Why All the Shootings?

Started by ronald arand, April-03-12 16:04

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ronald arand

With the recent Kali shooting ,and all of the others that have happened recently, has anyone else wandered what or maybe who is behind it. I also think some are to come out of Florida, before it is all over.

     I read somewhere that the new terrorist attacks will posssibly be shootings like this in the U.S. Has anyone else thought of this or possibly this could be an anti gun agenda. I don't think I am crazy, just thinking out loud and curious if I am the only one. Your thoughts.


Maybe some of these guys are just sitting back waiting for something to trigger their minds into initiating some violence.  

   Then a couple of shooting occur, and something inside them says. I gotta be part of this! and off they go! Bang ity bang bang!


Rich Benjamin, writer for the New York Times wrote a headline today that said that Trevon was "MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD"!!!!

   What an idiot!


people are just crazy.  this is why i've said i wouldn't mind a background check with a mental assessment as well.  sure it would take more time to get my gun but the crazies wouldn't be able to get one legally.  guess they'd get them anyway, that's usually how these shooters roll.  i don't think it's an anti-gun agenda- don't think they'd kill people to get their way (restrictive gun laws).  


   doubt it's terrorism, but could be.  i frequented the gas station and craft store where one was killed and one was wounded by those crazy terrorists that were shooting people from the trunk of a car with an AR.  that was some terror.  people were afraid to walk to their cars.


Ksmoose,,,,,3 words====so-called "Gun free zones":::::::

   schools, universities, some churches, military bases, places of employment, big cities....

   predators look for easy prey


Sorry could not tolerate the wait to get my gun if they did a mental assessment. People need to realize that the world is not a nice place and there is no way to lessen or control what a crazy/criminal will do.  


   We must simply be prepared to fend for ourselves and help our neighbors as best we can and make sure to punish the offenders so bad that they no longer have the will or the life to try it again. Accept the world for what it is and make it easy for the law abiders to get what we want and stop wasting time, effort and money worrying about how to place "pre-crime" ideas into effect.


   In response; I would hazard to say that the rates of shootings are not up drastically if at all. They are probably just being reported more due to the facts concerning the Trevon incident and hence deemed more news worthy. By this I mean what all tv news these days is about: selling advertising time. If you can get the people to watch you can sell more commercials and at higher fees.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


LOL, I can imagine if some dolt tried to be a shooter at my Church. I will bet that half the peeps there are armed. He would be Swiss Cheese man!


   .......does anybody here think I should have a mental assessment? LOL


I agree Roquets1,,,,,,

   I believe, though I could be wrong, that the FBI stats show violent crime is actually down historically which seems counter-intuitive in a bad economy;;;;

    probably more guns in the US today than ever;;;;;;

   reporting has a lot to do with it. anti-gunners and the Obama admin. even resorted to fast and furious to try and create violence.


You would never pass Chops........
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


The simple fact that the Left resorted to such a wild scheme shows that they do not have the Kudos in Washington to do it through regular channels and that they seriously feel an emergency that they are losing fast. That poor Border Guard that died has created a big win for the Freedom of this country!

   Obama looks at Europe and sees that the guns were collected in some of the small countries and sees no reason why that can not happen here. I feel that this would be an impossibility in this vast land. In the South and the West there are literally tens if not hundreds of millions of guns that are not registered. I think if they tried to take them all of these would be pointed....... at them, with Constitutional backing!!!!!!!!


Speaking of mental assessments: No disrespect to any practitioners here, but has anybody ever thought about the fact that psychology/psychiatry is the only medicinal art not based upon science backed research. It is by its very nature based mostly upon theory and interpretation. Thus hard and fast rules for such is difficult at best.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Speaking of mental assessments: No disrespect to any practitioners here, but has anybody ever thought about the fact that psychology/psychiatry is the only medicinal art not based upon science backed research. It is by its very nature based mostly upon theory and interpretation. Thus hard and fast rules for such is difficult at best.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Oops, not sure how that happened. Oh well.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Roguets, if you clik on that little white square with the tiny pencil at the top right of your post you can go back and edit it.....if you didn't already know.


Media manipulated reporting combined with sensationalism and the sound bite. Loose cannon reporters and uneducated representatives of psuedo legal authority having no knowledge of laws related to "stand your ground" or "castle" seeking to influence a mass audience based on emotion toward a specific purpose. I might add that because of the sales idiots and the unstable are bound to make headlines in such a enviroment which plays into the hands of lawmakers bent on their agendas. The thinking non violent man or woman these media manipulators have no need to fear.


