most likely be replaced with a new good gun

   This gun is a real POJ. It has spent more time with FedEx and the NAA factory than it has been at my home or range. I have had several situations where I could not carry normally and wished I had MY GUN THAT I BOUGHT JUST FOR THAT SITUATION, the NAA Mini .22 WMR Revolver w/ Holster Grip!!

   What really chaps my hide is that everyone keeps saying how great the guns are for a  CCW. Heck, I put this thing on my permit, but now I  can't count on it to fire more than the first shot. Talk about buyers remorse! This is by far the worst gun I ever bought!!!


I dunno...maybe you should get one to carry and another to shoot the crap out of.


   Or get a Black Widow or Pug - they are sturdier and have a more secure cylinder pin latch.




   Man that sucks! I feel your pain, but hope you have a lot better luck with your replacement!

   I for one haven't shared your problem with any of the NAA products, but I'm sure a bad one slips by once in a while. Hope it gets resolves to your satisfaction!


Some of the parts for NAA come from outside venders, which makes quality control more diffucult. Sometimes they can get a whole batch of parts that might fit, but are not up to snuff. When tested with 5 shots that work and a problem shows up later, which can happen, they do what ever it takes to make things right, and they are very nice about it. As small as those guns are, and perfect as some of the parts have to fit together, they do pretty good.



   What parts are not made by NAA?

   That sucks!


Frazierdave - I can understand why you are angry. I second the suggestion that  

   you try a Pug or Black Widow, assuming that you even want to give NAA another  

   chance. I do think your gun is atypical. I have fired hundreds of rounds through  

   two of my minis and have not encountered any problem attributable to the guns.


   Gunr - If you read Sandy's Soapbox for July and September this year you will see  

   that the cylinders and cylinder pins are supplied by other companies. Also it is clear  

   from Sandy's statement "(I don't expect us to build an investment casting foundry,  

   or to make grips, springs, holsters and the like)" that all cast parts are made  

   by others. If I understand correctly that would be the frame, barrel, hammer, and trigger  

   since they all appear to be cast.



Ok, 4th time shooting with mini revolver, I am becoming a fan!  

   This gun is fun  to shoot, a challenge at a distance, and will knock down speed plates and metal jumping rabbits at the range. I have not had any problems other than the cylinder becoming too hot to handle due to my extensive firing.

   Accuracy is acceptable now that I have the aiming down (Thanks to the tips from board members!).

   I have confidence now that this is indeed a quality firearm, so much so that I decided to list it on my CCW.  Good little CONCEALABLE gun when I can't have my normal CCW gun (Glock26) due to possible printing, too much physical contact with people, wardrobe changes, etc.  


   I am curious though, has anyone had to actually draw a mini in a defensive situation, and did it deter the perp or cause further action to be neccessary?


Good day.  


   Been lurking for a while. I was able to.pick up and "used" 1/8 mini with original box. For 100. When I got home I.found the gun was new in box! I also had a custom buckle made for it
">" alt="" />  


   Anyways great site.


Nice pick-up Glock - welcome!