Kel tek PMR 30???

Started by sirbarkalot, October-15-10 16:10

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I must admit that I missed the most important last part:


   "Walk it like I talk it.  

   Scribe it like I vibe it.  




   .......I also have one word and that is ......WOW!!!!!!!  

cedarview kid

I think I'm too old for this "hip talk." Where I'm from, "word" is  supposed to a part of a sentence, not an exclamation. LOLz.


As a member of KTOG, I have some sad news, the few PMR30's out are developing serious problems within 200 rounds."> so I guess I'll wait till they get them sorted out.I did pick up a 709 Slim a week ago.Should get to the range sometime next week.


You'll love the 'Slim'.  The double strike capability is there if you need it.  And, the pistol is so thin it makes rear jean pocket carry a dream.  I have a blued as well as a stainless.  I haven't been able to locate a titanium version.


   a video ant there are a number of jams or FTFs/FTEs



   I have to keep up with some of the lingo to know what the heck my teenage son is talking about.. so snap yo diggity n bust yo twankies on yo hoop dawg  lol

cedarview kid

I think there's a good reason why .22 Magnums in an auto handgun has not become popular. I was hoping the PMR-30 would overcome some of these issues. Perhaps not...


ok so we lost madhat, the dang martians done got him.,either that er he's a rootin fer obango lol hahahaha. why is everbody tryin to talk like a black ????????? i jus dont git it  wroffwroff


I usually just torment my son when he starts talkin jive-turkey.. but i have had to find what some of the crap means so I know what he is saying to me.. he has been getting pretty "hip n wid it" the last few years lol.. makes me feel old lol


I understand that with kids you want to be in their environment to keep in touch with them, which is very important...BUT, otherwise, SPEAK ENGLISH!!!   PLEASE!

   There is no reason that a 38 year old man needs to come in to a business and "Jive Talk" to the point of not being able to be understood. This to me, is the same pet peeve as, "Press One For English"!!!!!


my wife and I always end up singing parts of the "pretty fly for a white guy" song to him.. lol it has cut down on some of the gangsta lingo.. he stays away from most of it but does bring home some of the talk from time to time.. he is doing pretty good at following the leather jacket and rock music mentality of my wife and I.. lol just like dad..... THREAD DRIFT lol



Yer kid looks just like you Jason!!!


Anyone know anything about the Smith &Wesson 380 Bodyguard?


I fondled one at the gun store and was not impressed at all with a second hand attempt at a Ruger/Kel-Tec .380. The laser control is just stupid. It is a button under the front of the barrel and turns it on and off giving the BG a very good target to shoot at. The LCR has a nice laser control in the grip. Squeeze it with your grip hand, aquire target, fire and releas. The BG only sees the laser for a second. Their second hand attempt at the LCR is even worse with the laser control on top of the gun......sorry just not impressed at all. If it had no laser and was a couple hundred dollars less it might be ok but I think I would still go for something else that was less money and or smaller.


Lashlarue, thanks a bunch for the most disappointing info. I was holding out for one of these, but not if they are having issues. When the Automag II came out I bought the first one the gun shop got. It was flawless through my ownership and later for a friend who bought if from me. Wish I had it back!


   Madhat: YO! Good looking kids - what do they do when Halloween comes around, dress conservative?


lol, depends on the kid.. they get to pick what they want to be and we do our best to accomodate them.. my oldest usually just does the easy rout and squirts fake boold all over and calls himself a zombie.then he steals my leather jacket and calls it a costume lol... he got himself his own leather jacket a couple of months ago, so I dont need to worry about mine getting trashed lol


and by the way arnt purple mohawks conservative?.. maybe thats why I get wierd looks when I go duck hunting


Maybe your hunting partners are not looking at you at all.........  they may be thinking about shooting the ducks roosting in the purple mohawk.  


   You don't hunt with the ex-vice pres do you?????


   (another example of childish humor....)


If you did the mohawk in Blaze Orange, it would help you not get shot by the other hunters!