Fear is a prime motivation it keeps the masses in check. Consider reading a bit about "inverted totalitarianism".


"Obama looks at Europe and sees that the guns were collected in some of the small countries and sees no reason why that can not happen here. I feel that this would be an impossibility in this vast land. In the South and the West there are literally tens if not hundreds of millions of guns that are not registered. I think if they tried to take them all of these would be pointed....... at them, with Constitutional backing!!!!!!!!"


   Does anybody else find it ironic that when I mentioned this in another thread everybody jumped all over my shit and told me that it could never happen there would never be an uprising in this country and everyone would just hand over there guns if they came knocking for them but Chops says the same thing here and nobody says anything about it?  Just thought that was odd...


   In other news, shootings are not uncommon.  I live a short distance from a relatively small town called Stockton.  Years ago it used to be a pretty nice place but now its the kinda town where they sweep up the eyeballs every morning.  With the town close to bankruptcy and the police force cut to shreds we are surprised if we turn on the morning news and there WASN'T a shooting there.  Hell even if there is only 1 that wasn't a bad night.  I don't see any of those shooting make the national news.  Apparently it is ok if the gang bangers shoot each other but its no good if one of us or the cops happen to shoot them.  Then we must have been looking for a fight.  Have never been able to figure that out but it is what it is....




   Did "I" disagree with you?


Um actually chops no I don't think you did.  AND that comment wasn't directed at you!  But some who are VERY close to you did disagree with me.  Just thought it was ironic that it is OK for you but not OK for me that's all.  Nothing meant to be directed at YOU in anyway really not directed at anybody like I said above I just thought it was odd that's all just odd....


Well then they will have to deal with me....and you then won't they! LOL

   I would have been surprised because my view on that is pretty cut and dry. If I had misspoken I would have had to blame Jim!


I find it interesting that no one in the media has mentioned that most of these horrible shootings seem to occur where the victims are either presumed to be or known to be unarmed. Schools, churches, etc. If you look at the shooters, they have broken numerous gun laws and other laws as well; the victims are sitting ducks
When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson



   I hear you on that. University of Oregon here, had a big thing going about allowing guns on campus.  

   Some stores and restaurants even put up signs stating that guns are not allowed in their place, How foolish!

   If you were going to rob a store would you pick the one where guns were allowed, or not allowed?


Yes Chops I know. I was referring to how I got two of the same posts placed while trying to correct my spelling??????????? No clue how I pulled that one off..........
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I remember a number of years ago a shooting of a number of people at Wyatt's outside of Dallas or Waco and the people were just mowed down. I have a feeling in todays Texas the shooter would not come out of it alive.


In Australia they outlawed guns. The crime rate immediately spiked and has stayed at the higher rate!

   Simple common sense will tell you that if you know that EVERYONE has a gun you may think twice before committing a crime. If you know that no one has a gun it is pretty much a free for all!


Along with the fear of being shot by a person who is not a police officer it instills a proper "respect" knowing that you could breathe your last breath if you don't have the proper respect and forethoughtful consideration for your actions.


An armed society is a polite society...



Westerly, I lived in Stockton for 30 years before moving back to eastern Washington State in 2003. It was bad then and worse now. But as I understand it it is still almost impossible to get a CCW there. I remember I had to give a real good reason and then alot of brown-nosing to get a CCW.  Where about do you live?

     I can imagine how the political leaders there will react IF National Reciprocity becomes law and they are FORCED to recognize other State permits. Imagine their panic!

     You are absolutely(along with Gunr) correct in that an armed society is a polite society.

    If gun-free zones worked so well why are so many people killed in them? COULD IT BE THAT THE CRIMMINALS DONT OBEY THE LAW?  

     Wes I hope that you live in another County other than San Joaquin because other Counties are easier to get permits, for instance Calaveras.


Oh in applying in San Jaoquin County I managed to keep it secret about my passion for going up and down chimneys and my nice padded room with the tight jacket. At least Im free now.


This could be what a gun-free zone looks like.

When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson


I called the sheriff's office today. My renewal for my CCW permit is about due. I've had a license in this state for 12 years, and THIS time I've got to show them my passport or birth certificate. I guess they want to make sure I wasn't an illegal alien when I first applied!


   Could be worse, I could still be living in Sunny Kalifornia



   If they can ask you for that then you must be white.  

   If you weren't, then they couldn't or you could start a stink.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


.....I am guessing that he is really, really, really white!
